4-20 de facto Pot observance day

The only people who dont like weed are the people who have never tried it.
Not true. I like weed. A lot. But I've known people who suffer adverse effects(mainly paranoia) from it. It's not for everyone.
Indica = Indacouch

I wish I were high right now. Thanks @McDad .

FTR, I haven't used in at least a couple of years, but I would if it were legal.
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Everybody has issues. How much time do you spend on VN citing your opinions as facts? See. Issues. We all have them Ricky. We just cope in different ways.
Yes posting with people having discussions on message boards is the exact same as pumping cancerous and poisonous things into your body to try to unnaturally alter your senses or body in an attempt to cover up a lack of coping skills in your life
The only people who dont like weed are the people who have never tried it.
Bunch of my friends have stopped because of the paranoia. Another because it makes him sleepy enough to never enjoy the high.
Not true. I like weed. A lot. But I've known people who suffer adverse effects(mainly paranoia) from it. It's not for everyone.

That's fair. I had date once think aliens were trying to get us.
Says the person who posts to themselves under two different names lol....My job makes it easy to post as I accomplish other things. I have three computer screens in my office
Since your such an established expert on the topic why don't you post some of your work?
You are talking about addictive personalities.

Not really the topic.

Pot is only addictive to those with addictive personalities who would get addicted to anything....even crossword puzzles..
If you are 30 years old without medical issues and still feel the need to smoke pot everyday, you have issues...
Yes posting with people having discussions on message boards is the exact same as pumping cancerous and poisonous things into your body to try to unnaturally alter your senses or body in an attempt to cover up a lack of coping skills in your life

What are your thoughts on alcohol?
Since your such an established expert on the topic why don't you post some of your work?
You're* and I encourage to you read up on hospital systems around the country and their reduction of incidents and ODs involving self-medicating patients or the reduction of Workplace violence incidents as a result of special unique programs. Fake Evil Lawyer...
Yes posting with people having discussions on message boards is the exact same as pumping cancerous and poisonous things into your body to try to unnaturally alter your senses or body in an attempt to cover up a lack of coping skills in your life
Touched a nerve, did I? Acting like you're the end all, be all arbiter of knowledge when it comes to drugs and individuals is not a healthy assumption on your part. You're overcompensating. You may know your ****, but blanket assumptions are rarely correct.
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You're* and I encourage to you read up on hospital systems around the country and their reduction of incidents and ODs involving self-medicating patients or the reduction of Workplace violence incidents as a result of special unique programs. Fake Evil Lawyer...
Ur the person who claimed they were incredibly knowledgeable in this field and have a vast amount of experience and data that would prove you right. So post it.
lol yes as someone who once was on a drug task force for law enforcement, then participated in drug addiction counseling as well as helping create an innovative hospital program for drug addicted patients that has worked so well that Level 1 trauma centers all over the country have come to copy it, and all while teaching hundreds of RNs and physicians about drug addiction, usage, behaviors and legal responses to it both from a LE standpoint and a healthcare standpoint, I might know a "little" about the subject :cool:
That's fair. I had date once think aliens were trying to get us.
I had a friend that had to be dropped off at the ER with a severe panic attack. People react different ways.
Touched a nerve, did I? Acting like you're the end all, be all arbiter of knowledge when it comes to drugs and individuals is not a healthy assumption on your part. You're overcompensating. You may know your ****, but blanket assumptions are rarely correct.
not at all lol, and I didn't say I was the "arbiter" of anything, just rebutting Tasty's silly post about my experience in the subject. And since I physically interact with drug addicts from ages 16-70 daily and see and know what they do, how they started, what's going on in their lives, and read their charts about their health issues, ALONG WITH knowing the who, what, where, why of law enforcement actions involving gang/drug activity and regularly talk to politicians both local and state about the issue, I'd say i have a pretty good idea of the reality of the situation which isn't "DruGZ ShOUlD b MaDE lEgAL, Bc PoT iS NAturAL"
Yes posting with people having discussions on message boards is the exact same as pumping cancerous and poisonous things into your body to try to unnaturally alter your senses or body in an attempt to cover up a lack of coping skills in your life
BTW, what scientific studies have shown THC to be cancerous or poisonous? I'm guessing you're operating under the assumption of consumption through smoking, but there are easily other ways to use marijuana.
Ur the person who claimed they were incredibly knowledgeable in this field and have a vast amount of experience and data that would prove you right. So post it.
Post where I work and my personal information? Yea, I definitely would do that for the likes of you :cool:

Do you want my home address too? or just a list of where my kids go to school
not at all lol, and I didn't say I was the "arbiter" of anything, just rebutting Tasty's silly post about my experience in the subject. And since I physically interact with drug addicts from ages 16-70 daily and see and know what they do, how they started, what's going on in their lives, and read their charts about their health issues, ALONG WITH knowing the who, what, where, why of law enforcement actions involving gang/drug activity and regularly talk to politicians both local and state about the issue, I'd say i have a pretty good idea of the reality of the situation which isn't "DruGZ ShOUlD b MaDE lEgAL, Bc PoT iS NAturAL"
You deal with addicts. Not everyone is an addict. Seems like you should be capable of separating the two groups? And addicts can easily get addicted to anything. Drugs, alcohol, gambling, porn....Make an argument that addictive personalities should maybe avoid pot and you might have a point, but acting as if everyone has an addictive personality falls short.
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