Yahoo claiming Bray and Couch (among others) took cash? (Merged)

Go worry about your own corrupt program.
Being honest, I am actually pulling for Tennessee, as a program, for the rest of the season, and in general(just not my game). I like Tenn. Always have. I just think Coach Butch should of said, "We are in a internal investigation. And do to just precautionary measures, we are pulling Mo Couch from this Saturday's Oregon game. When our investigation is over, we will answer any questions and issue a report of our findings. Until then we have no further comment."

The above is telling the truth, without deceiving people. When a person makes up a phoney reason for anything, about big things, small things, it does not matter. Trust has been broken. And by doing so, it only draws way more heat on you, and mistrust. imo... Which btw, if there is a NCAA investigation later on, or appeals, having that fake excuse out there just brings down future credibility. Remember, the NCAA can easily get Doctor reports/ interview trainers and such. And the NCAA could use such ammo to prove Tenn has shown a history of covering up things. And the NCAA has proven if you try to lie and cover things up, they hammer you extra hard. That is all...

I have nothing against Tenn, not at all. Coach Jones should just hire me as a consultant. :dance2:
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I omitted nothing. I only pasted a simple tweet. And no, I did not know Mo Couch left practice early yesterday. I only read that tweet. But that does not surprise me as usually when a kid suffers from heat exhaustion or even worse a heat stroke a kid usually stops practicing. But let me get this correct: The game is 5 days from when the player left practice early. How can a coach pull a kid 5 whole days from when a kid is going to play for supposed heat exhaustion that allegedly occurred on a Tuesday when the game is not until this Saturday? And is Oregon known to be more hot and humid then Tennessee? And also if true, and a kid really did have bad heat stroke in practice, would not the staff just attend to him and he sit out the rest of practice/get treatment. Or at the very most, would not a coach say, "his condition is day to day". As such, if this is true, and he had heat exhaustion- but such during a game- I could see them sitting him out. And same with the morning before the game. But 5 days out before the game even starts, in a State much cooler/no humidity, predicting his health would not be up to the task? It does not even remotely make sense. Surly he must be in a Hospital right now if his condition is that serious right?

Who cares what Jones said? Tennessee just found out about it; they don't know anything about it yet; they're probably going to hold him out until evaluate the story and figure out the situation. "Heat exhaustion" is probably a just a excuse to avoid publicly piling on the kid while they figure things out -- but so what? Do you demand perfect transparency and honesty every time one of your guys misses a game after getting caught with something in his pee cup?

It sure as hell isn't some kind of coverup. The story's already out there; there's nothing to cover up. It's silly to pretend there's anything shady about the way Jones is handling it.
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Being honest, I am actually pulling for Tennessee, as a program, for the rest of the season, and in general(just not my game). I like Tenn. Always have. I just think Coach Butch should of said, "We are in a internal investigation. And do to just precautionary measures, we are pulling Mo Couch from this Saturday's Oregon game. When our investigation is over, we will answer any questions and issue a report of our findings. Until then we have no further comment."

The above is telling the truth, without deceiving people. When a person makes up a phoney reason for anything, about big things, small things, it does not matter. Trust has been broken. And by doing so, it only draws way more heat on you, and mistrust. imo... Which btw, if there is a NCAA investigation later on, or appeals, having that fake excuse out there just brings down future credibility. Remember, the NCAA can easily get Doctor reports/ interview trainers and such. And the NCAA could use such ammo to prove Tenn has shown a history of covering up things. And the NCAA has proven if you try to lie and cover things up, they hammer you extra hard. That is all...

