Will You Recognize and Support the Presidential Election Results?

Will You Recognize and Support the Presidential Election Results?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 71 88.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 9 11.3%

  • Total voters
Best way to head them off would to be to set a deadline. The Dems need to come half way and set a reasonable, to them, deadline where no new votes are counted. Recounts of what is already there are fine. But the rest are cut off.

3 days, 5 days, a week. Pick one and stick with it.

If you go with this "until every vote is counted" with the very clear subtext of "until biden is the winner" it wont sell. Especially if you only start pushing a date AFTER the fact.

So I will ask again LG, give me an actual number of days the first count should continue too?
They just found another hanging chad. Gore is now officially the 43rd President.
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Give me a break. have you been asleep since 2016. The entire left still hasn't conceded the 2016 election still. Now we are all supposed to believe Trump is the guy who won't leave office. They asked him the same thing in 2016 about if he would concede to an election that hasn't even happened yet. It's so dumb

Not sure why you'd make such sweeping statements. For starters, I accept the 2016 results. Period. Pretty sure the vast majority of left-leaning folks here do, too. In fact, I honestly don't know a single person who says he "stole the election" or anything of the sort.

Second, asking Trump if he'll accept the election results is 100% a legitimate question. Why? At least 2 reasons:

(1) He's already on the record as stating the "only way he'll lose is if the election is rigged"; and
(2) He's not even willing to publicly state that he'll ensure a peaceful transition of power if he does lose.

The only dumb thing here is ignoring what our President says. Words matter.

Our country ignored the war-of-words threat of Al Queda back in the 1990's when they openly declared "war" against the United States. Remember that? How'd that turn out?

Again, words matter. Especially those of the President.
Not sure why you'd make such sweeping statements. For starters, I accept the 2016 results. Period. Pretty sure the vast majority of left-leaning folks here do, too. In fact, I honestly don't know a single person who says he "stole the election" or anything of the sort.

Second, asking Trump if he'll accept the election results is 100% a legitimate question. Why? At least 2 reasons:

(1) He's already on the record as stating the "only way he'll lose is if the election is rigged"; and
(2) He's not even willing to publicly state that he'll ensure a peaceful transition of power if he does lose.

The only dumb thing here is ignoring what our President says. Words matter.
u must be an abberation because literally every single lefty I've ever talked to still thinks he's a Putin plant.

I can't remember any other election where the media was so focused on asking a nominee if they were going to accept the results of an election that hasn't happened. It's a ridiculous question and frankly quite dangerous to imply a sitting president may need to be foreceably removed.
If every vote is counted, yes.

I have little confidence in that, however, and based on polling as to who is going to vote in absentee manner, I expect to see a slight edge to Trump in a number of battleground states on the night of, and the day following, the election. But as the absentee ballots are counted and the numbers swing towards Biden, I fully expect Trump and Barr to engage in a vigorous legal campaign, on numerous fronts, backed by state Republican Legislatures, to attempt to stop counting of those ballots.

In that event, and in the event it is shown that it is reasonably likely that a full counting would have resulted in a Trump loss, no, I would not accept the results and encourage people to take any necessary action to prevent the tyranny it would represent.

And I would hope that my fellow Americans would honor the very foundation of the country: every vote counts and every vote should be counted.

Awesome, Trump wins by a landslide on election night.
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Everyone needs to realize this is 2020.....your guy isnt going to win. That's just not how this year works.
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Sorry for the delay in answering. I am worried about lower courts continually extending time for mail in ballots to be received because they don’t like the current results and are hoping more ballots come in for their preferred side. They constantly increase voting hours in some neighborhoods. what makes you think they won’t do this for mail in votes? Don’t be surprised to see lawyers arguing in front of judges to extend the time to receive and count ballots for weeks. This is how more democratic ballots are magically found. That is my only worry about this election. If something like that happens the perceived integrity of the election goes right out the window especially if one or two of these happen that determines the outcome of a national election

Most states have in place something like a ten day window after Nov. 3 for votes to be received. That's nothing new and votes received within the prescribed period should be accepted.

