Woke companies are crazy

I'm literally challenging you simply back up your words. You insulted me by lumping me in with woke anticapitalism. If you can't back it up or take a retort, scurry to 4chan. Lol.
There's threads here about it, you can search yourself. I gotta scurry to work, not your hang out
Lazy. Can't even make a claim and back it up.

I don't have to work until... Friday? Have fun!
Call it lazy, but since you have 3 days off, you have more than enough time to search the threads. Enjoy your time off.
Call it lazy, but since you have 3 days off, you have more than enough time to search the threads. Enjoy your time off.

When you make an assertion, the onus is on you to back it up with evidence. That's how everything works. It's not on me to prove that literally every point you make is a watered down, intellectually lazy puddle of piss.

Do better, Joe.
Go read the woke thread, there's people who were for taking a black woman off the bottle because they felt it was offensive. I mean it literally happened, the karens got their way.

I know these people exist...on the fringes. You're arguing against these people like they exist in some meaningful way to us, but they do not. You're apparently angry that they are probably inconsistent about this, but who cares? It's just a distraction from real discourse on the Bud Light thing, and how cancel culture on the right is alive and well.
I know these people exist...on the fringes. You're arguing against these people like they exist in some meaningful way to us, but they do not. You're apparently angry that they are probably inconsistent about this, but who cares? It's just a distraction from real discourse on the Bud Light thing, and how cancel culture on the right is alive and well.

Seeing between the shades of black and white requires minute mental effort. Guess it's too much for some.
When you make an assertion, the onus is on you to back it up with evidence. That's how everything works. It's not on me to prove that literally every point you make is a watered down, intellectually lazy puddle of piss.

Do better, Joe.
Thing is, you jumped in saying I lumped you in. You quoted me because you disagree, not because I mentioned you. It's in the threads man.
I know these people exist...on the fringes. You're arguing against these people like they exist in some meaningful way to us, but they do not. You're apparently angry that they are probably inconsistent about this, but who cares? It's just a distraction from real discourse on the Bud Light thing, and how cancel culture on the right is alive and well.
Here's the issue many have, there's a handful of people who complained about the syrup, etc, and the companies catered to the few. Same with the bud light, they marketed to cater to the few, and the majority pushed back on that one. I don't drink, so I don't care. I also don't boycott anything else I like, even if I don't like their politics. Like I said from the start, the same media, social media folks, everyone who wanted to cancel the other things, are now saying it's just a picture. People are only offended when they are told to be by the TV.
If they're doing things right, then they did a CBA. The problem is nobody could have foreseen how negatively people reacted to this. It's astonishing. So even if they did the CBA, there was no way to get it right, this time. It's just a fkn rainbow on some cans and a couple social media posts. They didn't really take a position on anything, other than it's OK to be friendly to LGBTQ.
I think a lot of the problem is that the E suite seems to think that activist investors count more as a stakeholder than customers. They forget without customers there is NO business. When the CBA is weighed incorrectly the other shareholders lose. I can also bet that there were a half dozen more qualified to run that BU but didn’t have the right “social” score to get the job.
The E suites of corporate America need to recognize why they exist and that is not ( unless that’s the product they produce) and that for every activist investor there are dozens of legitimate that only care about producing income/profits/dividends/increased value.
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Companies do things like this all the time. Why is this time different? Why was it different when Coors Light did a pride can?

Please, help me understand why this instance is so clearly different from others that Helen Keller could have seen it coming?
Go stand in a convenient store for a couple of hours. What who buys BL, Coors lite, Mich Ultra, Old Milwaukee and you’ll get your answer. Most of the people buying CL wouldn’t be offended by a rainbow on the can.
You have given me thought that the biggest boneheaded decision by Anbev was their selection of VP to run the BL BU. Whoever made that decision was sampling too much product
I keep them in business. I don't even drink water. It's literally just High Life.
MHL was the ultimate keg beer back in the day. Those clear champagne bottles chilling in the cooler on a hot summer day are awesome. That brew used to be my go to.
Funny coming from a dude that drinks the claw.
I mean, I drink High Life. Not being snobby.

Guinness is just ****ing awful, especially in thr states. Want to eat your beer? Have a Guinness!
You're not so wrong. Ever read about the river water Guinness used before sewage treatment? Supposedly added a lot to the flavor.
I never gave a **** about anything you listed.

I'm only laughing because Indians are from India and typically only boomers still use that word to describe an all encapsulating term for Native Americans.
Native American is so 1980's. You must be getting old and out of touch. It's sad to see your descent to squareville 😀.
It's First Nations.
In this case, a VP thought it was her job to enlighten her customer base, she didn’t realize that her customer base was just interested in consuming alcohol to forget everyone who’s trying to “enlighten” them

You are quoting yourself, lol.

Seems like you're stretching, and Woke people are driving us to drinking is fkn hilarious
was reading a stupid FB argument and one of the posters insisted that big companies like AB do cost/benefit analyses before making decisions like this (eg. they knew there would be backlash but felt it was worth in in the long run). As my policy is to stay out of stupid FB arguments I didn't reply but the notion that big companies don't make unplanned mistakes is laughable.

Marketing is a simple concept. It's not rocket surgery. However, there's a world of difference between being able to describe what Marketing is and actually embracing the concept (which BL failed to do in this case). It's not surprising then that the people who can't understand the reaction are demonstrating they do not really understand Marketing.

You'd think the first rule of marketing would be something like the medical "First, do no harm", and the easiest way to do that would be to avoid antagonizing any segment of the population by playing to another segment unless your product is actively directed toward a certain demographic in the first place.
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It's funny watching the side that freaked out over a picture on a syrup bottle, stick of butter, and box of rice say "it's just a picture on the can". Especially, because those same people didn't have an issue with the other pictures, until their TV told them they should be offended. Even funnier, it wasn't the black , or Indian community offended by the other pictures, it was a bunch of white Karens, thinking they had a right to speak for people of color. Kinda like them loving Twitter as long as it banned conservatives, but been crying every day since Elon allows their free speech 👀🤣

The funny thing is that I know I always assumed that Aunt Jemima knew a lot more about making pancakes than say the Pillsbury Doughboy. Of course, this is from somebody who thinks pancakes should be thin and crispy around the edges rather than fat and fluffy.
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yep. when I first heard about it, from the uproar I was thinking they put Mulvaney on cans they were selling to the public but it was just one for him. the influencer path brings all the foibles of celebrity endorsers but with people that are harder to vet and are likely to have shorter public lifespans. our instant world can go bad in an instant. BL had to know that trans is a polarizing issue now. Nike has a history of embracing the polarization; BL doesn't. Will be a case study some day.

for me the comments from the VP dogging the brand and it's traditional customers is the weirdest part. unless you are going for a total reset it's never a good idea to diss your best customers even if unintentionally

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