Just too early to tell about Jones. You cant hot seat him yet. However, I dont believe there is some magical number of seasons that you have to complete before you are officially on the hot seat.
Even if the caliber of talent and/or experience on the field currently isnt enough to translate into SEC wins, you can still look at things the coach does and evaluate the decisions he makes to determine very early on if he can cut it or not.
For most rational fans, it didnt take 3 seasons to learn that having Dooley as a head coach was akin to letting a five year old drive a tank. All the losing didnt help his cause, but the real reason he was let go was HOW he lost. His game time decisions, his handling of the media, the fans, the recruits, his relationships with local Tennessee highschool coaches, the coaches he brought in to run the offense and defense.
Some of the most embarrasing moments as a UT fan for me came during Dooley's tenure. I didnt expect them to win a bunch, but I didnt expect some of the ridiculous embarrassments either.
It may take a little more time for Jones to win a lot of games, but if he can make something out of the talent he's bringing in and prove that he's not a bafoon on the sidelines, I'd say let's let the man coach. The talent is continuing to come back to UT, mainly in my opinion because the players are noticing the type of coach we have. You can all see that in how Jones continue to "clean house" with the remaining Derek Dooley recruits. I love that Jones told Ferguson to pound sand. Even if it costs us a loss or two because Worley is a bumbling idiot. Its better for the program because the better caliber players know that Jones is expecting top level effort on the field and off. Sooner or later this will pay off for Tennessee. If Jones can continue to recruit well and not be an idiot on the sidelines, it will be better.