Will You Recognize and Support the Presidential Election Results?

Will You Recognize and Support the Presidential Election Results?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 71 88.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 9 11.3%

  • Total voters
It absolutely is politically motivated, I'm just saying that it also happens to be IMO the right thing to do (even if for the wrong reasons) and that I personally would applaud a Republican doing the same.

I would call out a Republican doing it as a form of vote buying just like Bloomberg is doing . Pay them off in a non election year if you are truly sincere about it . At least then it’s not so obvious.
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It absolutely is politically motivated, I'm just saying that it also happens to be IMO the right thing to do (even if for the wrong reasons) and that I personally would applaud a Republican doing the same.
The right thing to do would be to do it anonymously if the reason was to help them. He is taking advantage of them. You are a lawyer, correct ? Why don't you dabble in this in your spare time? Maybe some legislation that says after time served you get your record expunged if you are a non -violent offender. That way they can actually get past the application phase of hiring.
"In the space of a single sentence uttered Thursday, FBI Director Christopher Wray unwound months of wild conspiracy theories pushed by President Donald Trump and his allies about mail-in ballots in the 2020 election.

"Now, we have not seen, historically, any kind of coordinated national voter fraud effort in a major election, whether it's by mail or otherwise," Wray said in response to a question about the safety of voting by mail, which millions of Americans are expected to do amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Wray was testifying in front of the Senate Homeland Security Committee. Under oath. Meaning that if he didn't tell the truth about his knowledge in regard to what he knew about the record of fraudulent voting by mail, he would be committing a crime.

None of that stopped the White House from attacking Wray for his assertion.

"With all due respect to Director Wray, he has a hard time finding emails in his own FBI, let alone figuring out whether there's any kind of voter fraud," White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said Friday morning on CBS.

# # #

Meadows is such a douche. Pure rhetoric. Give us some examples of real, widespread voter fraud, Meathead.

I seriously hate this guy and the whole "Freedom Caucus" band of weasels.
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Omg standing in line. How very average.

Seriously how first world can you get?

How progressive most would say. Red hat Republicans "hell no I had walk to the polling place in the snow uphill both ways with indians chasing me".
Why are there always long lines to vote in minority neighborhoods?

Because the people they continue to elect don't give a **** about them and do not devote the resources to those areas. It's a local issue, why is that so hard for you to understand?
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My idea of progress would be Americans not whining like children over minor inconveniences.
More you whining you don't want people to vote absentee and they should stand in line. Basically your whining because you're against the idea.
More you whining you don't want people to vote absentee and they should stand in line. Basically your whining because you're against the idea.

I admit that I would like to see absentee voting curtailed but I haven't whined about it. You're still under the illusion that the vote-by-mail system the dems want is the same the absentee ballot system.
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I admit that I would like to see absentee voting curtailed but I haven't whined about it. You're still under the illusion that the vote-by-mail system the dems want is the same the absentee ballot system.
Which state do you want to compare the democrats vision with? Are you still under the impression they are all the same?
I’m a pragmatist. I’d settle for a win in SECCG this decade.

Me. too. I'm thinking it will still take another couple of years before the recruiting successes we're beginning to see will really start to kick in on the field. Good starters make for great enthusiasm, but it takes serious depth to win consistently. After Dickey retired, the run of bad ADs and their poor choices did a lot of damage.
Me. too. I'm thinking it will still take another couple of years before the recruiting successes we're beginning to see will really start to kick in on the field. Good starters make for great enthusiasm, but it takes serious depth to win consistently. After Dickey retired, the run of bad ADs and their poor choices did a lot of damage.
How we hired Hamilton and Currie is beyond me.

Dave Hart was bad too, but inherited a dumpster fire.
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Why are there always long lines to vote in minority neighborhoods?
With early voting opportunities widely available, I guess there are long lines because that's they way they prefer it.

Or, the media is misleading you.
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