Your Hopes For The Next POTUS Joe Biden


Trump pitted us against one another. You'd have to be blind to not see this.

There are no "red states". There are no "blue states". There are the United States.

Glad to have a leader coming to power who recognizes this basic truism.
Blaming only Trump shows you really don't understand what happened. If there's only the US then why is your post so partisan? Biden is no leader
Blaming only Trump shows you really don't understand what happened. If there's only the US then why is your post so partisan? Biden is no leader

Published Sept. 17, 2020 Updated Sept. 24, 2020

WASHINGTON — President Trump argued this week that the death toll from the coronavirus was actually not so bad. All you had to do was not count states that voted for Democrats.
“If you take the blue states out,” he said, “we’re at a level that I don’t think anybody in the world would be at. We’re really at a very low level.”

The statement was as jarring as it was revealing, indicative of a leader who has long seemed to view himself more as the president of Red America rather than the United States of America. On the pandemic, immigration, crime, street violence and other issues, Mr. Trump regularly divides the country into the parts that support him and the parts that do not, rewarding the former and reproving the latter.

While presidents running for re-election typically look at the map of the country through a partisan lens, they ostensibly take off such a filter when it comes to their duties to govern, or at least make the effort to look like they do. But that is an axiom Mr. Trump has rarely observed as he rails against “Democrat cities” and “badly run blue states.” And he has sought to punish them with tax policies and threats to withhold federal funding, while devoting far more time and attention to red states.

Trump pitted us against one another. You'd have to be blind to not see this.

There are no "red states". There are no "blue states". There are the United States.

Glad to have a leader coming to power who recognizes this basic truism.
Wow. Its almost like you forgot what you people did in 2016. Immediate calls for impeachment. Immediate calls for resistance at any cost. Immediate accusations of foreign election interference. Trump didn't divide this country, he exposed the petulant anti American ####'s like you.
Wow. Its almost like you forgot what you people did in 2016. Immediate calls for impeachment. Immediate calls for resistance at any cost. Immediate accusations of foreign election interference. Trump didn't divide this country, he exposed the petulant anti American ####'s like you.
They didn't like salt poured in their wounds.
Wow. Its almost like you forgot what you people did in 2016. Immediate calls for impeachment. Immediate calls for resistance at any cost. Immediate accusations of foreign election interference. Trump didn't divide this country, he exposed the petulant anti American ####'s like you.

Trump deserved to be impeached and he, in fact, was impeached. When he leaves office, he may face state/federal prosecution. [check]

Foreign election interference happened, per Trump's own administration. [check]

Immediate calls for resistance at any cost? Hmmm, certainly by some, but not all.

"Petulant anti-American ####'s like me"? My my. Touchy aren't we. Just remember, Biden is *your* President come January 20th. :)
Published Sept. 17, 2020 Updated Sept. 24, 2020

WASHINGTON — President Trump argued this week that the death toll from the coronavirus was actually not so bad. All you had to do was not count states that voted for Democrats.
“If you take the blue states out,” he said, “we’re at a level that I don’t think anybody in the world would be at. We’re really at a very low level.”

The statement was as jarring as it was revealing, indicative of a leader who has long seemed to view himself more as the president of Red America rather than the United States of America. On the pandemic, immigration, crime, street violence and other issues, Mr. Trump regularly divides the country into the parts that support him and the parts that do not, rewarding the former and reproving the latter.

While presidents running for re-election typically look at the map of the country through a partisan lens, they ostensibly take off such a filter when it comes to their duties to govern, or at least make the effort to look like they do. But that is an axiom Mr. Trump has rarely observed as he rails against “Democrat cities” and “badly run blue states.” And he has sought to punish them with tax policies and threats to withhold federal funding, while devoting far more time and attention to red states.
Trump is an ahole but the dems spent years on a hoax of an impeachment from the start.

