Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 80 52.3%
  • Undecided (include why)

    Votes: 20 13.1%

  • Total voters
I'm sure that's the case for most folks. I know I've tested positive for it once and they just threw tamiflu at me and said go home and don't breathe on anybody.
My youngest has gotten it 3 Xmas in a row and that's how they treat him too. All tested at the walk in clinic
My youngest has gotten it 3 Xmas in a row and that's how they treat him too. All tested at the walk in clinic
That absolutely sucks.

My pet peeve is people saying they've had the flu or "flu-like symptoms" when clearly they just had a bad cold or some other virus. If you've ever had the actual flu, it's a sick that you will never forget.
I think I am OCD about everything except cleanliness. I worked with a guy who was and his hands looked like a skinned rabbit.

I'm of the conservative upbringing that a little goes a long way, and things done in moderation are generally OK.

A drink here and there = Ok (if you don't have an addictive physiology)
A lot of drinking constantly = No good outcome.

Relations with the wife = OK
Relations with the Ho's = You're spouse getting your STD.

Washing hands and good hygeine = Good thing and pretty smelling.
Obsessive sanitizing = no bacteria to fight anything.

and so on.

{Will exclude doobies. Based on my nephew, I don't buy into reefer not being a gateway drug.}
My youngest has gotten it 3 Xmas in a row and that's how they treat him too. All tested at the walk in clinic

My kid got the flu from his girlfriend earlier this year, he took Tamiflu and was asymptomatic within a couple of days while she stayed super sick for the next ten days. tamiflu is good stuff when caught early.
Which is why I'm not against childhood immunizations, but very selective on myself taking flu shots and such. There is that one controversial immunization for kids, but my son had no complications from it.

Agree with you thoughts on this as I support childhood vaccinations for sure. As for myself, I am in my 50's, a bit overweight but very active with farm work and day job. I do have annual physicals but I have never been on any long-term daily medications and never get vaccinated or go to a doctor unless I break something, need stitches or antibiotics.

Based on currently available information. I would not agree to a Coven-19 vaccine any time soon. Would rather get it, treat it and build immunity that way.

Be safe,

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That absolutely sucks.

My pet peeve is people saying they've had the flu or "flu-like symptoms" when clearly they just had a bad cold or some other virus. If you've ever had the actual flu, it's a sick that you will never forget.

That is true. My wife has sinus infections and headaches, but not so much alergies. She is a daily snot sucker. And in general has few days of not having anything annoying. And it can be debilitating. But, you know when she is truly flu sick, which is surprisingly not often. the difference this year is she moved from middle school subbing to full-time pre-K where they are all over you, and the parents send them to school sick.
That absolutely sucks.

My pet peeve is people saying they've had the flu or "flu-like symptoms" when clearly they just had a bad cold or some other virus. If you've ever had the actual flu, it's a sick that you will never forget.
My kid got the flu from his girlfriend earlier this year, he took Tamiflu and was asymptomatic within a couple of days while she stayed super sick for the next ten days. tamiflu is good stuff when caught early.
only one year we didn't catch it early and that was the first. We know what it looks like now and get ahead of it. He's the only one to get it in our house

Very similar to how out neighbors dealt with covid19. Wife was very sick for over a week but had now recovered and back to work as a nurse. Husband was a little under the weather for a day but is also cleared to work (emt). Kids got nothing. I suspect this is how it would play out for most
I've had the flu 2x over the last 10 years. It may have been H1N1 the first time. It was horrible - thought I was dying even though I wasn't really at risk of death. Brutal.
I had it in 2008 and it turned into bronchitis that lasted 3 months and caused me to wheeze at times for close to a year. It was so bad that to this day if anybody in my family is treated for upper respiratory illness, they automatically put me on tamiflu.
lol . . . now that's just mean.

I've had the flu 2x over the last 10 years. It may have been H1N1 the first time. It was horrible - thought I was dying even though I wasn't really at risk of death. Brutal.

Had the flu once in 30 years, it was terrible. I can see how people can die from it.
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only one year we didn't catch it early and that was the first. We know what it looks like now and get ahead of it. He's the only one to get it in our house

Very similar to how out neighbors dealt with covid19. Wife was very sick for over a week but had now recovered and back to work as a nurse. Husband was a little under the weather for a day but is also cleared to work (emt). Kids got nothing. I suspect this is how it would play out for most
I think you're probably right. It's all going to come down to us as a society just taking "being sick" more seriously. We just can't go to work or school sick. It's against my nature to let government reach further into the workplace, but we might have to take a look at FMLA to make it easier for parents to keep sick kids at home rather than rush them back to school and treating it like daycare.
I've had the flu 2x over the last 10 years. It may have been H1N1 the first time. It was horrible - thought I was dying even though I wasn't really at risk of death. Brutal.
Got the flu once back in 2009 and was sick for a solid week. Would not wish that crap on anyone.
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Agree with you thoughts on this as I support childhood vaccinations for sure. As for myself, I am in my 50's, a bit overweight but very active with farm work and day job. I do have annual physicals but I have never been on any long-term daily medications and never get vaccinated or go to a doctor unless I break something, need stitches or antibiotics.

