I want talent on the level with LSU and Florida.
Fulmer's job is definitely secure for the time being.
Even if UT stays at 7 wins, I think he's probably safe because
(a) made it to a bowl, and
(b) 17 commits so far with some really good names in there...
So, overall, I'd say he's definitely safe through the 2007 and 2008 season.
But... I gotta think that people are really gonna start getting REALLY REALLY crazy if there's not an SEC Championship by 2008 at the latest.
Tenn could have 7 wins or 8 wins or 10 wins... could even lose to Florida AND Georgia year in/year out... and it would make ZERO difference *IF* we were still winning the SEC East and at least competing in the SECCG with an occasional SEC Championship victory every now and then.
If UT could magically have only 7 wins and still manage to at least get to the SECCG, that would keep Fulmer's job safe.
You've GOT to win the SEC from time to time in order to stay secure in your job (that's my opinion).
Remember --- John Cooper was fired from Ohio State for at least two reasons --- crappy record against Michigan and couldn't win an outright Big 10 championship. Ohio State had some hella good teams during his tenure.
Since 1998/99, it just looks to me as if Fulmer is dangerously close to drinking the Cooper Kool Aid, so to speak.
Yeah, we should have kept Jerry Green. The program would be in great shape now. What basketball power snapped him up after we so stupidly dismissed that Woodenesque genius? I'm sure he's been to several Final Fours by now, I just can't seem to remember them.heh, let's fire them all and hire Hal Mummy or Tim Curry.
fulmer haters need to be careful they actually get what they wish for. Buzz Peterson should have taught you that firing a successful coach doesn't always mean his successor is the savior of the program.
Tim Curry? The actor? I didn't realize he had a football background.heh, let's fire them all and hire Hal Mummy or Tim Curry.
fulmer haters need to be careful they actually get what they wish for. Buzz Peterson should have taught you that firing a successful coach doesn't always mean his successor is the savior of the program.
Great logic. A guy crashes his car and you give him credit for having the dents knocked out. Brilliant.
No, what's truly pathetic is a group of fans so delusional that they allow their expectations to be dumbed down by a pathetic performance like last season. Actually, fans like you are getting exactly the program you deserve. No SEC titles in 8 seasons, 2 in 14. That's actually more success than the Fulmerites deserve.i love our fans. nothing but 13-0 baby.. what's truly pathetic is that this time year we could be sitting 9-0 and ya'll will still be calling for fulmer's head, calling it a miracle that we're undefeated w/ him as coach.. never happy