I have nothing against Tenn, not at all. Coach Jones should just hire me as a consultant. :dance2:

The idea that this is an NCAA risk is ridiculous. The NCAA cares if you lie to the NCAA. The NCAA doesn't give a crap if you lie to a reporter from the Weekly Shopper about why Johnny missed the game on Saturday.
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You are expecting perfect, forthright honesty from a member of a profession that is so famous for obfuscating the truth that they've got their own word ("coachspeak") for it. If you do hope to make a living as a consultant advising football coaches, you're going to be hungry.
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Reactions: 3 people sent to two UT athletes from a former Bamer in Tuscaloosa. :crazy: Sounds pretty fishy to me.
After reading some of the stuff this Getlin character wrote I just get the gut feeling that this story is more about promoting his sports consulting company than anything. Feels pretty sleazy.
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I omitted nothing. I only pasted a simple tweet. And no, I did not know Mo Couch left practice early yesterday. I only read that tweet. But that does not surprise me as usually when a kid suffers from heat exhaustion or even worse a heat stroke a kid usually stops practicing. But let me get this correct: The game is 5 days from when the player left practice early. How can a coach pull a kid 5 whole days from when a kid is going to play for supposed heat exhaustion that allegedly occurred on a Tuesday when the game is not until this Saturday? And is Oregon known to be more hot and humid then Tennessee? And also if true, and a kid really did have bad heat stroke in practice, would not the staff just attend to him and he sit out the rest of practice/get treatment. Or at the very most, would not a coach say, "his condition is day to day". As such, if this is true, and he had heat exhaustion- but such during a game- I could see them sitting him out. And same with the morning before the game. But 5 days out before the game even starts, in a State much cooler/no humidity, predicting his health would not be up to the task? It does not even remotely make sense. Surly he must be in a Hospital right now if his condition is that serious right?
Just don't have a clue as to what you're talking about. Heat exhaustion is serious. Heat Stroke even more so. Once you get heat exhaustion, you are a prime candidate for it to re-occur. The training staff is the one who will make the decision, and from the sound of it, they thought it was bad enough to sit him out this weekend. The staff mentioned that they pushed the team hard this week to prepare them for the fast tempo they will play in, this Sat.

There were some SEC coaches that objected to the up-tempo offenses being used, for safety reasons, and after this incident, I can now see why. I thought it was just an excuse before, but I can see how it has already caused a casualty on our own team. What I think the NCAA may eventually do is allow defenses to sub whenever they need to...not just when the offense subs.

This will allow teams to still run a fast tempo, but they can't do so to prevent a substitution.
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Just don't have a clue as to what you're talking about. Heat exhaustion is serious. Heat Stroke even more so. Once you get heat exhaustion, you are a prime candidate for it to re-occur. The training staff is the one who will make the decision, and from the sound of it, they thought it was bad enough to sit him out this weekend. The staff mentioned that they pushed the team hard this week to prepare them for the fast tempo they will play in, this Sat.

There were some SEC coaches that objected to the up-tempo offenses being used, for safety reasons, and after this incident, I can now see why. I thought it was just an excuse before, but I can see how it has already caused a casualty on our own team. What I think the NCAA may eventually do is allow defenses to sub whenever they need to...not just when the offense subs.

This will allow teams to still run a fast tempo, but they can't do so to prevent a substitution.

I have never completely understood why they don't. If you only have 10 guys on the're s*** out of luck.
The idea that this is an NCAA risk is ridiculous. The NCAA cares if you lie to the NCAA. The NCAA doesn't give a crap if you lie to a reporter from the Weekly Shopper about why Johnny missed the game on Saturday.
Notice I said, "if" meaning potential. Lets put aside any potential NCAA issues for now. But look at the reporters, the media. If they all know a fact(or do not at the time, but find it out later)and a Coach tells them another thing, much less a total unbelievable thing. Does that not in some way create a incentive for reporters to want to target him? Reporters do not like being lied to. When they are told such and such, they report to their viewers/readers, ie people. And if they made a report, but turned out not true, that looks bad upon them. The reporter is seen as not credible for information. And thus, it MAY fire up the reporters to try to get back at the guy, digging deeper, sifting for dirt ect, pointing out a pattern of lying... Just saying... Some reporters when they know a coach is lying to them respond like sharks in the water smelling blood. (some). And all it generates is more heat. One wants no heat. And the best way to do that is simply do not make up things and lie, esp outrageous fibs. To them, it smells like coverup. And they like to make a name for themselves. It's not just about Johny attending but then missing a game- then asked why and saying he was injured. It was about a key Starter, for a key upcoming game, accused of major NCAA violations earlier, then a coach projecting he has a serious major medical condition that will cause him from missing a game 5 days out in time. All the while, everyone either knowing the truth, or soon finding out after the claim was made, shaking their heads at such a non-believable excuse.