Based on currently available information. I would not agree to a Coven-19 vaccine any time soon. Would rather get it, treat it and build immunity that way.

Be safe,


Same here. rarely even get headache. I have been on anxiety meds, but life came hard the last decade, and still has its lingering effects, but I decided I wasn't gonna live on meds. I still have occasional onsets if it's something that elevates emotions, but if I can't suppress it, it subsides after it goes through it's routine. (Bad rental investments, manufacturing layoffs, mom's bout with breast cancer, dad losing to prostate cancer, wife's mom to leukemia, wife's sister to leukemia. 3rd generation now. Worrying about wife if that sister doesn't make it. Worrying who's next, etc. Tight finances. It has taken it's toll, so that was only daily med I took for a bit. Might still should, but I don't like even taking Tylenol if I can get by).
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My kid got the flu from his girlfriend earlier this year, he took Tamiflu and was asymptomatic within a couple of days while she stayed super sick for the next ten days. tamiflu is good stuff when caught early.

Yes. It is good if caught early. But, if you are mid flu, not really helpful.
I had it in 2008 and it turned into bronchitis that lasted 3 months and caused me to wheeze at times for close to a year. It was so bad that to this day if anybody in my family is treated for upper respiratory illness, they automatically put me on tamiflu.

Bronchitis was my nemesis. It is painful to say the least. I hate it. Almost would rather have the flu. I got flu and stuff in college regular, living in dorms and all. and started smoking and drinking coffee soon after in grad school. mom said I was predisposed to Bronchitis because of her, and I'm sure the smoking amplified it. I smoked for only about 10 years, but never approached a pack a day. Since I quit 20 years ago, the bronchitis continued. Every fall and every spring, like clock work from a head cold. but, then it started diminishing to where I have not had it in 3 years or so. Lately, it's only been what they call the Rhino virus. Infection and cough like a cold or bronchitis, but not. and they say its viral, so no meds to treat and it runs it's course. But, I contend it never goes away 100%. It will flare up 2-3 times a year.
Bronchitis was my nemesis. It is painful to say the least. I hate it. Almost would rather have the flu. I got flu and stuff in college regular, living in dorms and all. and started smoking and drinking coffee soon after in grad school. mom said I was predisposed to Bronchitis because of her, and I'm sure the smoking amplified it. I smoked for only about 10 years, but never approached a pack a day. Since I quit 20 years ago, the bronchitis continued. Every fall and every spring, like clock work from a head cold. but, then it started diminishing to where I have not had it in 3 years or so.
It's no joke. I've ended up with pleurisy a couple of times which is a pain I wouldn't wish on anybody. I suspect that anybody who has ever endured that probably races to get a flu shot every fall lol.
Got the flu once back in 2009 and was sick for a solid week. Would not wish that crap on anyone.
My last real flu case I had was in 1972, which was called London Flu, (racist), which was associated with the prior Honk Kong Flu (racist).

I was as sick as I have ever been. Really thought I was dying. Fever, dry heaves, hallucinations, it was really bad and left me really weak so that I could barely care for myself. I have never had anything like it before or since. I get vaccinated every year in order to try to not go through that again. It made a huge impression on me.

London flu - Wikipedia
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It's no joke. I've ended up with pleurisy a couple of times which is a pain I wouldn't wish on anybody. I suspect that anybody who has ever endured that probably races to get a flu shot every fall lol.

Can't say if I had bronchitis so bad to end up with that to my knowledge, but I have had some serious cases, and multi-month bronchitis recovery. And for those not prone to bronchitis, but get it, they no doubt are thinking flu till told otherwise. My personal experience and opinion is give me the flu, but please, please take my bronchitis.
My last real flu case I had was in 1972, which was called London Flu, (racist), which was associated with the prior Honk Kong Flu (racist).

I was as sick as I have ever been. Really thought I was dying. Fever, dry heaves, hallucinations, it was really bad and left me really weak so that I could barely care for myself. I have never had anything like it before or since. I get vaccinated every year in order to try to not go through that again. It made a huge impression on me.

London flu - Wikipedia
Not sure of the strain that hit me but I remember losing 12 LBS that week. Gained it back in no time though.
Can't say if I had bronchitis so bad to end up with that to my knowledge, but I have had some serious cases, and multi-month bronchitis recovery. And for those not prone to bronchitis, but get it, they no doubt are thinking flu till told otherwise. My personal experience and opinion is give me the flu, but please, please take my bronchitis.
Agree 100%. Fever and aches are bad. Not being able to take a deep breath in or out and coughing so much it hurts is the height of misery and scary at times.
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Agree 100%. Fever and aches are bad. Not being able to take a deep breath in or out and coughing so much it hurts is the height of misery and scary at times.

OMG the pain of the headaches due to a bronchitis cough. The only time a sane person would consider suicide. I have held my breath trying not to. the fear of the next cough is real folks.

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