Will You Recognize and Support the Presidential Election Results?

Will You Recognize and Support the Presidential Election Results?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 71 88.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 9 11.3%

  • Total voters
Words matter. Who knows... incite a revolution of his base comes to mind. Seems most are pretty gullible.

You should be much more concerned about whether the leftists who are currently engaging in riots, assaulting the innocent people, and burning **** down will be accepting the results if Trump wins.
if djt zealots aren't taking up arms against thuggish rioters currently, I doubt strongly they have the stomach to stand their ground for an ousted president. Lotta talkers out there. very few will put their life or livelihood on the line.

There might be a few, very few and city mayors will not handcuff the PDs putting them down like they have handcuffed them dealing with the current rioters.
FTR, I don't think it's going to be an actual war either way. I just think some people will do violence. I'm not going out on a limb here. We've already seen it from both sides. I'm just not sure we will see a significant amount of it.
Do we anticipate the violence and destruction to be anything more than what we see when a professional sports team wins the title in certain cities?
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Whoever wins, if you are a US citizen, that person is your president whether you voted for that person or not.
They are not “ your president”. You don’t own them, you don’t relate to them, you don’t influence them and they don’t want anything to do with you unless there is something in it for them. “ “Your President” is cultish leader worship phrasing that has its place in N. Korea. It has no place in an ostensibly free society.
Who knows
You didn't ask but I'll throw this in for whatever it's worth. Choosing to not be anxious or fearful about current and future events is not an easy path. But it is the path i've chosen. If it weren't for my interaction with the lovable folks in this forum, I would not next to nothing about what is going on in our world.
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President Trump won't commit to a peaceful transfer of power should he lose the election. He's stated that the only way he can lose the upcoming election is if it's "rigged". Given Trump's history, it seems probable that Trump would *never* willingly concede an election loss to Biden. Further, it seems probable that Trump will challenge the election results through any means at his disposal including legal challenges, attempted influence of the electoral college process at the state level, etc.

In sum, it's likely that *if* Trump loses the apparent votes / EC necessary to remain President, he won't go without a fight.

So, in light of the forthcoming claims by Trump of election "fraud" and being "rigged", will you recognize the election results or will you back a President trying to remain in office despite losing the election? I've simplified the options to only "yes" or "no", because it's a given that Trump will allege the election is bogus if he loses in the polls.

It seems like a question that's insane to even pose, but that's where we are at this point.
give me a break. This is more manufactured fear-mongering by the media. If Trump legitimately loses, he will concede. But let's be realistic, if the votes are close in either direction both parties are going to drag it out in the courts.
give me a break. This is more manufactured fear-mongering by the media. If Trump legitimately loses, he will concede. But let's be realistic, if the votes are close in either direction both parties are going to drag it out in the courts.

Concede? Trump? When has he ever conceded anything? The man lives for the counterpunch and by the mantras of Roy Cohn. He will NEVER concede.
They gotta catch me first. I'll be wearing my libtard ballerina tutu, which makes me sorta invisible (or untouchable).
Oh, they're gonna catch you. And they're gonna hurt you. And not nicely like they do for the average drunk. They're gonna hurt you real bad.
Concede? Trump? When has he ever conceded anything? The man lives for the counterpunch and by the mantras of Roy Cohn. He will NEVER concede.
Give me a break. have you been asleep since 2016. The entire left still hasn't conceded the 2016 election still. Now we are all supposed to believe Trump is the guy who won't leave office. They asked him the same thing in 2016 about if he would concede to an election that hasn't even happened yet. It's so dumb
If every vote is counted, yes.

I have little confidence in that, however, and based on polling as to who is going to vote in absentee manner, I expect to see a slight edge to Trump in a number of battleground states on the night of, and the day following, the election. But as the absentee ballots are counted and the numbers swing towards Biden, I fully expect Trump and Barr to engage in a vigorous legal campaign, on numerous fronts, backed by state Republican Legislatures, to attempt to stop counting of those ballots.

In that event, and in the event it is shown that it is reasonably likely that a full counting would have resulted in a Trump loss, no, I would not accept the results and encourage people to take any necessary action to prevent the tyranny it would represent.

And I would hope that my fellow Americans would honor the very foundation of the country: every vote counts and every vote should be counted.
Doesn't this often happen anyway with mail-in ballots? It may be an issue in this election with many more people casting their votes in this manner. Why would it necessarily signal voter fraud if Biden is put over the top by mail-in ballots?

I know Trump has already said the only way he loses is due to fraud, which is a bit of an odd thing to say if you're already several points behind in the polls. He's also said that he needs that ninth justice installed in time to rule on the potention contested result, which could sway the election in his favor since he will have appointed a third of them at that point--another possible concern for the integrity of the election.
Sorry for the delay in answering. I am worried about lower courts continually extending time for mail in ballots to be received because they don’t like the current results and are hoping more ballots come in for their preferred side. They constantly increase voting hours in some neighborhoods. what makes you think they won’t do this for mail in votes? Don’t be surprised to see lawyers arguing in front of judges to extend the time to receive and count ballots for weeks. This is how more democratic ballots are magically found. That is my only worry about this election. If something like that happens the perceived integrity of the election goes right out the window especially if one or two of these happen that determines the outcome of a national election
If every vote is counted, yes.

I have little confidence in that, however, and based on polling as to who is going to vote in absentee manner, I expect to see a slight edge to Trump in a number of battleground states on the night of, and the day following, the election. But as the absentee ballots are counted and the numbers swing towards Biden, I fully expect Trump and Barr to engage in a vigorous legal campaign, on numerous fronts, backed by state Republican Legislatures, to attempt to stop counting of those ballots.

In that event, and in the event it is shown that it is reasonably likely that a full counting would have resulted in a Trump loss, no, I would not accept the results and encourage people to take any necessary action to prevent the tyranny it would represent.

And I would hope that my fellow Americans would honor the very foundation of the country: every vote counts and every vote should be counted.
Q asked of you in the OT. Check your alerts, bruh.
If every vote is counted, yes.

I have little confidence in that, however, and based on polling as to who is going to vote in absentee manner, I expect to see a slight edge to Trump in a number of battleground states on the night of, and the day following, the election. But as the absentee ballots are counted and the numbers swing towards Biden, I fully expect Trump and Barr to engage in a vigorous legal campaign, on numerous fronts, backed by state Republican Legislatures, to attempt to stop counting of those ballots.

In that event, and in the event it is shown that it is reasonably likely that a full counting would have resulted in a Trump loss, no, I would not accept the results and encourage people to take any necessary action to prevent the tyranny it would represent.

And I would hope that my fellow Americans would honor the very foundation of the country: every vote counts and every vote should be counted.
Best way to head them off would to be to set a deadline. The Dems need to come half way and set a reasonable, to them, deadline where no new votes are counted. Recounts of what is already there are fine. But the rest are cut off.

3 days, 5 days, a week. Pick one and stick with it.

If you go with this "until every vote is counted" with the very clear subtext of "until biden is the winner" it wont sell. Especially if you only start pushing a date AFTER the fact.

So I will ask again LG, give me an actual number of days the first count should continue too?
They are not “ your president”. You don’t own them, you don’t relate to them, you don’t influence them and they don’t want anything to do with you unless there is something in it for them. “ “Your President” is cultish leader worship phrasing that has its place in N. Korea. It has no place in an ostensibly free society.
Whatever you say.

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