Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.

Why are you asking me? Ask the guy who has 6 pages of posts telling people they’re carrying water not even counting the ones that were just memes. 😂😂🤣😂

View attachment 396727

But apparently, according to him, it’s not actually carrying water unless you’re willing to support the actual overthrow of government. 😂🤣

I bet these people will be so relieved to hear that. Somebody should go back through these six pages of posts and notify them and record the sheer joy of their reaction.
Ah, so this is more an argument of who is carrying whose water. There are several on here that do carry water for Trump. I haven't really noticed that from ND40. There are also several on here that carry water for Biden and the Dems. It sucks we can't have reasonable rational discussions on the reality of both.
Ah, so this is more an argument of who is carrying whose water. There are several on here that do carry water for Trump. I haven't really noticed that from ND40. There are also several on here that carry water for Biden and the Dems. It sucks we can't have reasonable rational discussions on the reality of both.
I am enjoying the hell out of watching him try to claim Pence doing his duty (which I acknowledged when it happened) is admitting Trump tried a coup. It’s hilarious as hell. I’m guessing he’s got a couple of pages to go before he’s cried himself out again. Then we wait until the next coup cry fest.
the bolded will only be true so long as his agenda is not realized.

if the 3.5 trillion "human infrastructure" bill doesn't pass it will certainly limit the damage.
We are so f$&@ed. In order for us to not be fiscally screwed way more than we currently are we are hoping for the POTUS’s agenda to fail.
We are so f$&@ed. In order for us to not be fiscally screwed way more than we currently are we are hoping for the POTUS’s agenda to fail.

it's not even the fiscal impact for me though that is bad enough - it's the massive expansion of Federal control of virtually every aspect of our lives. that's the real damage
it's not even the fiscal impact for me though that is bad enough - it's the massive expansion of Federal control of virtually every aspect of our lives. that's the real damage
At least you don't live in TX. Talk about government control of lives.
Federalism suggests that the states should have more control AND it's still far less control than what the Biden agenda envisions for the Feds.

I know you cheer it own but I think it's an unmitigated disaster.
Yep. I look at states like CA and NY and say have at it. Just keep your costs and agenda within your states boundaries AND outside of my states boundaries
If you don't like the Texas rules - move to a state that better suits you. When it's under Federal control you have no choice and no place to move.

The lust for control and compliance to one view. All must live the way a small majority deems appropriate.
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The Biden presidency will be nowhere near as damaging to this country as was the Trump presidency.
This country will spend decades trying to shed the stench of Trumpism....both home and abroad.
I disagree. I believe Biden's actions have already hurt this country more. Trump is an arrogant blowhard, but it's hard to argue that if you ignore his words and look at the actual shape of the country, for most of his tenure, we were in good shape. And even when the pandemic hit, he continued to say dumb ****, but he took good actions. He fast tracked the vaccine programs and suspended travel. (The left criticized him massively over the travel issue calling it "racist" but hindsight clearly shows it was a legitimate action.) So while Trump liked to bluster, and that bluster was divisive, the country itself didn't suffer like the picture you are attempting to create.

Now, let's look at Biden. Inflation has skyrocketed. He undid a lot of what Trump did in terms of border policy and the border crisis is worse than ever. Whereas Trump pissed off our "allies" by demanding they pay their share in NATO costs and fair trade agreements, Biden has pissed them off by looking incompetent in withdrawing troops from Afghanistan helter skelter, and he's pissed France off with this new submarine deal. We can blame the pandemic for the tanked economy, but Biden has done nothing to help it. In fact, it could get even worse. And the flow of information from the WH is still as restricted now as it was under Trump, only now we've switched sides as to who has a problem with it. And while I'll say Biden does not engage in as much divisive rhetoric as Trump, he does engage in divisive rhetoric, only we've flipped sides over who gets offended.

Reality is, whichever party has their candidate in the WH is always gonna try to sugarcoat things, which is precisely what you are doing.
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If you don't like the Texas rules - move to a state that better suits you. When it's under Federal control you have no choice and no place to move.

The lust for control and compliance to one view. All must live the way a small majority deems appropriate.
That's why the FFs wrote the Constitution the way they did. States are to have the powers not expressly given to the federal government. In other words, the 10th Amendment. If you don't like your states rules, move to another state. You're still an American. Control at the federal level is more like a dictatorship, and those who oppose have little recourse when the federal government continues to give itself more and more power.
Federalism suggests that the states should have more control AND it's still far less control than what the Biden agenda envisions for the Feds.

I know you cheer it on but I think it's an unmitigated disaster.
I think what TX is doing is horrible.
I think what TX is doing is horrible.

I don't agree with it but there are any number of solutions. The most likely solution will be that the abortion law (I presume that's what you are referring to) likely won't survive court challenge. Even if it doesn't you can choose from 49 other states and still retain all the benefits of US citizenship.
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Ah, so this is more an argument of who is carrying whose water. There are several on here that do carry water for Trump. I haven't really noticed that from ND40. There are also several on here that carry water for Biden and the Dems. It sucks we can't have reasonable rational discussions on the reality of both.
lol. 🤦🏻‍♂️

No, it’s not in any way an argument about that, nor is that even remotely implied by what I wrote.

