'14 TN OL/DL Charles Mosley (UT Signee 2/5/14)

From 247

“Me and Coach Rumph talked for a while. I got to meet his wife and his son. We talked about how good Coach Saban is and why he believes in him. He was telling me about how there will only be a couple of nose guards on campus if I come there and if I work hard I could get some early playing time. It was a good talk.”

Mosley’s next trip to the Capstone will be for the A-Day game in two weeks. Mosley is ranked the eleventh defensive tackle prospect in the class and has a grade of 94 from 247Sports.

From Scout

"He (Napier) was just saying how I came in at the right time because when I get there, it would be only one or two nose guards there,"

From Rivals

"Both positions are in the mix," Mosley says. "Right now, I'm on their defensive board. But they say I can do either one, that it would be my choice. On defense, they compare me to Terrence Cody. On offense, they compare me to Chance Warmack.

"If I played offense, I'd probably be a guard. When I went to Alabama's camp, they had me at guard. They said I was quick and that I move well. I've lost some weight since then and I'm quicker now. I was 368 then. Now I'm 350. If I lose more weight, I think I'll be able to move even better than I do now."

"Alabama is first. Tennessee is number two. Ole Miss is third," Mosley says. "I haven't visited Auburn and Georgia yet. Those two could jump up my list, so it makes it hard to say my exact top five. But I know for sure that Alabama is number one and Tennessee is number two."

It could play either side but the staff seems to want him on D first and why Rumph is talking with him since he is our DL coach.

The visit part I just took from 247. All three of those were in the last 24hrs, but it is recruiting and until they show up no one knows for sure.:hi:

I hate you so much.
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Buck Fama! Bunch of nasty, wife beating, liquored up rednecks. I live here and know for sure they are as obnoxious of a fan base as anywhere and most of them couldn't spell cat if you spotted them the C and the T.
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Buck Fama! Bunch of nasty, wife beating, liquored up rednecks. I live here and know for sure they are as obnoxious of a fan base as anywhere and most of them couldn't spell cat if you spotted them the C and the T.

Are you sure you are not describing Ga?
Buck Fama! Bunch of nasty, wife beating, liquored up rednecks. I live here and know for sure they are as obnoxious of a fan base as anywhere and most of them couldn't spell cat if you spotted them the C and the T.

Actually I will disagree and say that Ohio State have to be the worst fans I have ever come across. Maybe because they seem to be everywhere, but they act the same whether they are winning or not.
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Actually I will disagree and say that Ohio State have to be the worst fans I have ever come across. Maybe because they seem to be everywhere, but they act the same whether they are winning or not.

When bammer was down and we were kicking yall's lil asses all you mouth breathing f____s had to say was "12 national titles", moron.
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Actually I will disagree and say that Ohio State have to be the worst fans I have ever come across. Maybe because they seem to be everywhere, but they act the same whether they are winning or not.

I've been to several SEC stadiums and I have to list the nastiest most obnoxious fans as being in Gainesville, they are in a class by themselves. IMO the second place would be held by Alabama. Incidentally, when talking to fans at all the different stadiums, Florida wins the "most obnoxious" title hands down, no competition. After making four trips to Gainesville I decided to stop going about 10 years ago before I got locked up for assault!
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I've been to several SEC stadiums and I have to list the nastiest most obnoxious fans as being in Gainesville, they are in a class by themselves. IMO the second place would be held by Alabama. Incidentally, when talking to fans at all the different stadiums, Florida wins the "most obnoxious" title hands down, no competition. After making four trips to Gainesville I decided to stop going about 10 years ago before I got locked up for assault!

Easily the worst, by a couple laps.
Actually I will disagree and say that Ohio State have to be the worst fans I have ever come across. Maybe because they seem to be everywhere, but they act the same whether they are winning or not.

No.......I live in Birmingham and work with a bunch of Alabama fans. Win or lose most of them are just dumb I love listening to them brag about the team thn I ask name me 5 people on the offense? "ummm well Trent Ingram( not Richardson) and uhmmm....... Who cares roll tide nick Sabah yeaaaa" I mean how dumb is it that I know more about ur team then half the fans!!!!! Bama is the biggest bandwagon team in the country!!
GOVOLS an anybody who plays bammer
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Actually I will disagree and say that Ohio State have to be the worst fans I have ever come across. Maybe because they seem to be everywhere, but they act the same whether they are winning or not.

Totally agree about Ohio State fans. By far the worst out there and it's not close. They are a bunch of dumbed down bandwagon fans that no nothing about the sport. They are one of the few fanbases where it is almost impossible to ever hear an intelligent conversation going on about football.
Totally agree about Ohio State fans. By far the worst out there and it's not close. They are a bunch of dumbed down bandwagon fans that no nothing about the sport. They are one of the few fanbases where it is almost impossible to ever hear an intelligent conversation going on about football.
I love hearing this, have had hatred for them my whole life, growing up in Ohio that's all you ever hear when they win and they have bad year they make excuses and then a bunch of bandwagoners jump on when they're good again. Cry babies, we wore cleats that were to long. All they do is cry and complain.
Bamas gotta be the worst just because the people in Tennessee that would be UT fans have jumped on the Alabama bandwagon and in a sense it doesn't matter because they probably can't name 2 players, all theydo is buy up the bama gear at dollar general
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It's all relative to where you are. For me, it's always been Bama. And their fans are uniformly garbage.

I'm moving to Austin next month, so I look forward to learning to hate Texas.
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It's all relative to where you are. For me, it's always been Bama. And their fans are uniformly garbage.

I'm moving to Austin next month, so I look forward to learning to hate Texas.

Good luck. I imagine it is not as bad as it has been. Still pretty terrible though
Actually here in Dallas Texas fans aren't so bad. Sooner fans and A&M fans are way more in need of hate.
Totally agree about Ohio State fans. By far the worst out there and it's not close. They are a bunch of dumbed down bandwagon fans that no nothing about the sport. They are one of the few fanbases where it is almost impossible to ever hear an intelligent conversation going on about football.

You just described the state of Georgia perfectly (minus the ATL area).
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