Similar to Obama hate where tea baggers rarely admit their racism, I think this might require a little reading between the lines. Not Volnation's strong suit, I know... Do all of the Pearl bashers also hate Obama? I don't know, but it would be a clue. Hate groups on the rise, internet full of racists, and now unexplainable disgust for a highly-successful UT coach? It's not his record they hate, how could it be? Does anyone think these guys truly EXPECT a NC already? I'm just saying... I can't read minds, but I've read enough political blogs to know that there are a lot of folks out there that dislike people for their religions and skin colors and even dumber reasons.. Sure, I understand that this theory is 'out there', but it is very familiar to the Obama situation to have 4-5 VERY VOCAL haters who are so good at scoffing off any logic that disproves their position, and so dedicated to their bashing that they never miss the chance to post. That is strange, imo, to be so dedicated to criticism of a successful coach. Why waste that time on someone you dislike? If they had a good argument for their stance, I'd buy it, but they don't, so I look for other reasons. To pretend there is no racism involved in the Obama hate, despite being in TN and exposed to the TN GOP's 'magic negro' song and floating eyeballs presidential portrait is insulting to me. You know better too. Maybe it isn't the only reason, but it is a reason.