Will You Recognize and Support the Presidential Election Results?

Will You Recognize and Support the Presidential Election Results?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 71 88.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 9 11.3%

  • Total voters
President Trump won't commit to a peaceful transfer of power should he lose the election. He's stated that the only way he can lose the upcoming election is if it's "rigged". Given Trump's history, it seems probable that Trump would *never* willingly concede an election loss to Biden. Further, it seems probable that Trump will challenge the election results through any means at his disposal including legal challenges, attempted influence of the electoral college process at the state level, etc.

In sum, it's likely that *if* Trump loses the apparent votes / EC necessary to remain President, he won't go without a fight.

So, in light of the forthcoming claims by Trump of election "fraud" and being "rigged", will you recognize the election results or will you back a President trying to remain in office despite losing the election? I've simplified the options to only "yes" or "no", because it's a given that Trump will allege the election is bogus if he loses in the polls.

It seems like a question that's insane to even pose, but that's where we are at this point.

This is really just a different angle on the same charge Hillary leveled in 2016. And the Democrats have spent four years not accepting the results of the election. You guys are such Gomers.
More Democrat projection. You can pretty much assume anything out there that Democrats are accusing Republicans of, they are either doing currently or are planning to do when they get a chance.
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Here we are .. (again ) . I posed the question then bumped it ( same as I did before ) I’m sure you can find it if you tried . I mean you posted right under it and I know you get little notifications like we all do . 😊

Dude, you are so lame. Done.
Idiots are the only ones concerned about a peaceful transition of power should Trump lose.

"At President Trump’s Wednesday evening news conference, a reporter asked the president, “Will you commit to making sure that there is a peaceful transferral of power after the election?”

In normal times, the answer would be obvious. But under Trump, such questions are seemingly designed to elicit an authoritarian response.

“Well, we’re gonna have to see what happens,” Trump replied, echoing his previous unwillingness to state definitively that he would accept the results of the 2020 election. This reply immediately got attention online.

But Trump’s refusal to answer the question wasn’t nearly as scary as what came after.

“Get rid of the ballots and you’ll have a peaceful—there won’t be a transfer, frankly,” Trump continued. “There’ll be a continuation.”

# # #

If that doesn't concern you, you're part of the problem.
It's going to be sad if our democracy falls apart over Biden and Trump....these two POS's are not worth fighting for. It seems likely that we're going to have a very controversial election and possibly few will come out of it with any faith in the system anymore.
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My prediction is when Trump does win we will see even more riots and civil disobedience from the left. That's what people should be concerned about.

Put your money where your mouth is, Hog.

Trump wins, you select a new avatar for me. Biden wins, I select a new avatar for you.

Loser has the avatar from January 20, 2021 to January 20, 2022.
"At President Trump’s Wednesday evening news conference, a reporter asked the president, “Will you commit to making sure that there is a peaceful transferral of power after the election?”

In normal times, the answer would be obvious. But under Trump, such questions are seemingly designed to elicit an authoritarian response.

“Well, we’re gonna have to see what happens,” Trump replied, echoing his previous unwillingness to state definitively that he would accept the results of the 2020 election. This reply immediately got attention online.

But Trump’s refusal to answer the question wasn’t nearly as scary as what came after.

“Get rid of the ballots and you’ll have a peaceful—there won’t be a transfer, frankly,” Trump continued. “There’ll be a continuation.”

# # #

If that doesn't concern you, you're part of the problem.

Can you point to a time where he has taken an authoritarian response or ignored the courts? Just how do you suppose he would prevent a transition of power?
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Put your money where your mouth is, Hog.

Trump wins, you select a new avatar for me. Biden wins, I select a new avatar for you.

Loser has the avatar from January 20, 2021 to January 20, 2022.

I'm not into stupid bets that winning gets me nothing. We both lose regardless of who wins but on the continuum of loss Biden winning would be a worse one.
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You're not the least bit worried that Trump and his zealots are going to resist election results if he doesn't win? I'm not saying any real problem is likely, but I also wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility. Trump's laid down a thousand bread crumbs of clues to his authoritarian views. He'll fold if he doesn't have a lot of support, which is probably what will happen, but if he does have a lot of support, he's exactly the kind of guy that will gladly create this kind of chaos.
I'm not. I don't trust anything a politician says. I don't try to look for the intent with liars.

If his most zealot followers resist the results, they will be squashed like the bugs they are.
I'm not. I don't trust anything a politician says. I don't try to look for the intent with liars.

If his most zealot followers resist the results, they will be squashed like the bugs they are.

Yeah, and that's not a good outcome.

Not sure what trusting politicians has to do with it.
I'm not. I don't trust anything a politician says. I don't try to look for the intent with liars.

If his most zealot followers resist the results, they will be squashed like the bugs they are.

I'll say this, I bet any idiots using violence to resist the results of Trump losing will see swift and harsh reaction from the local PDs.
Can you point to a time where he has taken an authoritarian response or ignored the courts? Just how do you suppose he would prevent a transition of power?

Words matter. Who knows... incite a revolution of his base comes to mind. Seems most are pretty gullible.
Yeah, and that's not a good outcome.

Not sure what trusting politicians has to do with it.

It may not be a good outcome. Sometimes, violent and death is the best classroom for growth and development. If his supporters go that path, it will be a path they chose. And they will face the consequences of that decision.
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I'll say this, I bet any idiots using violence to resist the results of Trump losing will see swift and harsh reaction from the local PDs.

This is something to be concerned about, given how many riots have transpired recently at the hands of Trump supporters.
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I'm not into stupid bets that winning gets me nothing. We both lose regardless of who wins but on the continuum of loss Biden winning would be a worse one.

Lame. Guess you're not so confident that Trump will win after all, huh.

Words matter. Who knows... incite a revolution of his base comes to mind. Seems most are pretty gullible.

Yep, just as I thought. Ya got nothing.

You guys have begged for him to take authoritarian action numerous times over mass shootings and Covid yet he has not. Record speaks for itself.
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I'll say this, I bet any idiots using violence to resist the results of Trump losing will see swift and harsh reaction from the local PDs.
if djt zealots aren't taking up arms against thuggish rioters currently, I doubt strongly they have the stomach to stand their ground for an ousted president. Lotta talkers out there. very few will put their life or livelihood on the line.
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It may not be a good outcome. Sometimes, violent and death is the best classroom for growth and development. If his supporters go that path, it will be a path they chose. And they will face the consequences of that decision.

FTR, I don't think it's going to be an actual war either way. I just think some people will do violence. I'm not going out on a limb here. We've already seen it from both sides. I'm just not sure we will see a significant amount of it.
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