Yahoo claiming Bray and Couch (among others) took cash? (Merged)

Says right on WebMD that if you have heatstroke, you're supposed to stay cool and avoid heavy exercise for a week afterwards. Sounds legit!
Good point. Thanks for looking that up! However he claimed heat exhaustion, not heat stroke, which I believe heat exhaustion is the much lesser condition. But I am not a doctor.
But you do know if heat exhaustion is also used for the Florida game, as well as every other future Vol game this year, it is going to raise some eyebrows probably, ...
Anyways, me dropping it. Thanks!
Good point. Thanks for looking that up! However he claimed heat exhaustion, not heat stroke, which I believe heat exhaustion is the much lesser condition. But I am not a doctor.
But you do know if heat exhaustion is also used for the Florida game, as well as every other future Vol game this year, it is going to raise some eyebrows probably, ...
Anyways, me dropping it. Thanks!

Thanks Columbo
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After reading some of the stuff this Getlin character wrote I just get the gut feeling that this story is more about promoting his sports consulting company than anything. Feels pretty sleazy.

I agree Duckweed.....something just doesn't feel right here. Guess we will see.
I do now confess, I may of slightly jumped. I just read some more stuff just now and it does in fact seem like the kid was really suffering from it all this week or such. So some of it seems in theory legit. I was only going by that tweet ect.... But ya, from what I have read, of reports, he probably just is not in really good shape yet this season and has been very much suffering from it. So I will stop on this issue. However, logically was is confusing me is even if that were the case, why not list him day to day? Or why not still bring him but then only put him in for 1 play-take him out- at a time? Ya know see how it goes, how he handles the game? And how can one project a whole 5 days out in advance that his heat exhaustion will even be a issue when that is 5 days out, in a colder environment when he hasn't even played the game yet to see if he is bothered yet? See my point? Nothing adds up. Simple logic is not there. I can see Butch saying, "he is not doing well and may not play" Or, "day to day". But to officially prematurely announce out him from a 5 day out future game cause of what may(but not yet happened) happen? Very odd. Does not compute. However, ya, it now seems Butch is not making up his actual suffering from it recently. Feel for the kid if so. Just seems very odd in light of the current scandal news that broke is all... Anyways, I am dropping it. Please lets not talk about it anymore please...

Thanks for admitting that you jumped the gun. Butch is really a breath of fresh air in Tennessee....I don't see him doing anything but handling this right. Now on to football....wish I could be there to cheer on the Vols. Oregon is indeed an amazing team and I hope for a competitive game. Good luck to the Ducks the rest of the way (after Saturday) and go Vols!
Notice I said, "if" meaning potential. Lets put aside any potential NCAA issues for now. But look at the reporters, the media. If they all know a fact(or do not at the time, but find it out later)and a Coach tells them another thing, much less a total unbelievable thing. Does that not in some way create a incentive for reporters to want to target him? Reporters do not like being lied to. When they are told such and such, they report to their viewers/readers, ie people. And if they made a report, but turned out not true, that looks bad upon them. The reporter is seen as not credible for information. And thus, it MAY fire up the reporters to try to get back at the guy, digging deeper, sifting for dirt ect, pointing out a pattern of lying... Just saying... Some reporters when they know a coach is lying to them respond like sharks in the water smelling blood. (some). And all it generates is more heat. One wants no heat. And the best way to do that is simply do not make up things and lie, esp outrageous fibs. To them, it smells like coverup. And they like to make a name for themselves. It's not just about Johny attending but then missing a game- then asked why and saying he was injured. It was about a key Starter, for a key upcoming game, accused of major NCAA violations earlier, then a coach projecting he has a serious major medical condition that will cause him from missing a game 5 days out in time. All the while, everyone either knowing the truth, or soon finding out after the claim was made, shaking their heads at such a non-believable excuse.

I guess we just agree to disagree. I'll drop it and leave it at that... but imo, he needs a better PR Coach.

Couch isn't a starter....who cares about reporters?....hope this helps, kind Samaritan who doesn't even root for our team, but types lots of words :compute: :disappointed:
After reading some of the stuff this Getlin character wrote I just get the gut feeling that this story is more about promoting his sports consulting company than anything. Feels pretty sleazy.

Wait, how did I miss that? He has consulting company?

Holy crap...

