Will McCarthy be SOH?

I'm torn on this, all things considered.

First, yes, I am entertained by the VERY FIRDT THING the new GOP majority in the House does is to have a meltdown.

Second, it sucks that he would have to kow tow to the worst of the worst in the GOP just get the position. The notion of that rag tag bunch having this kind of power is downright depressing. One worries, what is the alternative?

Third, I think it does show that a strong willed person has to have this job. As much as you might dislike her, Pelosi ran a reasonably tight ship. It might have led to more things getting done you don't like. ... but things got done. Even of MacCarthy pulls this off he'll be on the firing line every day.
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Y’all do realize it doesn’t matter because it’s the uniparty versus the citizens.

It’s not D versus R.
It’s D and R versus us.
This is where the Republicans underperforming in the mid-term elections becomes a big deal. They have such a slim majority that it gives the extremist faction of the Republican Party (nuts like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert and Paul Gosar) more power than what is productive for them to have.

You are pointing the finger in the wrong direction. It's not "uniparty" vs anything. It's extremism vs normalcy.
This is where the Republicans underperforming in the mid-term elections becomes a big deal. They have such a slim majority that it gives the extremist faction of the Republican Party (nuts like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert and Paul Gosar) more power than what is productive for them to have.

You are pointing the finger in the wrong direction. It's not "uniparty" vs anything. It's extremism vs normalcy.

Damn son..ypu need to take a real look at your own party. Shall we list them for fun?
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This is where the Republicans underperforming in the mid-term elections becomes a big deal. They have such a slim majority that it gives the extremist faction of the Republican Party (nuts like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert and Paul Gosar) more power than what is productive for them to have.

You are pointing the finger in the wrong direction. It's not "uniparty" vs anything. It's extremism vs normalcy.
I agree with your last sentence. But not the way you think.
Damn son..ypu need to take a real look at your own party. Shall we list them for fun?
I understand that both parties have a problem with extremism. The post wasn't meant to be interpreted as it being exclusive to Republicans, but since this thread is specific to the subject of Kevin McCarthy and his Speaker of the House vote, only the Republican faction was mentioned.

So ... "Damn son ... quit being so sensitive."
Has there ever been anybody who got in bed with Trump and didn't regret it?

Wow. Your TDS has progressed to the point of you spending your nights typing out references of getting in bed with Trump. I bet you dream about Trump even and wake up mad because you don't want to admit that your subconscious is right. You've fallen in love with Trump.
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I really fear that Jim "Rolled Up Sleeves" Jordan will find his way into leadership, and he's just an awful human being.
Yes, I suspect that's what will happen, and his primary agenda will be Hunter Biden investigations, which will not help the country one iota.
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Curious who folks on the board want as SOH (aside from letting this go on for perpetuity and gridlock). Seems like McCarthy is pretty universally disliked here.
Wow. Your TDS has progressed to the point of you spending your nights typing out references of getting in bed with Trump. I bet you dream about Trump even and wake up mad because you don't want to admit that your subconscious is right. You've fallen in love with Trump.
I hope the do vote in McCarthy once he agrees to their list. Then as soon as everyone is sworn in, he is unpacked, and new staff is hired etc. Once all that's done, on that same day, fire him and get him to resign. Then hopefully he spends the rest of his days being reminded by everyone he meets in every interaction that he's a backstabbing traitor hated by everyone everywhere he goes.
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Or they throw McCarthy in solitary for Insurrection charges he got when he tried to take the Speakers Office by force. Then he can stay locked up while everyone he betrayed makes speeches referring to it by day and how it it was the worst day in America since ever. And a bunch of dumb lines like that is all he gets to hear about for years until he's done more time than the longest jan6ther's sentence and gone completely insane from listening to the same kind of ridiculous propaganda that he used to betray his own people with on Jan6th all those years ago. Then, he fades to black as the money that should've been used on his medical bills is instead sent to Ukraine for their war with Russia that rages on even all these many years later.

Sorry I'm bored. Really I hope they elect no speaker and Congress is unable to function.
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It's odd to me that as disliked as McCarthy is here only one TN Representative (Ogles in the 5th District) voted against McCarthy. The Dem in Memphis doesn't count.

It seems we're not representative here or our GOP Representatives aren't doing what we elected them to do.
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It's odd to me that as disliked as McCarthy is here only one TN Representative (Ogles in the 5th District) voted against McCarthy. The Dem in Memphis doesn't count.

It seems we're not representative here or our GOP Representatives aren't doing what we elected them to do.

I contacted Tim Burchett voicing my opposition to McCarthy. His response included this gem. “I voted for Rep. McCarthy because there were no other viable candidates.”

In other words, Burchett thinks McCarthy is the only person who will be successful despite McCarthy’s pathetic and losing record in Congress for the last 15 years.
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