I guess we just agree to disagree. I'll drop it and leave it at that... but imo, he needs a better PR Coach.
Just don't have a clue as to what you're talking about. Heat exhaustion is serious. Heat Stroke even more so. Once you get heat exhaustion, you are a prime candidate for it to re-occur. The training staff is the one who will make the decision, and from the sound of it, they thought it was bad enough to sit him out this weekend. The staff mentioned that they pushed the team hard this week to prepare them for the fast tempo they will play in, this Sat.

There were some SEC coaches that objected to the up-tempo offenses being used, for safety reasons, and after this incident, I can now see why. I thought it was just an excuse before, but I can see how it has already caused a casualty on our own team. What I think the NCAA may eventually do is allow defenses to sub whenever they need to...not just when the offense subs.

This will allow teams to still run a fast tempo, but they can't do so to prevent a substitution.
Complete nonsense. If what you said is true the word would of been, "he is listed as day to day".

Ya know, I really respect the moderator that responded to me. For he never tried to deny the foolishness of the claim. He just thinks it was a lie about a small issue. And such is ok. We agree to disagree. But at least I see where he is coming from. But the logic of, well, our coach made that ridiculous claim, so I am going to stand by my coach and pretend that I fall for it and try to defend it is comical. By doing so, one losses all credibility...Ya, coach speak happens all the time. But to try and defend such obvious fiction is laughable. If one has to lie(which one shouldn't ever- to be taken credible in the future) at least he should of said he had his knee or back or injured and will be out. But to come up with "heat exhaustion" as a excuse- 5 days out from expected playing- in a known cold state. LOL man, in the future he better come up with some better ones. That there is just too funny...If a player has serious heat exhaustion issues so much so that it is determined he will not be fit to play in a game 5 days out, the player should obviously be in a hospital right now- if in fact it is that serious as claimed...
Notice I said, "if" meaning potential. Lets put aside any potential NCAA issues for now. But look at the reporters, the media. If they all know a fact(or do not at the time, but find it out later)and a Coach tells them another thing, much less a total unbelievable thing. Does that not in some way create a incentive for reporters to want to target him? Reporters do not like being lied to. When they are told such and such, they report to their viewers/readers, ie people. And if they made a report, but turned out not true, that looks bad upon them. The reporter is seen as not credible for information. And thus, it MAY fire up the reporters to try to get back at the guy, digging deeper, sifting for dirt ect, pointing out a pattern of lying... Just saying... Some reporters when they know a coach is lying to them respond like sharks in the water smelling blood. (some). And all it generates is more heat. One wants no heat. And the best way to do that is simply do not make up things and lie, esp outrageous fibs. To them, it smells like coverup. And they like to make a name for themselves. It's not just about Johny attending but then missing a game- then asked why and saying he was injured. It was about a key Starter, for a key upcoming game, accused of major NCAA violations earlier, then a coach projecting he has a serious major medical condition that will cause him from missing a game 5 days out in time. All the while, everyone either knowing the truth, or soon finding out after the claim was made, shaking their heads at such a non-believable excuse.

I guess we just agree to disagree. I'll drop it and leave it at that... but imo, he needs a better PR Coach.

