Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 80 52.3%
  • Undecided (include why)

    Votes: 20 13.1%

  • Total voters
I’m not “anti-vaxx” when it comes to polio, MMR etc especially for children. However not all vaccines are considered equals either. If you knew the politics and corrupt money made and pushed thru media about the seasonal “flu shots” and what’s really behind them you would feel differently

Cool story.

Don't get the vaccine when it comes out, no sweat off my back.
This has shown how vulnerable we are as a country. Its shown how quickly we abandon our Constitution for security that's not even guaranteed. Its shown how quickly neighbors turn in neighbors. Its shown how politicians will play politics even when people's lives hang in the balance. Its shown how little it takes for people to panic. This happening is a blessing in disguise if we can learn from it. Based on the last few months though, Im less than optimistic.

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I no longer get flu shots. I will likely not get this vaccine either although I'm not completely decided. I will wait and talk with healthcare professionals I know before making that decision, same as I made regarding the flu shot.
I no longer get flu shots. I will likely not get this vaccine either although I'm not completely decided. I will wait and talk with healthcare professionals I know before making that decision, same as I made regarding the flu shot.

This seems like the intellectual approach to taking any new vaccine .
It wouldn’t benefit me at all. It just means you’re not participating toward the goal of achieving herd immunity.
Herd immunity is the alternative to vaccinated immunity, no? If everyone who wants immunity from a vaccine can get it from a vaccine, what does herd immunity have to do with it? Are there a lot of people that can't get the vaccine for medical reasons?
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Herd immunity is the alternative to vaccinated immunity, no?
My understanding of the term is that herd immunity just refers to a population reaching a percentage of immunity that stops a virus from spreading and that it can occur either through natural antibodies or via vaccination.
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My understanding of the term is that herd immunity just refers to a population reaching a percentage of immunity that stops a virus from spreading and that it can occur either through natural antibodies or via vaccination.
Exactly what I was about to post.
My understanding of the term is that herd immunity just refers to a population reaching a percentage of immunity that stops a virus from spreading and that it can occur either through natural antibodies or via vaccination.

This is what heard immunity is . So I think we were puzzled how not taking a vaccine but exposing yourself to the virus and allowing your natural immune system build up an immunity is somehow considered not working toward heard immunity . They are both working toward the same thing .
My understanding of the term is that herd immunity just refers to a population reaching a percentage of immunity that stops a virus from spreading and that it can occur either through natural antibodies or via vaccination.
Which makes me again wonder how I wouldn't be contributing to herd immunity if I'm out here carrying on with my normal business. If I should possibly get the virus, that would help in herd immunity.
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This is what heard immunity is . So I think we were puzzled how not taking a vaccine but exposing yourself to the virus and allowing your natural immune system build up an immunity is somehow considered not working toward heard immunity . They are both working toward the same thing .
Because one stops the virus from spreading and the other one doesn’t. That logic ignores the effect of becoming a carrier.
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I have posted this in other threads but not here. I think. If you won’t take it prepared to be unemployed. Your employer will mandate it. Not saying that’s what I advocate. But it’s what will be done.
Because one stops the virus from spreading and the other one doesn’t. That logic ignores the effect of becoming a carrier.

A vaccine doesn’t stop the virus, it introduces the virus to your body so it can build up an immunity to it . After so many years you get another one or a “booster” to make sure your body hasn’t forgotten what the virus is . A vaccine isn’t a “ cure “ that stops the virus in its tracks . That’s why we have flu shots every year .
I have posted this in other threads but not here. I think. If you won’t take it prepared to be unemployed. Your employer will mandate it. Not saying that’s what I advocate. But it’s what will be done.
true - I think mine follows every move I make health wise, though they dont fire the smokers or morbidly obese
true - I think mine follows every move I make health wise, though they dont fire the smokers or morbidly obese
Smoking and being a fatty won’t hurt anyone else or the public. But they will require it so they can claim it.
Unless I have reason to be tested for antibodies prior to vaccine approval and am positive, I will take it without hesitation.

You take it Doc, let us know how it works a few years down the road, after all the side effects have time to manifest
A vaccine doesn’t stop the virus, it introduces the virus to your body so it can build up an immunity to it . After so many years you get another one or a “booster” to make sure your body hasn’t forgotten what the virus is . A vaccine isn’t a “ cure “ that stops the virus in its tracks . That’s why we have flu shots every year .
...and once enough people gain immunity, the virus can’t spread and things like measles and polio are effectively eradicated. I get how this works.

If you don’t want to get a shot, that’s your call and I’ve never said that it should be forced on you. I just disagree with the logic.
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Only problem with that approach is you could be dead from COVID in a few years.
Possibly, but with a percentage of death rate on par with the flu and not sure of the side effects some people will probably take their chances.

Have you or anyone you ever known had flu shot side effects? While very rare it can be very uncomfortable. Debilitating even.
...and once enough people gain immunity, the virus can’t spread and things like measles and polio are effectively eradicated. I get how this works.

If you don’t want to get a shot, that’s your call and I’ve never said that it should be forced on you. I just disagree with the logic.
We haven't eradicated flu, hopefully this virus doesn't mutate like flu does though.
Because one stops the virus from spreading and the other one doesn’t. That logic ignores the effect of becoming a carrier.
You would indeed be a carrier... to others that were not vaccinated. That is how you have to build up the immunity of the herd. However, at some point, the carriers are going to eventually come into contact with more and more people that either got the vaccine or have already been infected. Those people already have the antibodies so they cannot catch. In turn, those people will also run into more and more people that already have the antibodies.

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