As always, I’m impressed at the lengths you’ll go to to manufacture an opening for your “both sides” shpiel when somebody who carries the MAGA water makes a fool of themselves.
I am enjoying the hell out of watching him try to claim Pence doing his duty (which I acknowledged when it happened) is admitting Trump tried a coup. It’s hilarious as hell. I’m guessing he’s got a couple of pages to go before he’s cried himself out again. Then we wait until the next coup cry fest.

Eastman was one of Trump’s campaign lawyers. Eastman wrote a memo saying Pence could just unilaterally decide which electors to count in order to retain Trump as President. Eastman has admitted to providing the memo to Trump and Pence. Pence went to Dan Quayle and Michael Luttig looking for advice. Luttig has publicly confirmed that Pence sought his counsel about this very memo. Trump made at least 5 public statements urging Pence to do something about the election. One of these occasions was at the 1/6 speech when he was literally praising Eastman and talking about Pence being able to declare him the winner in the very same sentence. I posted the quotes and a link to the transcript.

There’s only one conclusion: Trump was actively trying to get the Vice President to overturn the election results. That’s a coup.

You acknowledged that “nobody listened to Trump” and that not listening to Trump was “the right thing,” if you didn’t realize that “listening to Trump” = doing a coup, that’s your own damn fault.
lol. 🤦🏻‍♂️

No, it’s not in any way an argument about that, nor is that even remotely implied by what I wrote.

As always, I’m impressed at the lengths you’ll go to to manufacture an opening for your “both sides” shpiel when somebody who carries the MAGA water makes a fool of themselves.
Nah. I've called out people who actually carry Trump's water. I'm saying I don't see ND40 do that, or at least not often. I've made my stance on Trump fairly clear. Dickhead of a person but not really a horrible President. With his personality alone, I don't think he should have ever been POTUS, but he didn't do this horrible job like the left tends to portray. Biden is clearly, IMO, doing far worse based on the current state of the country.

Anywho, I've also expressed my opinion on 1/6. It wasn't a "coup". It was a bunch of idiots doing something idiotic, and those who caused violence or destroyed property deserve to be punished. Still wasn't a "coup".

As for my stance, you are correct, I do believe both sides are corrupt as hell. I do believe this board has people carrying water for both sides. Do you disagree with that? For all the Trump leg-humpers, do you also not think there are Biden leg-humpers as well? Clearly there are, so if you're not seeing them, you're choosing to ignore them.
Anywho, I've also expressed my opinion on 1/6. It wasn't a "coup". It was a bunch of idiots doing something idiotic, and those who caused violence or destroyed property deserve to be punished. Still wasn't a "coup".
It wasn't a coup because it didn't stop the certification. But they tried.
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It wasn't a coup because it didn't stop the certification. But they tried.
It wasn't a "coup" because there was no real organization or even a chance in hell it would succeed. The people involved had no vested power whatsoever that they were acting on. A bunch of idiots doing something idiotic does not amount to a "coup". It just doesn't.
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Nah. I've called out people who actually carry Trump's water. I'm saying I don't see ND40 do that, or at least not often. I've made my stance on Trump fairly clear. Dickhead of a person but not really a horrible President. With his personality alone, I don't think he should have ever been POTUS, but he didn't do this horrible job like the left tends to portray. Biden is clearly, IMO, doing far worse based on the current state of the country.

Anywho, I've also expressed my opinion on 1/6. It wasn't a "coup". It was a bunch of idiots doing something idiotic, and those who caused violence or destroyed property deserve to be punished. Still wasn't a "coup".

As for my stance, you are correct, I do believe both sides are corrupt as hell. I do believe this board has people carrying water for both sides. Do you disagree with that? For all the Trump leg-humpers, do you also not think there are Biden leg-humpers as well? Clearly there are, so if you're not seeing them, you're choosing to ignore them.
Why are you talking about the people at the Capitol? That’s not the conversation we were having. We are talking about proof that your ‘not really a horrible President’ was legitimately trying to get Pence to unilaterally declare him the winner of an election he lost.

Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.

It’s amazing with these impressive powers of observation that you haven’t noticed ND40 being a Trump shill. 😂
Why are you talking about the people at the Capitol? That’s not the conversation we were having. We are talking about proof that your ‘not really a horrible President’ was legitimately trying to get Pence to unilaterally declare him the winner of an election he lost.

Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.

It’s amazing with these impressive powers of observation that you haven’t noticed ND40 being a Trump shill. 😂
Still don't think it's a coup, and you dodged acknowledging the Biden leg humpers. Why is that?
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Still don't think it's a coup, and you dodged acknowledging the Biden leg humpers. Why is that?

Oh, well that’s persuasive. Mr. Magoo over here doesnt know what we’re talking about, but definitely didn’t see any coup and wants to talk about Biden supporters, instead. There are maybe 10% of the number of active poster who are arguably Biden supporters on this forum as there are Trump supporters yet you overwhelmingly pull this “both sides” ******** on people who criticize Trump. Why is that?
It wasn't a "coup" because there was no real organization or even a chance in hell it would succeed. The people involved had no vested power whatsoever that they were acting on. A bunch of idiots doing something idiotic does not amount to a "coup". It just doesn't.
Would you prefer "idiot insurrection"?
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