Nick Saban has been deceiving and outright lying to the media for his entire career. He's doing all right. Derek Dooley was unusually candid and forthright with the media while he was at Tennessee; it didn't help him at all.

College football coaches' success has zero to do with what the media thinks about them. (Maybe it did back in the old days, when local reporters would keep their mouths shut about the dirty stuff, but all that's over. If coaches win, they succeed regardless of what the reporters are angry. If they lose, they're gone regardless of whether the reporters think. Since you're a PR person, I can see why you'd look at the whole thing through that lens, but I think you're giving an importance to it that just doesn't exist. Butch Jones's relationship with the media is almost completely irrelevant.
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Or maybe he really is sick. Maybe not so sick he couldn't play but why bother playing him or waiting to see when you know you're on probation, can't take a chance that it's true, and Daniel Hood has been doing the job? Other schools can chance that. We can't, thanks to Kiffin.
Complete nonsense. If what you said is true the word would of been, "he is listed as day to day".

Ya know, I really respect the moderator that responded to me. For he never tried to deny the foolishness of the claim. He just thinks it was a lie about a small issue. And such is ok. We agree to disagree. But at least I see where he is coming from. But the logic of, well, our coach made that ridiculous claim, so I am going to stand by my coach and pretend that I fall for it and try to defend it is comical. By doing so, one losses all credibility...Ya, coach speak happens all the time. But to try and defend such obvious fiction is laughable. If one has to lie(which one shouldn't ever- to be taken credible in the future) at least he should of said he had his knee or back or injured and will be out. But to come up with "heat exhaustion" as a excuse- 5 days out from expected playing- in a known cold state. LOL man, in the future he better come up with some better ones. That there is just too funny...If a player has serious heat exhaustion issues so much so that it is determined he will not be fit to play in a game 5 days out, the player should obviously be in a hospital right now- if in fact it is that serious as claimed...

I will say this -- Maurice Couch has had conditioning issues his whole career at UT. Plus he's a 300 pound guy; it's been really hot in the south this week; they've been trying to simulate an up-tempo offense; and most importantly, they'd already pulled him out of practice before this story broke. I think the most likely explanation is that the heatstroke is indeed a real concern that they were already worried about, so when the story broke this afternoon the easiest thing was just to say, "Well, we weren't going to let him play anyway." I think there's probably a kernel of truth to the lie, rather than being complete fiction. Not that it matters.
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Self impose these penalties and we should be good. Couch sets out 1 play of practice and Bray has to have his back tat removed on a very special live edition of Bad Ink
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These agents are not the brightest using Western Union and putting players' names on them. The agents are the ones that need to be penalized. Give them a few years in jail and they may think twice about ever doing it again or bar them if they are attorneys.

Go to jail for what???????

Lmfao the NCAA is not the law, you can send money to whoever you want too?

Wtf are you smoking?
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I do now confess, I may of slightly jumped. I just read some more stuff just now and it does in fact seem like the kid was really suffering from it all this week or such. So some of it seems in theory legit. I was only going by that tweet ect.... But ya, from what I have read, of reports, he probably just is not in really good shape yet this season and has been very much suffering from it. So I will stop on this issue. However, logically was is confusing me is even if that were the case, why not list him day to day? Or why not still bring him but then only put him in for 1 play-take him out- at a time? Ya know see how it goes, how he handles the game? And how can one project a whole 5 days out in advance that his heat exhaustion will even be a issue when that is 5 days out, in a colder environment when he hasn't even played the game yet to see if he is bothered yet? See my point? Nothing adds up. Simple logic is not there. I can see Butch saying, "he is not doing well and may not play" Or, "day to day". But to officially prematurely announce out him from a 5 day out future game cause of what may(but not yet happened) happen? Very odd. Does not compute. However, ya, it now seems Butch is not making up his actual suffering from it recently. Feel for the kid if so. Just seems very odd in light of the current scandal news that broke is all... Anyways, I am dropping it. Please lets not talk about it anymore please...

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