Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.

Conservative lawyer penned 6-page memo on how Mike Pence could hand the 2020 election to Trump

Under this scenario, Eastman maintained that Pence could decide to count "Trump electors" that had been approved by Republican-led state legislatures - even after those states had already sent a certified slate of electors, approved by their governors, for President Joe Biden.

Even if there were not competing, pro-Trump slates, Eastman argued, Pence could thwart Biden's victory by deciding for himself, "based on all the evidence and the letters from [pro-Trump] state legislators calling into question the executive certifications," to not accept any slate.

Read Trump's Jan. 6 Speech, A Key Part Of Impeachment Trial

And I'll tell you. Thank you very much, John. Fantastic job. I watched. That's a tough act to follow, those two. John is one of the most brilliant lawyers in the country, and he looked at this and he said, "What an absolute disgrace that this can be happening to our Constitution."

And he looked at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so. I hope so.

Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do, all this is, this is from the number one, or certainly one of the top, Constitutional lawyers in our country. He has the absolute right to do it. We're supposed to protect our country, support our country, support our Constitution, and protect our constitution.

While I am sure the "guy totting right" could drag their sorry a$$ out with their tactic cool rig they would be seriously disappointed. Of course they better get a physical and I dunno maybe a workout or two.

Quite possibly the dumbest support for the second amendment is " I need my gun in case I gotta fight the U.S. Government". Try a missile with a nuclear warhead and a helluva bunker. That's just for starters.

The little pee shooters that the "gun totting right" would bring to a coup is embarrassing.

No. If several million armed Americans ever get pissed off enough to go to DC and storm the capital with the idea of removing the government that is there, no army or police is going to stop them. Because cops and soldiers aren’t willing to kill Americans (a la Ashley Babbit) en mass to protect a corrupt government. At least right now. That’s why the leftist push to purge the military. Jan 6 is their greatest fear because they cannot control it, they cannot rig it.
No. If several million armed Americans ever get pissed off enough to go to DC and storm the capital with the idea of removing the government that is there, no army or police is going to stop them. Because cops and soldiers aren’t willing to kill Americans (a la Ashley Babbit) en mass to protect a corrupt government. At least right now. That’s why the leftist push to purge the military. Jan 6 is their greatest fear because they cannot control it, they cannot rig it.
Are the several million armed Americans going to kill other Americans?

Except what you're alleging happened is not what truly happened. The states that are currently in process of auditing their election sent letters to Mike Pence requesting more time to look into their election. Since the states have power over their elections this is well within their right.
Except what you're alleging happened is not what truly happened. The states that are currently in process of auditing their election sent letters to Mike Pence requesting more time to look into their election. Since the states have power over their elections this is well within their right.
You’re right, the coup didn’t happen. Thankfully Pence didn’t go through with it. That’s why it was an attempt.

No state did that. A handful of individual legislators did. It’s not the same thing, so whether or not it’s within one or five states’ power to delay federal certification of a 50 state election (it’s not) is irrelevant.
No state did that. A handful of individual legislators did. It’s not the same thing and whether or not it’s within one or five states’ power to delay federal certification of a 50 state election (it’s not) is irrelevant.

That's a categorically false statement. The senates in these states are a Republican majority, the letters were sent by the state senates, each of them were. Also, each state has power over their electors period.
The entire population in the South at that time was only around 5 million not counting slaves. That means roughly 10-20% of the entire population fought in some capacity. If 10-20% fought today it would be well into the millions.
I realize that. That is kinda what I was alluding to but it wasn’t clear. I was making it clear the reference was the Civil War and yes a significant part of the population died.

Hey at least the Democrats can point to a Republican President killing a million citizens. It’s the small victories.
You’re right, the coup didn’t happen. Thankfully Pence didn’t go through with it. That’s why it was an attempt.

No state did that. A handful of individual legislators did. It’s not the same thing, so whether or not it’s within one or five states’ power to delay federal certification of a 50 state election (it’s not) is irrelevant.
It depends on whether your communist government kills Americans. they will be allowed to take over the government with no shots fired?
How many armed "patriots" will that require?
And once again, you resort to fear mongering buzzwords without any consideration of their actual meaning.
"Something someone from Venezuela would have said 20 years ago for $1000, Alex."

If you're naive enough to not see where this is headed, then bless your little heart. Is going to happen tomorrow? no. Is going to happen in the next 5 years?. No. Is going to happen in the next 50 years, probably. It's happening in Australia today.
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Reactions: Obsessed they will be allowed to take over the government with no shots fired?
How many armed "patriots" will that require?
Exhibit A

This how communist think.

Ask the Taliban how many it takes.
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And to be more fair, Confederates by way of their succession were not Americans anymore. A fact that many lose or forget in the War of Northern aggression.
Then why is it sold as “reuniting” America and Americans. I thought it was to “preserve the Union”? I’m glad we agree Lincoln provoked a war with a sovereign nation with no economic or self defense basis.
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"Something someone from Venezuela would have said 20 years ago for $1000, Alex."

If you're naive enough to not see where this is headed, then bless your little heart. Is going to happen tomorrow? no. Is going to happen in the next 5 years?. No. Is going to happen in the next 50 years, probably. It's happening in Australia today.

No, bless your heart. You still don't have any comprehension of the meaning of the word communist. And you will need to dig a little deeper and reach some conclusions regarding why communism will never happen here.

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