An Open Letter to Future NFL Athletes | Sports Agent Blog

Uh yeah...if this is the same guy, who co-wrote the article, guess we know why the writers are claiming they won't turn over the evidence to the NCAA and that the NCAA won't find it on their own. BTW, that link above mentions Oregon.

This guy sounds like the equivalent like a shake down artist looking for 'protection money'.
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I am for providing these players a SMALL compensation monetarily. The amount that is claimed here is small and honestly if you play college football there is absolutely no time to hold a part time job to have a little spend cash to go to the movies, buy clothes, etc... Sure they are getting a free education, but a college kid needs money for gas in their car, go on a date, etc..

What I am not for is players getting more money based on their fame. It should be standard across the board for players as sort of an allowance. Not selling autographs (Johnny Football) etc... or making a sizeable income. I totally believe the student-athlete should be what is promoted. I'm talking about $200 - $300 per month. That's basically the levels these players were accused of taking.

I was a 3 season athlete in college (cross country, indoor track, outdoor track). There would have been no time to have any type of job. And although I got a free education, I still needed money for things. Football is way more demanding than say track, volleyball, swimming. It is like having a full time job along with the academics. The NCAA limits 'organized' practice to 20 hours a week. Weight room, film study etc... are on players time. Every break (spring break, Christmas, etc..) for these players is taken up by some football event. A lot of these players also come from families who have very little. Ever seen Pahokee or Frostproof FL? I was fortunate that my parents were able to send me a $100 or so every once in a while.

Give these kids a $200-$300 month pre-loaded credit card and after that if they receive ANY money or compensation through unauthorized means, they should be punished.... sitting out games, lose their allowance, or whatever comes their way.

And if you disagree, you are an idiot.
I have one question. Who would be dumb enough to pay for Tyler Brays services? Dude was average at best.He was no Cam Newton.
I am for providing these players a SMALL compensation monetarily. The amount that is claimed here is small and honestly if you play college football there is absolutely no time to hold a part time job to have a little spend cash to go to the movies, buy clothes, etc... Sure they are getting a free education, but a college kid needs money for gas in their car, go on a date, etc..

What I am not for is players getting more money based on their fame. It should be standard across the board for players as sort of an allowance. Not selling autographs (Johnny Football) etc... or making a sizeable income. I totally believe the student-athlete should be what is promoted. I'm talking about $200 - $300 per month. That's basically the levels these players were accused of taking.

I was a 3 season athlete in college (cross country, indoor track, outdoor track). There would have been no time to have any type of job. And although I got a free education, I still needed money for things. Football is way more demanding than say track, volleyball, swimming. It is like having a full time job along with the academics. The NCAA limits 'organized' practice to 20 hours a week. Weight room, film study etc... are on players time. Every break (spring break, Christmas, etc..) for these players is taken up by some football event. A lot of these players also come from families who have very little. Ever seen Pahokee or Frostproof FL? I was fortunate that my parents were able to send me a $100 or so every once in a while.

Give these kids a $200-$300 month pre-loaded credit card and after that if they receive ANY money or compensation through unauthorized means, they should be punished.... sitting out games, lose their allowance, or whatever comes their way.

And if you disagree, you are an idiot.

Whether any of us agree or disagree is not at issue here. What's at issue is whether or not current rules were violated. Until these rules are changed, the players are required to follow them.

I do think your last line was over the top. I'm not certain you have all the answers and just because someone disagrees with you does not make them an idiot. (And BTW I played DI college football and have complete understanding of the demands placed on these players) :peace2:
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I am for providing these players a SMALL compensation monetarily. The amount that is claimed here is small and honestly if you play college football there is absolutely no time to hold a part time job to have a little spend cash to go to the movies, buy clothes, etc... Sure they are getting a free education, but a college kid needs money for gas in their car, go on a date, etc..

What I am not for is players getting more money based on their fame. It should be standard across the board for players as sort of an allowance. Not selling autographs (Johnny Football) etc... or making a sizeable income. I totally believe the student-athlete should be what is promoted. I'm talking about $200 - $300 per month. That's basically the levels these players were accused of taking.

I was a 3 season athlete in college (cross country, indoor track, outdoor track). There would have been no time to have any type of job. And although I got a free education, I still needed money for things. Football is way more demanding than say track, volleyball, swimming. It is like having a full time job along with the academics. The NCAA limits 'organized' practice to 20 hours a week. Weight room, film study etc... are on players time. Every break (spring break, Christmas, etc..) for these players is taken up by some football event. A lot of these players also come from families who have very little. Ever seen Pahokee or Frostproof FL? I was fortunate that my parents were able to send me a $100 or so every once in a while.

