Your Hopes For The Next POTUS Joe Biden

Yeah let’s punish those who have been successful. Good grief you liberals need a check up from the neck up.

I’m sure you were for the millions given to companies so they could prop up their companies this year with no strings attached as far as keeping workers or limiting CEO pay and back in 2008 with bonuses given to CEOs after they caused that **** show. These idiots take advantage of the capitalist system, laws, and bought representatives which favors business and not the workers and you eat it up.
Voted for Trump first go around and unfortunately sat out this past election as I couldn't stand for either one.

I'll sit back and see what Biden does and hopefully watch as someone I can agree with emerges.. either party.
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I’m sure you were for the millions given to companies so they could prop up their companies this year with no strings attached as far as keeping workers or limiting CEO pay and back in 2008 with bonuses given to CEOs after they caused that **** show. These idiots take advantage of the capitalist system, laws, and bought representatives which favors business and not the workers and you eat it up.
It was trillions given this year and I was sorry that. Against the earlier ones as well. I'm also against raising taxes on the middle class like Joe's plans will do. As you rightfully pointed out, DC has a spending problem not a revenue problem
What's his plan for these peaceful protesters?
We will not “heal” We will continue to be divided. 70 million or so of us voted for Trump. We want low taxes, no wars and pro American policies. You all want the exact opposite of those things. I will refuse to unify with you people

Broad strokes painting the left / center. I doubt there are many (any?) here that are "pro-war". As for pro-American policies, I'd wager to bet that you think the ACA, for example, is not... which is silly, of course, given that every American should have the right to decent health care. Wouldn't you agree?
God it feels good to say that!

A return to normalcy. A return to decency. Getting the country healed. Those are my top three hopes. Then let's grab us some guns.

PS. I'm just kidding about the guns.
I hope he does a good job even though Joe was not my choice. The gaffes should be entertaining.
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Time to start the healing of our nation and rid ourselves of trumpism.


Trump pitted us against one another. You'd have to be blind to not see this.

There are no "red states". There are no "blue states". There are the United States.

Glad to have a leader coming to power who recognizes this basic truism.

Trump pitted us against one another. You'd have to be blind to not see this.

There are no "red states". There are no "blue states". There are the United States.

Glad to have a leader coming to power who recognizes this basic truism.

I honestly hope this is true. But how does this work in reality? Because so far, it once again looks like there’s a qualification...that you have to drink the same flavored kool aid. That if you like another flavor, you are the problem. But again, I’m hopeful and willing to give it some time.
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I honestly hope this is true. But how does this work in reality? Because so far, it once again looks like there’s a qualification...that you have to drink the same flavored kool aid. That if you like another flavor, you are the problem. But again, I’m hopeful and willing to give it some time.

For starters, it begins with the recognition by our President that people who didn't vote for him are still Americans, and have rights equal to those that did vote for him. This was always one of the biggest problems with the Trump regime, because his success fundamentally relied on *creating* division between us. On the other hand, Biden has stated his commitment to bringing us together to the degree that this has been possible historically.
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We don't have a Commander in Chief, we have a Cheater in Chief. This is the first President elect to be under an active FBI investigation in history. He should be tried for high treason against the US from his China, Ukrain, and Russia dealings. But, that is all for naught because K. Harris will be the President within the year when Joe won't be able to remember how to tie his shoes. Hope you gun owners have un-registered I do. President Harris is coming for them.
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Trump pitted us against one another. You'd have to be blind to not see this.

There are no "red states". There are no "blue states". There are the United States.

Glad to have a leader coming to power who recognizes this basic truism.

Screen shot .... and saved for future use . ( considering poster history , probably before the day is over )
Broad strokes painting the left / center. I doubt there are many (any?) here that are "pro-war". As for pro-American policies, I'd wager to bet that you think the ACA, for example, is not... which is silly, of course, given that every American should have the right to decent health care. Wouldn't you agree?
Health insurance isn’t a right. ACA is absolutely not pro American
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Trump pitted us against one another. You'd have to be blind to not see this.

There are no "red states". There are no "blue states". There are the United States.

Glad to have a leader coming to power who recognizes this basic truism.
First your dear leader can’t recognize his sister from him wife so I don’t believe he can recognize the United States

No we are not United, we never will be again. You people and the politicians you worship called us racist and many other things for 4 years and now you all want to be the “United States” pass. I will not unite with you people. We have nothing in common
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