'14 TN OL/DL Charles Mosley (UT Signee 2/5/14)

With all due respect, just because he is a doctor, does not mean all his claims are to be held as truth. It's unfortunate for physicians that so many doctors write books on misinformation.

With EQUALLY due respect, I'll take the first hand accounts of a man who's immersed himself in medical training and practice for (I guess?) three decades over a commie nutritional conceptualist, every day of the week...and twice on Sunday. :hi:
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With EQUALLY due respect, I'll take the first hand accounts of a man who's immersed himself in medical training and practice for (I guess?) three decades over a commie nutritional conceptualist, every day of the week...and twice on Sunday. :hi:

I think I'll side with the Doc on this one as well. I used to think I knew a lot about nutrition too. Then I realized I was getting my information out of magazines filled with people who got their physiques due to supplements south of Texas not necessarily what they did or didn't eat.
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I say thank goodness for global warming. I don't like extreme cold and having to deal with glaciers and saber-tooth tigers would suck. Glad it warmed up myself.

And best wishes to Charles and his family. My youngest boy used to go to school with him before we moved to GA.
@BigCharless: These meds to good I could have been told yall I'm great but these meds just keep me asleep thank yall for the prayers I love yall man #GBO
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I have had literally tons of patients (pun intended) lose weight by only doing the 5-6 small meals when they could not exercise due to injuries. My experience is considered anecdotal to the researcher, but if I have seen significant positive results, I do not care about the researcher...:)

Medicine is both an Art and a Science. Many times the Science has not caught up with the Art. :salute:

I am not that Oprah doctor that gets paid by the diet companies either...:hi:

I don't understand why anyone would go to a medical doctor when they could go to a good tree hugger and save a lot of money. :)
Sometimes you have to eat however it's best for you at that particular time. I agree that the 5 or 6 small meals will help because I know of several cases where it helped people lose weight. In my own case my Oncologist told me to try eating several small meals each day if that was the only way I could eat and keep it down. I did try this and it worked fairly well but I still lost about 22-24 pounds over a year because I still had a hard time eating because everything tasted so terrible. You do what you have to do to survive.
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I don't understand why anyone would go to a medical doctor when they could go to a good tree hugger and save a lot of money. :)
Sometimes you have to eat however it's best for you at that particular time. I agree that the 5 or 6 small meals will help because I know of several cases where it helped people lose weight. In my own case my Oncologist told me to try eating several small meals each day if that was the only way I could eat and keep it down. I did try this and it worked fairly well but I still lost about 22-24 pounds over a year because I still had a hard time eating because everything tasted so terrible. You do what you have to do to survive.

Two words: medical marijuana
I don't understand why anyone would go to a medical doctor when they could go to a good tree hugger and save a lot of money. :)
Sometimes you have to eat however it's best for you at that particular time. I agree that the 5 or 6 small meals will help because I know of several cases where it helped people lose weight. In my own case my Oncologist told me to try eating several small meals each day if that was the only way I could eat and keep it down. I did try this and it worked fairly well but I still lost about 22-24 pounds over a year because I still had a hard time eating because everything tasted so terrible. You do what you have to do to survive.

Pot would of helped you with this problem.
With EQUALLY due respect, I'll take the first hand accounts of a man who's immersed himself in medical training and practice for (I guess?) three decades over a commie nutritional conceptualist, every day of the week...and twice on Sunday. :hi:

The science is readily available. Take it or leave it. Save the sour attempts of mocking for those that don't have to fall back on logical fallacies.
The science is readily available. Take it or leave it. Save the sour attempts of mocking for those that don't have to fall back on logical fallacies.

Once again...I'll take my "science" from someone who actually studied it...and saw it 's results in practice... Like my odds better there than reading it from your. "Source"...no offense to you...I'm sure you're trying to help in your own imperious way.
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Smh y'all are worried about him gaining weight and how's he gonna get stronger the kid could be dead geezz

With him tweeting saying he's fine & resting what's the big deal with discussing football? He's a football player. He ain't dead..he's just hurt.

If he were laying on his death bed or somethkng more serious I'm sure the conversations would be much different.
Once again...I'll take my "science" from someone who actually studied it...and saw it 's results in practice... Like my odds better there than reading it from your. "Source"...no offense to you...I'm sure you're trying to help in your own imperious way.