Two things have occurred which appear designed to tinker with that. First, a number of states have in place a rule that the vote counting does not begin until election day. The worry is that this places a strain on those states where mail in voting is heavy. And that it becomes a justification to ignore mailed in ballots coming in towards the end of that process.

Second, related, this is why Team Trump monkeyed with the postal service. To delay arrival of mail in ballots sent in towards the end of the process.

You are an abject fool if you don't think that Trump et al aren't trying to stifle votes. Just a complete idiot if you think its totally clean and not being manipulated.
Best way to head them off would to be to set a deadline. The Dems need to come half way and set a reasonable, to them, deadline where no new votes are counted. Recounts of what is already there are fine. But the rest are cut off.

3 days, 5 days, a week. Pick one and stick with it.

If you go with this "until every vote is counted" with the very clear subtext of "until biden is the winner" it wont sell. Especially if you only start pushing a date AFTER the fact.

So I will ask again LG, give me an actual number of days the first count should continue too?

Its state by state. Not going to go double check right now, but I believe for example in Ohio they don't certify for ten days.
Most states have in place something like a ten day window after Nov. 3 for votes to be received. That's nothing new and votes received within the prescribed period should be accepted.

Two things have occurred which appear designed to tinker with that. First, a number of states have in place a rule that the vote counting does not begin until election day. The worry is that this places a strain on those states where mail in voting is heavy. And that it becomes a justification to ignore mailed in ballots coming in towards the end of that process.

Second, related, this is why Team Trump monkeyed with the postal service. To delay arrival of mail in ballots sent in towards the end of the process.

You are an abject fool if you don't think that Trump et al aren't trying to stifle votes. Just a complete idiot if you think its totally clean and not being manipulated.

No state should accept ballots postmarked after Nov 3. I can see those that do getting thrown out by the courts.
Most states have in place something like a ten day window after Nov. 3 for votes to be received. That's nothing new and votes received within the prescribed period should be accepted.

Two things have occurred which appear designed to tinker with that. First, a number of states have in place a rule that the vote counting does not begin until election day. The worry is that this places a strain on those states where mail in voting is heavy. And that it becomes a justification to ignore mailed in ballots coming in towards the end of that process.

Second, related, this is why Team Trump monkeyed with the postal service. To delay arrival of mail in ballots sent in towards the end of the process.

You are an abject fool if you don't think that Trump et al aren't trying to stifle votes. Just a complete idiot if you think its totally clean and not being manipulated.
And you're also a fool if you don't believe the Dems see this ridiculous move to unsolicited mail-in ballots will help them. Go vote in person or request a ballot. Either way there needs to be some kind of effort on the voters part
And you're also a fool if you don't believe the Dems see this ridiculous move to unsolicited mail-in ballots will help them. Go vote in person or request a ballot. Either way there needs to be some kind of effort on the voters part

I have had this discussion with numerous Republican, Trump supporter, or generally anti-Dem friends. They make the same argument in various iterations. For example this one was made to me days ago: "There are people that live in apartments and they send in not just their ballot, but the ballots addressed to the three prior residents there because that's where the election people send them."

When I pointed out that he assumed that the resident was willing to commit a criminal offense and do that, that's three votes out of the total. I then pointed out that, for there to be some organized effort to tell people in apartments to do this is just ridiculous. It would be known.

There is no organized campaign to fabricate ballots. There would be no way on God's green Earth to keep such a thing secret. But that does not stop you, Trump, Barr, and their cult army of ignoramuses from touting it as a viable theory. Just ridiculous.
Most states have in place something like a ten day window after Nov. 3 for votes to be received. That's nothing new and votes received within the prescribed period should be accepted.

Two things have occurred which appear designed to tinker with that. First, a number of states have in place a rule that the vote counting does not begin until election day. The worry is that this places a strain on those states where mail in voting is heavy. And that it becomes a justification to ignore mailed in ballots coming in towards the end of that process.

Second, related, this is why Team Trump monkeyed with the postal service. To delay arrival of mail in ballots sent in towards the end of the process.

You are an abject fool if you don't think that Trump et al aren't trying to stifle votes. Just a complete idiot if you think its totally clean and not being manipulated.
How did they monkey with the USPS?
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