Nah. I've called out people who actually carry Trump's water. I'm saying I don't see ND40 do that, or at least not often. I've made my stance on Trump fairly clear. Dickhead of a person but not really a horrible President. With his personality alone, I don't think he should have ever been POTUS, but he didn't do this horrible job like the left tends to portray. Biden is clearly, IMO, doing far worse based on the current state of the country.
Anywho, I've also expressed my opinion on 1/6. It wasn't a "coup". It was a bunch of idiots doing something idiotic, and those who caused violence or destroyed property deserve to be punished. Still wasn't a "coup".
As for my stance, you are correct, I do believe both sides are corrupt as hell. I do believe this board has people carrying water for both sides. Do you disagree with that? For all the Trump leg-humpers, do you also not think there are Biden leg-humpers as well? Clearly there are, so if you're not seeing them, you're choosing to ignore them.