Give these kids a $200-$300 month pre-loaded credit card and after that if they receive ANY money or compensation through unauthorized means, they should be punished.... sitting out games, lose their allowance, or whatever comes their way.

And if you disagree, you are an idiot.

The only problem with that is once you pay football players, every other sport will b**ch up a storm wanting to be paid as well. That is the faulty premise of the NCAA afterall, that Johnny Football is equal to a field hockey player for the University of Vermont with regard to their value to their respective institutions. There is no conceivable way that you could pay football players without paying everyone else, and paying athletes that really are amateurs in the sense that they provide no revenue to the university is yet another unsustainable expense that, combined with a host of other BS things that schools spend money on, threatens to undermine the economic models of already cash- strapped *cough* UT *cough* athletic programs.
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I have one question. Who would be dumb enough to pay for Tyler Brays services? Dude was average at best.He was no Cam Newton.

Cam Newton - 180,000.00

Tyler Bray - 900.00

Looks like they agreed with you, they didn't think he was Cam Newton either.
Would the DA that paid these 2 please stand up and tell us why you would pay either one.I'm not sure about ones character anything and everything about our ex QB seems possible .
I do think your last line was over the top. I'm not certain you have all the answers and just because someone disagrees with you does not make them an idiot. (And BTW I played DI college football and have complete understanding of the demands placed on these players) :peace2:

My last line was a bit of a joke. I know reasonable people may not agree.

But if some remuneration was paid to players there would be less temptation to say take money from boosters or outside sources.
" But 5 days out before the game even starts, in a State much cooler/no humidity, predicting his health would not be up to the task? ".

The game may be 5 days out but Im pretty sure they are not waiting til Saturday to make the trip. If Im not mistaken they are leaving tomorrow so the 5 days away argument doesn't hold much when a decision is that imminent.
The only problem with that is once you pay football players, every other sport will b**ch up a storm wanting to be paid as well. That is the faulty premise of the NCAA afterall, that Johnny Football is equal to a field hockey player for the University of Vermont with regard to their value to their respective institutions. There is no conceivable way that you could pay football players without paying everyone else, and paying athletes that really are amateurs in the sense that they provide no revenue to the university is yet another unsustainable expense that, combined with a host of other BS things that schools spend money on, threatens to undermine the economic models of already cash- strapped *cough* UT *cough* athletic programs.

Let other players b@@ch. Football funds schollys for other sports and funds their program. No way some minor sports generate enough ticket sales to come close to paying for coaches, travel, equipment etc...
Don't know of any other sport that has near the time demands as football.

Yes you could pay football without paying for other sports.
That might be the most stupid thing posted in this thread

Shiner Bock - Spoetzl Brewery - Shiner, TX - BeerAdvocate

Eh, some people tend to agree it's bad. The people that run that site drink beer for a living and have free beer sent to them on a daily basis. They rated it poor.

2,000+ other people rated it okay.

People have different tastes. I know I think Fat Tire isn't that good but a lot of people love it. Me personally, I don't care for drinking beer that tastes like tootsie rolls. To each their own.
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the idiot that wrote this drivel is a ---
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Here's the thing no one is considering. How is the NCAA going to prove that it was actually Bray or Couch signing for those wire transfers? Who's to say that someone else didn't forge their names and make a fake ID? It'd be awfully hard to prove this.

They don't have the legal power to check a person's bank account. So they can't go that route.

I also highly doubt that where ever they supposedly picked them up will have any kind of camera recording from that far back. Also I don't see how the NCAA could get that footage without some kind of subpoena.

Unless the players involved come out and say that they did take it, the NCAA can't prove anything. If the UT staff knew nothing of this, then we have nothing to worry about.

Just to be safe though I say Couch should sit until the NCAA says one way or the other, he's not starting anyway and apparently isn't playing a lot as it is so we're really not missing anything.
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I also highly doubt that where ever they supposedly picked them up will have any kind of camera recording from that far back. Also I don't see how the NCAA could get that footage without some kind of subpoena.

I may be mistaken about this, but my understanding is that the NCAA has zero subpoena power and the journalist isn't compelled coverage whatsoever . . . which makes the whole thing even more complicated.
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