'10 FL K Michael Palardy

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I just hope that we bring him along slowly. I would be pissed if we all of a sudden threw him in for multiple 45 yarders at the beginning of his career. I'd be terrified because missing those and having 100k people yelling at you can throw off a kicker for the rest of his career. I don't know where his mind is, and how thick his skin is, but it could destroy him before he ever gets games under his belt.
I just hope that we bring him along slowly. I would be pissed if we all of a sudden threw him in for multiple 45 yarders at the beginning of his career. I'd be terrified because missing those and having 100k people yelling at you can throw off a kicker for the rest of his career. I don't know where his mind is, and how thick his skin is, but it could destroy him before he ever gets games under his belt.
I'd be fine with us going with another FG kicker, but this kid could could help us win a few games per season alone, as a punter and kick-off guy
WOW, This guy is a game changer ! Imagine consistently kicking the ball to the goal line or in most cases through the end zone (virtually eliminating your oppositions return game) not to mention making 50 yard field goals seem routine instead of a big gamble.This guy has the ability to change a game like EB.Does anyone know if he has visited us or if he plans too? I assume he has seeing as how he has UT and LSU as his final two.

Coach Gran gave him a tour and poured it on when he was in town a month or two ago. It's on VQ.
Coach Gran gave him a tour and poured it on when he was in town a month or two ago. It's on VQ.
Thanks for the info Chitown. If Coach Gran is the lead recruiter on him, you have to like our chances. Coach Gran is my favorite, not only a great recruiter, but a heck of a coach once he gets them !
Va Tech has a freshman kicker who kicked a 54 yarder in the High Scool playoffs to win game in5 ot's. name is Cody Journell. Has kicked a 68 yarder. Will start this year. Watch out Bama!
April video for anyone who hasn't seen it---

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"We need him bad, just another addition to the New UT. I watched film, the guy really has a nice leg.
He needs to carry that list on one of those arm sweatbands like QB's do.
Marlon Brown...done.:good!: Next up...

Kinda like Chad Ochocinco had when he marked the DB's that he burned and had a checklist for them. That would be awesome.
If we land this kid every long snapper and holder in the nation is gonna be knocking down our door to play here. Indeed exciting!!!!!!!
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