Washington (Pac 10) 1-10 last year vs Tenn (SEC) 5-6 last year. I know its close to home. But 5-6 in the east divison of the SEC is along way from 1-10 in the passive 10. Head coaches are similar in background and style,but conference and assistant coaches we win every time. We will see how competitive this kid is,but I say if we don't get him we will get Scroggins. Washington is recruiting both. I also wouldn't count out Sims just yet,its kind off crowded at QB in Bammer. Our coaches have been busy with spring practice and trying to figure out what their needs are. The early contact period begins soon and that is when this staff will show you what they have in the tank! I'm betting on them!!! Go Vols, they said coach O had a 6 hour recruiting meeting the other day!
And don't forget the hostesses:run: