'14 TN OL/DL Charles Mosley (UT Signee 2/5/14)

"On Charles Mosley...

We have talked to several people close to the situation this evening and Mosley was in a car accident early today and from what we understand he has broken both bones in one of his lower legs and it will require surgery.

From the looks of things, with the broken bones, Mosley will likely miss this upcoming season. Obviously, I'm sure Charles and his family would appreciate your prayers and thoughts this evening. "

- Fortenberry
Oh man man man. How awful. Do you think his scholly is at risk now?

No. He is already enrolled. Worst case would be if he couldnt play again (I imagine he will be able to) then he would be put on medical scholarship and not count towards 85.

Will redshirt and be back imo.
No. He is already enrolled. Worst case would be if he couldnt play again (I imagine he will be able to) then he would be put on medical scholarship and not count towards 85.

Will redshirt and be back imo.

Agree. Awful news about arguably the most likable kid in the '14 class. Praying for him and his speedy recovery.

Football wise, I think you're spot on. He was headed for a redshirt before the accident, now it's medical RS, that's all. Hopefully he's healthy and good as new for next Spring
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So question: Can a medical redshirt get you a sixth year on the front end, or does that only work on the back end?
So question: Can a medical redshirt get you a sixth year on the front end, or does that only work on the back end?

This was discussed when Paulk was being recruited. The way I understand it, it is on the back end. This year will be a RS. He can only apply for a medical RS if he gets injured again and misses a majority of another season.
Man I hate this. Prayers to Charles and everyone involved. Wish him a speedy recovery.

Not to sound like a d-bag, but I really hope he can keep his size in check during his recovery. I've seen plenty of big boys put on too much weight when they have leg injuries and can't do cardio. First and foremost hope he's okay and can recover.
Atleast he is ok. A broken leg can be fixed. Thank The Lord it wasn't worse. I bet he will be cracking jokes again in no time. Get well soon Big Charles!
Man I hate this. Prayers to Charles and everyone involved. Wish him a speedy recovery.

Not to sound like a d-bag, but I really hope he can keep his size in check during his recovery. I've seen plenty of big boys put on too much weight when they have leg injuries and can't do cardio. First and foremost hope he's okay and can recover.

It can also be mental. Some kids who get injured real early have trouble being involved and staying the course because they can't get on the field. It sounds like Charles doesn't take things too seriously and has a great attitude, so he should be ok.
Broken legs (depending on severity) can be better then a torn ACL a lot of times.

I broke my Femur (above knee) when blitzing my freshman year in high school. Was lucky and it was a clean break. 12 weeks in a full leg cast and I was good to go.
This would be a good time for him to lose weight. You can get cardio without legs. Rowing would do wonders.

I hope for a speedy recovery.

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