Eh, overlook this guy. Just another jackass know it all that thinks he's the smartest guy in the room because the 3 friends he runs around with probably puts him on a pedestal. Let me guess he can try cases too. Maybe bang out some corporate tax returns in his spare time.

In any event, sounds like Mosley is in good spirits. And hopefully he gets well soon. We're pulling for you big man! Stick with those 5 to 6 small meals a day and you'll be back on your feet in no time.
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Guys, I've really tried to stay out of the meal frequency discussion. I'm going to drop one post, and bounce.

It is a fact, that for years, 6 meals a day has been proclaimed as the best way to manage weight and lose fat. Whether this works is not what our friend here is arguing. There are MANY ways to get a desired result, it just comes down to what method you can be most compliant with.

What he is saying, and rightly so, is that there is no evidence that increasing meal frequency increases your metabolism. I have done much research into this, but my word is not worth much. Several are challenging his stance, so I am providing a couple of links, based on scientific, unbiased research to prove the point.

I respect people's opinions, but honestly, I am looking for facts. So based on the most CURRENT research, if you are interested...

JISSN | Full text | International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: meal frequency

Do I need to eat six times a day to keep my metabolism high? | Examine.com FAQ

Meal Frequency and Energy Balance | BodyRecomposition - The Home of Lyle McDonald

I'm sorry I wasn't a big enough man to just let this slide, but hopefully... for the love of all that is good and orange, we can move past this now. :hi:

Experts refute notion that smaller, more frequent meals fires up the metabolism - Chicago Tribune

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Guys, I've really tried to stay out of the meal frequency discussion. I'm going to drop one post, and bounce.

It is a fact, that for years, 6 meals a day has been proclaimed as the best way to manage weight and lose fat. Whether this works is not what our friend here is arguing. There are MANY ways to get a desired result, it just comes down to what method you can be most compliant with.

What he is saying, and rightly so, is that there is no evidence that increasing meal frequency increases your metabolism. I have done much research into this, but my word is not worth much. Several are challenging his stance, so I am providing a couple of links, based on scientific, unbiased research to prove the point.

I respect people's opinions, but honestly, I am looking for facts. So based on the most CURRENT research, if you are interested...

JISSN | Full text | International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: meal frequency

Do I need to eat six times a day to keep my metabolism high? | Examine.com FAQ

Meal Frequency and Energy Balance | BodyRecomposition - The Home of Lyle McDonald

I'm sorry I wasn't a big enough man to just let this slide, but hopefully... for the love of all that is good and orange, we can move past this now. :hi:

Experts refute notion that smaller, more frequent meals fires up the metabolism - Chicago Tribune


Thank you Nick! I love Lyle's work. Main thing is calories in vs calories out. Meal frequency is irrelevant to metabloism. The idiot bros and the media keep that one going. Sorry to keep the sidetrack going.
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Eh, overlook this guy. Just another jackass know it all that thinks he's the smartest guy in the room because the 3 friends he runs around with probably puts him on a pedestal. Let me guess he can try cases too. Maybe bang out some corporate tax returns in his spare time.

In any event, sounds like Mosley is in good spirits. And hopefully he gets well soon. We're pulling for you big man! Stick with those 5 to 6 small meals a day and you'll be back on your feet in no time.

Just for the record, I have FOUR friends that I run with that place me on a pedestal. When we aren't curling in the squat rack, we are watching Dr. Oz. He definitely knows his stuff, ya know. Because he's a doctor.
Guys, I've really tried to stay out of the meal frequency discussion. I'm going to drop one post, and bounce.

It is a fact, that for years, 6 meals a day has been proclaimed as the best way to manage weight and lose fat. Whether this works is not what our friend here is arguing. There are MANY ways to get a desired result, it just comes down to what method you can be most compliant with.

What he is saying, and rightly so, is that there is no evidence that increasing meal frequency increases your metabolism. I have done much research into this, but my word is not worth much. Several are challenging his stance, so I am providing a couple of links, based on scientific, unbiased research to prove the point.

I respect people's opinions, but honestly, I am looking for facts. So based on the most CURRENT research, if you are interested...

