I don't like it, but the reality is if Butch can turnover TN to become a SEC Championship contender, he will get looks from other schools.
I see Michigan or Michigan State, the only schools he would bolt too.
Michigan may be looking for a new coach in 2015.
Am I delusional or do other Vol fans fear the same thing?
I think Butch genuinely wants to be at Tennessee, but you never know.
People ridiculing the OP apparently know nothing about college football history, because coaches leave their "dream jobs" all the time.
It takes talent to pull off the double feat of being incredibly optimistic (Butch turning UT into a conference title contender) and apocalyptically pessimistic (Butch would leave UT in the lurch).
I'm impressed, OP.
Oh no, our offensive coordinator might leave?!?! Whatever will we do?