Woke companies are crazy

Campaign ploy by DeSantis. In a state where covid was a huge threat due to the aged population here. Idiot. At this rate he won't even win his home state.
Hate to tell you but Desantis is in no danger of losing his chair in Florida. He’s made Florida a “right to choose” state and people love him for it because that’s what every state in the nation should be. If every state had followed suit, there wouldn’t be people on this board in danger of losing their jobs over a choice they rightfully own.
You know why. Because many of the executives and upper management in these companies are democrats. The democrat party is the party of the rich, executives, and for really anyone who has a totalitarian mindset. And for anyone who thinks they are better than working class people. The democrat party really pulled one big con into getting their followers to think they were for the working and middle class. Their agenda is all about controlling the working class and getting rid of the middle class in this country.
Well since I posted that there has been a 180 since when they saw just how many employees were giving them the finger they changed their tune. While we still have the rhetoric they have retracted their claws and hide their fangs. I’d guess regardless of political ideology rich E suite executives want to keep their plush gig and running off the core employee group that drops them below critical minimum employees resource level to execute the business, and doing it on purpose by their own narcissism, is a sure damn way to draw the wrath of the board of directors.
Campaign ploy by DeSantis. In a state where covid was a huge threat due to the aged population here. Idiot. At this rate he won't even win his home state.
You obviously don't pay much attention to politics outside of mainstream narratives. Republicans won Virginia and almost won the governor race in New Jersey.

McAuliffe only won the 18-24 age group by 4 to 5 points. That means even younger people are waking up to the BS of the democrats. Plus, many in that age group are in the working class and service industry where they have been forced to wear masks all day long at their jobs among other things. Plus, many young people typically don't like totalitarians and that's how democrats have come across since Covid. Which is why they almost lost New Jersey with the Republicans barely campaigning.

Youngkin also got 14% of the vote for African American women in Virginia. That's a huge jump. DeSantis got around 18% of that vote when he was elected governor. The exit polls for the most recent New Jersey governor election are not available. Which leads me to believe they don't want people seeing that info.

By the way. DeSantis has a high approval rating in Florida. He has nothing to worry about at the moment.
Hate to tell you but Desantis is in no danger of losing his chair in Florida. He’s made Florida a “right to choose” state and people love him for it because that’s what every state in the nation should be. If every state had followed suit, there wouldn’t be people on this board in danger of losing their jobs over a choice they rightfully own.
No, he dictated his choice to Florida businesses, school boards, local govt, etc. They don't have a choice
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No he didn’t. He took away the freedom to choose from business owners.
I’m not going to get into this again. The right to choose was taken away by the federal government and Desantis gave the power back to the people to choose for themselves in Florida. Which is how AMERICA was designed to be. Blows my mind that any conservative can’t see this
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I’m not going to get into this again. The right to choose was taken away by the federal government and Desantis gave the power back to the people to choose for themselves in Florida. Which is how AMERICA was designed to be. Blows my mind that any conservative can’t see this
The feds dictated that businesses must. DeSantis dictated that businesses are forbidden from. In the end it's govt dictating to private business how they are allowed to operate
The feds dictated that businesses must. DeSantis dictated that businesses are forbidden from. In the end it's govt dictating to private business how they are allowed to operate
“Forbidden from” forcing mandates. Just in case you need a refresher, it’s always been “forbidden” to force individuals to do something unconstitutional. Desantis basically dictated that the constitution WILL be followed in Florida. #trueamerican
The "just one drop" ideology of platform purity generally results in a platform that shrinks itself into ineffectiveness.
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“Forbidden from” forcing mandates. Just in case you need a refresher, it’s always been “forbidden” to force individuals to do something unconstitutional. Desantis basically dictated that the constitution WILL be followed in Florida. #trueamerican

You are confusing how the constitution applies to private parties vs the government.
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You are confusing how the constitution applies to private parties vs the government.
Or maybe I’m just fixated on the fact that the constitution is SUPPOSED to protect us from tyrannical government. “Us” meaning as individuals and not businesses.
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Or maybe I’m just fixated on the fact that the constitution is SUPPOSED to protect us from tyrannical government. “Us” meaning as individuals and not businesses.

What about the individuals that own businesses? Does the Constitution not protect them?
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Just saying this is a leftist type of stance being taken against Desantis.

DeSantis' actions removing local decision making has been more populist than conservative.

If the duly elected school board of East Bumble ISD makes a decision based on their understanding of the science and with the backing of their constituents, then DeSantis coming in and telling them they can't do that is to puff up his West Bumble supporters more than to benefit the East Bumble students.

He's just another politician pandering for votes, nothing more.
What about the individuals that own businesses? Does the Constitution not protect them?
That's quite the slippery slope you are taking there. Vaccine mandates are not okay. One business owner should not be making medical decisions for the employees underneath them. If they are allowed to mandate vaccines what other medical decisions or treatments are you okay with them mandating?
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That's quite the slippery slope you are taking there. Vaccine mandates are not okay. One business owner should not be making medical decisions for the employees underneath them. If they are allowed to mandate vaccines what other medical decisions or treatments are you okay with them mandating?

Anything, it’s your choice to work there or not.
What about the individuals that own businesses? Does the Constitution not protect them?
No! I’ve explained this numerous times. There is nothing in the constitution that protects a business and if there is, kindly point it out
DeSantis' actions removing local decision making has been more populist than conservative.

If the duly elected school board of East Bumble ISD makes a decision based on their understanding of the science and with the backing of their constituents, then DeSantis coming in and telling them they can't do that is to puff up his West Bumble supporters more than to benefit the East Bumble students.

He's just another politician pandering for votes, nothing more.
I feel like it’sa nice change to what the federal government is pulling.

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