The blue states had a terrible response to the virus which directly led to tens of thousands dead and then went on CNN every night and joked about it! Worrying about something said in Sept after watching the nonsense virus response being pushed by the left is the definition of partisan

Impeachment was a political sham pushed by the left. The draconian virus response that continued past about April was a political sham pushed by the left. But Trump....
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Trump deserved to be impeached and he, in fact, was impeached. When he leaves office, he may face state/federal prosecution. [check]

Foreign election interference happened, per Trump's own administration. [check]

Immediate calls for resistance at any cost? Hmmm, certainly by some, but not all.

"Petulant anti-American ####'s like me"? My my. Touchy aren't we. Just remember, Biden is *your* President come January 20th. :)
I never said he wasn't my president. Want to know why? I'm not anti American filth, I respect the rule of law and fair and free elections. You should give it a try sometime.
Trump is an ahole but the dems spent years on a hoax of an impeachment from the start.

The blue states had a terrible response to the virus which directly led to tens of thousands dead and then went on CNN every night and joked about it! Worrying about something said in Sept after watching the nonsense virus response being pushed by the left is the definition of partisan

Impeachment was a political sham pushed by the left. The draconian virus response that continued past about April was a political sham pushed by the left. But Trump....
What you don't appreciate is how this country was all rainbows and roses under every other administration. For example, remember how the left welcomed Bush's "compassionate conservatism" and how they applauded his expansion of Medicare as well as 'No child left behind'?
Trump is an ahole but the dems spent years on a hoax of an impeachment from the start.

The blue states had a terrible response to the virus which directly led to tens of thousands dead and then went on CNN every night and joked about it! Worrying about something said in Sept after watching the nonsense virus response being pushed by the left is the definition of partisan

Impeachment was a political sham pushed by the left. The draconian virus response that continued past about April was a political sham pushed by the left. But Trump....

Impeachment - Fact: Trump withheld our taxpayer dollars to an ally (Ukraine) dependent upon whether that country would provide dirt on a political opponent. We can argue the semantics of whether or no this is an act that rose to the level of impeachment, but make no mistake, it happened.

As for the pandemic, the lack of a federal response plan served as the genesis for our country's excessive deaths. Trump knew how dangerous and lethal CV19 was in January (per the Woodward audio tapes), yet he downplayed the virus - he lied to us all - and then he effectively did nothing to form a federal plan of action.
I never said he wasn't my president. Want to know why? I'm not anti American filth, I respect the rule of law and fair and free elections. You should give it a try sometime.

Heh. Accusing me of not respecting the rule of law and fair and free elections? What you smoking bro?

Go ahead... support your drivel.
Impeachment -
As for the pandemic, the lack of a federal response plan served as the genesis for our country's excessive deaths. Trump knew how dangerous and lethal CV19 was in January (per the Woodward audio tapes), yet he downplayed the virus - he lied to us all - and then he effectively did nothing to form a federal plan of action.

If true, the whole country should mirror the death in the NE. But that isn't what happened.
Impeachment - Fact: Trump withheld our taxpayer dollars to an ally (Ukraine) dependent upon whether that country would provide dirt on a political opponent. We can argue the semantics of whether or no this is an act that rose to the level of impeachment, but make no mistake, it happened.

As for the pandemic, the lack of a federal response plan served as the genesis for our country's excessive deaths. Trump knew how dangerous and lethal CV19 was in January (per the Woodward audio tapes), yet he downplayed the virus - he lied to us all - and then he effectively did nothing to form a federal plan of action.
Biden pretty much admitted the same kind of act but he's clear. It was a witch hunt that amounted to absolutely nothing besides lots of money spent and the left could brag to their constituents they were trying to oust a guy they painted as evil from the start. Yeah, tell them we should be the USA

Was there some magic response plan that Trump scrapped? After about April we know what was happening and what needed to happen. I have huge issues with how Trump handled that by allowing outside forces to control the narrative. An effective leader and communicator could have navigated this better. It would have been a tough fight with the shutdown left but it was possible. The same idiots claiming Trump killed 200k people are also buying cuomo's book on his response. The left absolutely chose to politicize a pandemic but Trump
I don't remember a single democrat requesting unity for the last 4 years, now that their dear leader is in charge they want unity. I'll pass
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That he stays off social media, out of the spotlight completely when possible, and that he continues to try and even the playing field with China and oppose Putin on the global stage. I don't think he does either of those things though. His concerns will be buying next elections votes with tax payer money.
If true, the whole country should mirror the death in the NE. But that isn't what happened.