JISSN | Full text | International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: meal frequency

Do I need to eat six times a day to keep my metabolism high? | Examine.com FAQ

Meal Frequency and Energy Balance | BodyRecomposition - The Home of Lyle McDonald

I'm sorry I wasn't a big enough man to just let this slide, but hopefully... for the love of all that is good and orange, we can move past this now. :hi:

Experts refute notion that smaller, more frequent meals fires up the metabolism - Chicago Tribune


Ha, I've been fighting the urge to do this too.
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Two words: medical marijuana

I didn't smoke weed before I went on chemotherapy and I have no reason to believe it would have helped cure my cancer. A question I have for you is what is the difference between "medical marijuana" and regular old weed that the potheads I worked around used? Over a period of some 35 years I busted my tail trying to save the jobs of dozens of people that ALL started out on weed and progressed to stronger drugs to "get the feeling" they wanted (whatever that meant). Many of them lost their jobs, their homes and families because getting high meant more to them.
I don't doubt that when a person is suffering from an incurable sickness and is in unbearable pain that smoking weed might make them feel a little better. Legalizing weed for "medical" purposes or for no real reason (like Oregon and Washington) is idiotic. If a bombed out pothead runs over a family member and kills them are you going to be angry or are you going to hug them and ask if their weed made them feel better? Just asking.

Sorry to get off topic. Pulling for and praying for Big Charles to make a fast and full recovery and to get back on the field for the Vols. Same for his parents on the full and fast recovery.
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I didn't smoke weed before I went on chemotherapy and I have no reason to believe it would have helped cure my cancer. A question I have for you is what is the difference between "medical marijuana" and regular old weed that the potheads I worked around used? Over a period of some 35 years I busted my tail trying to save the jobs of dozens of people that ALL started out on weed and progressed to stronger drugs to "get the feeling" they wanted (whatever that meant). Many of them lost their jobs, their homes and families because getting high meant more to them.
I don't doubt that when a person is suffering from an incurable sickness and is in unbearable pain that smoking weed might make them feel a little better. Legalizing weed for "medical" purposes or for no real reason (like Oregon and Washington) is idiotic. If a bombed out pothead runs over a family member and kills them are you going to be angry or are you going to hug them and ask if their weed made them feel better? Just asking.

Sorry to get off topic. Pulling for and praying for Big Charles to make a fast and full recovery and to get back on the field for the Vols. Same for his parents on the full and fast recovery.

You are making weed sound like crack or heroin. I've never heard of a "bombed out pothead" running over anyone. I know tons of successful people that smoke weed daily without any harm to anyone. Millions of people in this country and around the world do. This isn't Reefer Madness times dude. There are many medical benefits to it and it doesn't intoxicate you like alcohol or any harder drugs do. Demonizing it was exactly the point back in the day when the paper industries began campaigning against it because hemp actually makes better and more durable paper. It wasn't made illegal because it is dangerous, it was all about money and big business lobbies. Check your history.
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I didn't smoke weed before I went on chemotherapy and I have no reason to believe it would have helped cure my cancer. A question I have for you is what is the difference between "medical marijuana" and regular old weed that the potheads I worked around used? Over a period of some 35 years I busted my tail trying to save the jobs of dozens of people that ALL started out on weed and progressed to stronger drugs to "get the feeling" they wanted (whatever that meant). Many of them lost their jobs, their homes and families because getting high meant more to them.
I don't doubt that when a person is suffering from an incurable sickness and is in unbearable pain that smoking weed might make them feel a little better. Legalizing weed for "medical" purposes or for no real reason (like Oregon and Washington) is idiotic. If a bombed out pothead runs over a family member and kills them are you going to be angry or are you going to hug them and ask if their weed made them feel better? Just asking.

Sorry to get off topic. Pulling for and praying for Big Charles to make a fast and full recovery and to get back on the field for the Vols. Same for his parents on the full and fast recovery.

A bomb out pothead would only want to go to the fridge. The people who were going to do crack or heroine would of done it on their own anyways. That blame is on the person not the drug.

It's like people who abuse narcotics. You can choose to use it as medicine or as a drug.
Speaking purely from the medicinal perspective, with no regards to the political or moral mess that tends to come with that... when I hear or see the commercials for these new, flashy drugs and then hear the list of awful, AWFUL side effects and complications that come with them...I can't help but wonder what makes weed so taboo in that sense. Sure makes me want to take my chances with a little laziness and some advanced munchies vs. Lord knows what they're putting in pills and selling for an unholy amount of money.
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