at this point everyone should
We're not talking about taking the guns away at this point. Keeping new ones out of the hands of unstable people should be the immediate goal. Law enforcement should do their job and follow up on these reports. This would also require some level of communication that doesn't exist yet but could if anyone really cared. Then they need to solidify the schools. This is national defense and should be treated as such. Doors with strong locks, metal detectors, guards, etc. There's enough pork in the defense budget to get that constitutionally mandated action done many times over
I agree with you completely. There's more than one "issue" here with regards to shootings, as the Roadhouse shooting in Texas last night (probably not random) and the daily news out of Jacksonville (near me) regarding people getting shot. But let's start with the schools, because a child should never have to live in fear of someone coming into their school (or anywhere, for that matter) and shooting them.
Designated Defender program. Operated by whomever has LE authority over the school(s): Governor, Sheriff, Chief of Police, BOE, etc. Two trained, armed, uniformed officers per every building that students are in. Both with sidearms. At least one with a semi-auto carbine that works in hallways (e.g. short-barreled carbine with a red dot optic). They are there for school hours, and every school function (athletics, meetings, etc.). They are not SRO's. If there is an unruly student, somebody smoking weed under the bleachers, etc., that's the SRO's job. The DD's are there for one reason, and one reason only. Reduce the access points to each building to as few as possible, preferably one, and at least one of the DD's is always at or near those access points.
That's the Cliff Notes version. A few of us worked it up about a year ago after a school shooting, including estimated costs, candidate pool, how to set salary, etc. For me, in the largely rural county I live in, to provide DD's at every school in this county would raise my property taxes by roughly one mil (millage rate). Might be a little more, but I'm close. My kids are grown and gone, but I would gladly pay the tax increase to know that we had done all we could (short-term) to ensure or kids are safe in school.
Long-term, it's past time to revisit how we address mental health issues in this nation; enact extremely harsh mandatory sentencing laws for anyone who uses a firearm in the commission of a crime; truth in sentencing; and look for ways to get and keep firearms out of the hands of those who use them to do evil.
Broad brush strokes, I know, but these words come from an LEO, A Constitutional Conservative, and a former member of the NRA. Right-wingers, at least this one, are not the enemy here. Nor are guns. But we have a serious problem on our hands, and it's time to acknowledge it, and address it. On a united front.
Much like the generation(s) that are being wiped out one-by-one in low income neighborhoods, we have a war on our hands. Time to fight it with the right mindset, and the right measures.