No. People learn... at least some do. Doctors learned how to best treat the novel virus. Administrators, managers, politicians learned hard lessons, too, about old folks' homes, etc.
Published Sept. 17, 2020 Updated Sept. 24, 2020

WASHINGTON — President Trump argued this week that the death toll from the coronavirus was actually not so bad. All you had to do was not count states that voted for Democrats.
“If you take the blue states out,” he said, “we’re at a level that I don’t think anybody in the world would be at. We’re really at a very low level.”

The statement was as jarring as it was revealing, indicative of a leader who has long seemed to view himself more as the president of Red America rather than the United States of America. On the pandemic, immigration, crime, street violence and other issues, Mr. Trump regularly divides the country into the parts that support him and the parts that do not, rewarding the former and reproving the latter.

While presidents running for re-election typically look at the map of the country through a partisan lens, they ostensibly take off such a filter when it comes to their duties to govern, or at least make the effort to look like they do. But that is an axiom Mr. Trump has rarely observed as he rails against “Democrat cities” and “badly run blue states.” And he has sought to punish them with tax policies and threats to withhold federal funding, while devoting far more time and attention to red states.

It's good form, if not legal, to post a link to the entire article when you post an excerpt. This obviously is an editorial from a paper, the NY Times, that hates Trump and wants to make him look bad. All you've done here is show us that the NY Times doesn't like Trump. That's not news. We already knew that.
Health insurance isn't a right
It's not the governments place to make people have health insurance
I don't want my tax dollars going to people who choose to have a $250 per month cell phone bill but refuse to get their own health insurance

Wouldn't you agree that the United States is the "greatest country on Earth" and the "leader of the free world"?

If yes, why would we deny anyone in our country basic health care? If you oppose national health care, then you also oppose Social Security. Same principle.

And what did Trump do to "fix" the system as he promised? He had the Presidency, the House, the Senate and he did JACK SH*T. All Trump has is promises... broken promises... and false promises.
It's good form, if not legal, to post a link to the entire article when you post an excerpt. This obviously is an editorial from a paper, the NY Times, that hates Trump and wants to make him look bad. All you've done here is show us that the NY Times doesn't like Trump. That's not news. We already knew that.

Trump did a fine job of making himself look bad.

Quotes don't lie.
Wouldn't you agree that the United States is the "greatest country on Earth" and the "leader of the free world"?

If yes, why would we deny anyone in our country basic health care? If you oppose national health care, then you also oppose Social Security. Same principle.

And what did Trump do to "fix" the system as he promised? He had the Presidency, the House, the Senate and he did JACK SH*T. All Trump has is promises... broken promises... and false promises.
We won't stay the best country in the world if we continue to give lazy worthless people free stuff
For the few who really need help, for example if they are truly disabled then yes let's help them but I am not for helping a 25 year old simply because they are lazy
I agree Trump didn't no what he should have on healthcare. Ideally he would have completely rolled back every piece of it. At least the mandate is gone
We don't and I do.

Ahh... libertarian. That explains things.

Well, the United States probably isn't the best spot for you, really. And much like Europe, we're slowly but surely becoming more socialist over time. I'll bet there are some pretty cool African countries where your ideals would be more at home.
Ahh... libertarian. That explains things.

Well, the United States probably isn't the best spot for you, really. And much like Europe, we're slowly but surely becoming more socialist over time. I'll bet there are some pretty cool African countries where your ideals would be more at home.
Ah the tolerant "love it or leave it" which has morphed into "comply or be cancelled." Thanks but I'll continue to express my views here and vote accordingly. That used to be encouraged in the US. But Trump right?

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