'14 TN OL/DL Charles Mosley (UT Signee 2/5/14)

tell that to VolsDoc, he brought it up.

Ha Koach
Just like the insurance companies, media and the politicians; blame the healthcare providers that actually care for their patients...:)

My new hobby is to derail threads. Thanks for helping Koach! ...just ask BaldBiker :hi:

Just kidding Freak! Consider this my pasttime until the 2014 football schedule is on the home page :salute:
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Just like the insurance companies, media and the politicians; blame the healthcare providers that actually care for their patients...:)

Wrong. We have great health care. The issue is how we pay for it. I have the utmost respect for our healthcare professionals. Wife just received a kidney at Vandy 4 months ago. You guys are awesome. The friggin insurance industry are the leaches. Sorry to derail the thread guys, don't mean to gather the ire of fellow Vol fans.
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Cool dude!

I could not care less about discussing this matter further. If my patients buy into it and they are losing weight then it works.

Really more interested in football then having an academic/scientific discussion of this. Just threw in my two cents. I am not Dr. Oz.


I hope you're not being investigated for Fraud like Dr. oz is. He's in deep doo doo.
Do any of these studies look at people that are essentially sedentary? People that cannot for whatever reason exercise?
Just curious.
Do not have time to read the articles, but thanks. My kids and I are going to see Queen in concert tonight. Tomorrow night we are going to a Rangers game. :salute:

I will try to read them on the crapper tomorrow. I should tell the Marxist guy that taking a dump will raise your metabolic rate as well. (Semi-blue font)


Hey Doc.

I'm pretty certain that the general concensus is, "calories in vs calories out." While cardio and resistance training does create a much smaller than once believed, "afterburn" effect, caloric deficit is the main thing, whether manipulated through diet or activity level.

No slight towards you, in all of this. I just wanted to provide the most current, relevant data. As you know, things change in medicine and science.

We all remember those classic 50's ads, "more doctors smoke camels than any other brand." Lol
Do any of these studies look at people that are essentially sedentary? People that cannot for whatever reason exercise?
Just curious.
Do not have time to read the articles, but thanks. My kids and I are going to see Queen in concert tonight. Tomorrow night we are going to a Rangers game. :salute:

I will try to read them on the crapper tomorrow. I should tell the Marxist guy that taking a dump will raise your metabolic rate as well. (Semi-blue font)


There cannot possibly be any other variables than the ones Internet scientists tested when it comes to matters as simple as the workings of the human body. Furthermore, every human body behaves identically to every other human body, so these studies with their limited variables are universally applicable.

A real Doc would know that.
There cannot possibly be any other variables than the ones Internet scientists tested when it comes to matters as simple as the workings of the human body. Furthermore, every human body behaves identically to every other human body, so these studies with their limited variables are universally applicable.

A real Doc would know that.

Yeah...he's fake...it would take a fake authority on the subject to recognize that. :glare:
There cannot possibly be any other variables than the ones Internet scientists tested when it comes to matters as simple as the workings of the human body. Furthermore, every human body behaves identically to every other human body, so these studies with their limited variables are universally applicable.

A real Doc would know that.

I'm not sure why you're trying to belittle an opinion here. The post Doc quoted referenced peer reviewed studies and papers performed by doctors who specialize in nutrition, not "internet scientists". You can debate the relevancy of the studies to the debate if you actually read them and see how applicable they are, but to just make a blanket statement saying that there's no way they matter to the discussion is pretty narrow minded and counterproductive to intelligent differences of opinion.
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There cannot possibly be any other variables than the ones Internet scientists tested when it comes to matters as simple as the workings of the human body. Furthermore, every human body behaves identically to every other human body, so these studies with their limited variables are universally applicable.

A real Doc would know that.


Scared the crap out of a patient once when they asked me how many times I had done a particular procedure. Thought I was being funny by saying never, but I slept in a Holiday Inn Express last night... When I saw that they weren't laughing, i then told them the truth; that I had performed this particular procedure over 15,000 times. :salute:

Some of the research articles are truly laughable when they make these grand sweeping statements based off of a hundred people enrolled in their study. What a lot of people do not understand is that these researchers publish or perish. Just because the article was published in a medical journal, does not mean that the research is not rubbish. There is an appropriate old saying; believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.
I know he's on crutches and will redshirt but it could end up being a good thing for this kid. Linemen like him are supposed to take a redshirt year. But this guy could be a great player for us before it's all said and done. It looks like he's lost a little of the bad weight thru the nutrition program is looking very Tiny Richardson-esque at 6'6 and a similar build. This is him at the scrimmage the other night.


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I think he will most likely be, what we hoped Big Dan would be. Nothing against Big Dan, but Charles could be a BEAST. He could be great on the O-line, but I would rather see him destroy opposing SEC offensive lines.
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I think he will most likely be, what we hoped Big Dan would be. Nothing against Big Dan, but Charles could be a BEAST. He could be great on the O-line, but I would rather see him destroy opposing SEC offensive lines.

Problem with Big Dan was he was recruited to basically clog space and be disruptive at Nose in Sal's 3-4 Defense. As we know, that didn't end well and Dooley was fired with Big Dan being much less affective as a 4-3 DT.

Mosley will end up being a really solid OG or OT I think for us..

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