'14 TN OL/DL Charles Mosley (UT Signee 2/5/14)

But all the expert speculators, here, claim he's the next coming of the StayPuff Marshmallow Man. Bunch of "glass-half-empty" Azzhats.


Why are you on an internet message board?
Why are you on an internet message board?

That guy is an idiot. I remember him arguing with everyone about signing Aaron Medley last year. Said we were fine with Bullock and Darr and that signing a 2* kicker was stupid.Then of course he had to start with the name calling and using emoticons after every sentence when everyone got their pitchforks ready.

Also, I think it's hilarious how he uses the dumbest gifs that are either really old or doesn't fit with his statement at all. But in his mind he just pwned us all haha.
The War Room also said that the new enrollees were all in good shape, or that none came in in horrible shape.
I agree that Sawyers and Barnett will see the field before Mosley does, but I don't think he redshirts. We are scary thin at DT (literally and figuratively, pardon the pun), so if Mosley can contribute at all we need him.

I predict Mosley takes a redshirt year in 2015 to learn how to play OG. Given how many stud DT recruits are expected to sign with us this year, I think Mosley's far more valuable this year than next.

As far as getting into playing shape, ten weeks is plenty of time to shed about 40 lbs. If you've ever watched "Biggest Loser," you'd know that a motivated person weighing north of 350 lbs can lose a ton of weight in a matter of weeks with just a simple diet and conditioning program.
biggest loser is the worst way to lose weight. People putting there lives on hold to go to a boot camp for however long they go, get there meals cooked for free and told when to eat when not to eat. Not to mention after all weight is lost the problems they have. Either gaining weight back, or issues with liver and kidneys because such a dramatic weight loss. Charles won't be on that kinda regiment. The coaches and staff can monitor him during the day but yall know as well as I do that it's hard when your chilling with the boys playing ps3 and o e of them says I want some Krystal's it's hard for anyone to turn down especially a 350 pound defensive tackle trying to lose weight.
Come on, young man! Get motivated and put in the work! You have a huge opportunity ahead of you. Many if us would love to have the opportunity to don the orange and white.
If mccullers could have been used situationally, we'd think a lot better of him. Mosley will be used situationally until he's in shape. We've got him for 5 years, I'm not worried about his being overweight for the first day of those 5 years.

It's just the scheme we use doesn't have much use for a plug. We need our DT to penetrate through the line, not hold it up.
It's just the scheme we use doesn't have much use for a plug. We need our DT to penetrate through the line, not hold it up.

It's nice to have that option if we need it tho.. Goal line stands, 4th & inches and what not
The War Room also said that the new enrollees were all in good shape, or that none came in in horrible shape.

If he is 370 and not in horrible shape he could end up being an absolute mauler! :eek:hmy:

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