Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.

I tend to agree with you on that one point, but you also have to agree that because of the discrepancy in cost of living across the country that the whole concept defining the "middle class" as a nationwide number is a farce. Even the government itself pays varying per diem rates for travel by location.

I tend to agree with you on that one point, but you also have to agree that because of the discrepancy in cost of living across the country that the whole concept defining the "middle class" as a nationwide number is a farce. Even the government itself pays varying per diem rates for travel by location.
I could easily go with the 67% - 200% of median household income on a state, regional, or even local level.
I tend to agree with you on that one point, but you also have to agree that because of the discrepancy in cost of living across the country that the whole concept defining the "middle class" as a nationwide number is a farce. Even the government itself pays varying per diem rates for travel by location.
I know one thing, the first time I traveled to California on business I couldn't believe how much everything cost, and this was in the 80's. Gas was 2x, hotel was 2x, food was 2x everything was twice what it cost in TN. Luckily I was in an industry that paid national scale wages and the poor pukes that lived in Cali didn't make much more than I did, damn did they get screwed.
I know one thing, the first time I traveled to California on business I couldn't believe how much everything cost, and this was in the 80's. Gas was 2x, hotel was 2x, food was 2x everything was twice what it cost in TN. Luckily I was in an industry that paid national scale wages and the poor pukes that lived in Cali didn't make much more than I did, damn did they get screwed.

This is the basis for the argument that libs like to use for the red states don't pay their way and the blue states support them. You make enough money to live in high cost states like CA and NY, you are going to be paying more in federal taxes than someone living the same lifestyle in most red states. The other side is that retirees generally gravitate to locations with lower cost of living (and often make it higher) - people with military/government retirement and people on SS like red states. Libs make it look sinister - like the red states somehow extort money from blue states; it just goes back to the unequal costs of living and choices people make. The guys at EPRI in Palo Alto made a pitch once; I told them no thanks - it would take a lot more than what they could pay to get me there.
I'll add to this to say that I think to be middle class you need to be able to buy a median priced house. Take 2.5x your income and that is what I think you can afford for a house, maybe 3x since interest rates are so low.
Like I said in another post these are ranges. Add or subtract from each one depending on where you live. In California or the northeast $99k is low income in the southeast a good middle income.
Where are most people on VN located?
Regardless, people under 200k have a significant punishment under inflation. Add the current inflation and the push for a $15 minimum wage, it's bad news. Then add the likely increase in tax on those same homes, you have a mold for the FR comparisons.

The French didn't end up in a better place directly after though so.. Some food for thought.
This is about how I figured the Trump reign would end.
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Hint: ranges have medians
double hint: I DGAS. My God Luther make up any numbers you want to. The bottom line is, in any community you will have people in a particular socio economic class. In rural Mississippi a middle class family might make $40k in NYC it might take $140k to achieve the same standard of living.
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double hint: I DGAS. My God Luther make up any numbers you want to. The bottom line is, in any community you will have people in a particular socio economic class. In rural Mississippi a middle class family might make $40k in NYC it might take $140k to achieve the same standard of living.
Oddly enough, I DGAS either. I have absolutely no idea why you guys even wanted to debate what constitutes middle class. If I get bored, I may go back a try to figure it out.
Got bored.
It looks like someone was falsely claiming Biden will substantially raise taxes on the middle class and someone else asked them how they defined the middle class.
For that discussion, it seems accurately defining of the middle class would be essential.
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Got bored.
It looks like someone was falsely claiming Biden will substantially raise taxes on the middle class and someone else asked them how they defined the middle class.
For that discussion, it seems accurately defining of the middle class would be essential.
I'm middle class (actual middle class not the food stamp and Medicaid using version you believe in)

My taxes will go up

That's all I really care about
I'm middle class (actual middle class not the food stamp and Medicaid using version you believe in)

My taxes will go up

That's all I really care about
Your household income is below $130k a year?

If so, your taxes will not be going up.

Plus, it that's all you really care about - that's a pretty sad commentary.
Your household income is below $130k a year?

If so, your taxes will not be going up.

Plus, it that's all you really care about - that's a pretty sad commentary.
No it's not but still less than the mythical $400k

Why would my wanting less to be forcibly taken by the govt be sad? They waste my money and anyone still supporting that is sad

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