Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 80 52.3%
  • Undecided (include why)

    Votes: 20 13.1%

  • Total voters
I’m not anti vaxx but I am anti flu shot for three reasons:
-no seasonal flu shot is ever more than 30-35% effective
-it is well documented that well people can get sick from them
- they are pushed by CMS and media because they are a money gold mine for the pharmaceutical companies that have them. These companies need to dump their stock before it goes bad and places stories in media about “spike in flu seasons”. I know because I’ve seen this up close and personal
Even if all of that is true... my feeling is- being in a somewhat elevated risk category- I’ll give you $20 for anything that cuts down on my chances of being sick.
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It’s your choice. I would point out, however, that no matter how many times you circle the word thimerosal, it will still only contain as much mercury as half a can of tuna fish.
Thimerosal isn't the only thing listed. The thimerosal is being used as a preservative. We can't find something else that can extend the shelf life of a vaccine that isn't mercury??

We shouldn't be asking these questions?
It’s your choice. I would point out, however, that no matter how many times you circle the word thimerosal, it will still only contain as much mercury as half a can of tuna fish.
Just curious because I have never gotten a good answer, but if you decide to take the vaccine to protect yourself, why do you care if I take it or not? Why should I be forced to take it?
I've never taken the shot. What is the big deal about catching the flu? Polio, small pax, tetanus... flu???

Been over 25 years since HIV appeared, and we still have no vaccine for it.

The development of a CV-19 vaccine is likely given the manpower geared towards it, but there remains the possibility that it won't happen soon... or perhaps not at all.

12-18 months being thrown around is generally considered a rosy assessment. The fastest humankind has EVER developed a vaccine was for mumps and took 4 to 5 years.

We need to adjust our mindset. Remember what airline travel was like prior to 9/11 compared to now? Social distancing could be our new normal for some time. How we can reconcile this with the stuff that makes life worth living (e.g. being in the crowded stands of Neyland) remains to be seen.

Personally, statistically I have a low chance of dying should I contract it, and I would otherwise gladly go to a football game and live my life as normal. But i could unknowingly be infected and transmit it to everyone around me while doing so. Those around me could bring it home to their wives, kids, grandparents... others who have a much higher probability of dying.
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Been over 25 years since HIV appeared, and we still have no vaccine for it.

The development of a CV-19 vaccine is likely given the manpower geared towards it, but there remains the possibility that it won't happen soon... or perhaps not at all.

12-18 months being thrown around is generally considered a rosy assessment. The fastest humankind has EVER developed a vaccine was for mumps and took 4 to 5 years.

We need to adjust our mindset. Remember what airline travel was like prior to 9/11 compared to now? Social distancing could be our new normal for some time. How we can reconcile this with the stuff that makes life worth living (e.g. being in the crowded stands of Neyland) remains to be seen.

Personally, statistically I have a low chance of dying should I contract it, and I would otherwise gladly go to a football game and live my life as normal. But i could unknowingly be infected and transmit it to everyone around me while doing so. Those around me could bring it home to their wives, kids, grandparents... others who have a much higher probability of dying.

Two totally different thing you are comparing . One has shut economy’s down , the other didn’t even cause an uptick in the amount of condoms used to protect yourself from getting it . We can only keep the country shut down for so long before it comes grinding to a halt .
Two totally different thing you are comparing . One has shut economy’s down , the other didn’t even cause an uptick in the amount of condoms used to protect yourself from getting it . We can only keep the country shut down for so long before it comes grinding to a halt .

So you're saying you wouldn't use a condom with an HIV at-risk person. Noice!

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Personally, statistically I have a low chance of dying should I contract it, and I would otherwise gladly go to a football game and live my life as normal. But i could unknowingly be infected and transmit it to everyone around me while doing so. Those around me could bring it home to their wives, kids, grandparents... others who have a much higher probability of dying.

That is why it should be a personal decision with regards to how you want to protect yourself... no different than the 2nd Amendment. You have the option to carry a gun for protection, but not the obligation.

If you choose to bundle up in a bubble or just use a facemask and gloves to protect yourself (or, if you even choose to get the vaccine), I see no reason why you should not be allowed to take whatever measures you feel are necessary to protect yourself from this virus. However, once your protection crosses over into someone else's personal space, that is where we have a problem.
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That is why it should be a personal decision with regards to how you want to protect yourself... no different than the 2nd Amendment. You have the option to carry a gun for protection, but not the obligation.

If you choose to bundle up in a bubble or just use a facemask and gloves to protect yourself (or, if you even choose to get the vaccine), I see no reason why you should not be allowed to take whatever measures you feel are necessary to protect yourself from this virus. However, once your protection crosses over into someone else's personal space, that is where we have a problem.

Wrong. We all breathe the same air just like we all use the same highways. By your failed logic, drinking and driving is your "right". In your world, drunk drivers are just making a choice. Drinking under the influence is against the law for a reason.
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Wrong. We all breathe the same air just like we all use the same highways. By your failed logic, drinking and driving is your "right". In your world, drunk drivers are just making a choice. Drinking under the influence is against the law for a reason.

Correct, it brings in a ton of money for the state and provides a reason to set up road blocks and conduct traffic stops. That’s why it’s illegal, nothing to do with safety.
Correct, it brings in a ton of money for the state and provides a reason to set up road blocks and conduct traffic stops. That’s why it’s illegal, nothing to do with safety.


Just wow.

Who else is on board the crazy train here?
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Wrong. We all breathe the same air just like we all use the same highways. By your failed logic, drinking and driving is your "right". In your world, drunk drivers are just making a choice. Drinking under the influence is against the law for a reason.

Are you advocating for forced vaccinations? My body, my choice, doesn't apply in this case?
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Will you willingly take the CCP Virus (aka Coronavirus, Covid 19) vaccination?
Why or why not
Should it be mandatory
How much testing before mass deployment
Who decides who gets it


No Vaccine and No Chip under the skin, even though I think it will be mandatory soon, don't laugh as our Freedoms are taken right out from under our feet
It's being discussed this very moment
No Vaccine and No Chip under the skin, even though I think it will be mandatory soon, don't laugh as our Freedoms are taken right out from under our feet
It's being discussed this very moment

You want to preserve the freedom to die from or to infect others with COVID-19?

VN Store
