So your saying he stopped bleeding the moment he got to his feet?
Reportedly the bleeding was stopped by paramedics while Zimmerman was in the back of a squad car on the scene, waiting to be transported to the police station.
it is known. this man killed gary coleman.
What happened to Trayvon the 13 year old, apparently clean cut youngster, in the four years in which he grew to be 17, evidently wanna be gansta?
Other than lakidaislical, irresponsible parenting, (as mentioned by Bill Cosby at an NCAA convention), could it be a culture that lauds gansta rap, violence, denegration of women and promotes the young tough guy image?
You guys are bickering about ambiguous perspectives perpetuated via the media. Does anybody see the insanity with this?
This is the most extensive coverage I've seen on any one particular site:
Trayvon Martin case: He was suspended three times and caught with 'burglary tool' | Mail Online
The national attention from perennial leaders of the black community, Sharpton and Rev Jesse Jackson is not welcome, according to C.L. Bryant, the former head of the NAACP in Garland, Texas.
'His family should be outraged at the fact that theyre using this child as the bait to inflame racial passions,' the conservative pastor told the Daily Caller.
He said they were 'acting as though they are buzzards circling the carcass of this young boy.
Ms Fulton, Trayvon's mother, filed applications with the U.S. Trademark and Patent Office to seek ownership of the phrases 'I Am Trayvon' and 'Justice for Trayvon which supporters have adopted as rallying cries.
Since police had no way of identifying Trayvon, other than a package of skittles, they held his body and it was three days before his mother filed a missing person's report.
This story reminds me of a few years ago a friend of mine was walking home, about two city blocks, from a sports bar and a young black man jumped him from the bushes in an attempt at strong armed robbery.
Wrong guy, although he looked like a frail old man, this guy had served in Vietnam as a Green Beret LRR and had performed several solo long range reconasaince missions into the DMZ and Laos.
After a brief struggle the would be robber was flat on his back, his would be victim had his throat gripped and the other hand cocked to drive the boy's nose up into his brain while simultaniously ripping out his esophagus.
He caught himself before delivering the coup de gras, picked the boy up by his lapels, reached into his pocket, pulled out his hankerchief, wiped the blood from his face and said; 'son, you need to find another line of work, you just ain't cut out to be a strong arm robber.'
He let the boy (that he thought couldn't have been more than 16), go and didn't even call the police.
But now I wonder, what if he had killed the kid, would the story have been twisted into a scenario where he would have been the racist criminal?
At any rate he said before he really hurting the kid; 'I realized in that moment, I had already killed more men than I ever had wanted to in one lifetime.'