After 23 years ...

I felt the need to like his post based solely on the fact that he used a Willie Wonka reference as an insult.
Bye Capt. Douche! You won't be missed. That loser coach you referred to will not be coming into Neyland and leaving with a W. He's jinxed. I see him as the next Lee Corso.
I am so done with the T. You people are the worst. Yet another classy individual done in by punks. What a bunch of veruca salts. You will never be winners, only whiners. Dooley is going to come back into this statium and ruin your season for seasons to come with a better fan base behind him. I will be with them. Good bye VOLUNTEERS. It was the best of times, @ one time.

I am so done with the T. You people are the worst. Yet another classy individual done in by punks. What a bunch of veruca salts. You will never be winners, only whiners. Dooley is going to come back into this statium and ruin your season for seasons to come with a better fan base behind him. I will be with them. Good bye VOLUNTEERS. It was the best of times, @ one time.

I am so done with the T. You people are the worst. Yet another classy individual done in by punks. What a bunch of veruca salts. You will never be winners, only whiners. Dooley is going to come back into this statium and ruin your season for seasons to come with a better fan base behind him. I will be with them. Good bye VOLUNTEERS. It was the best of times, @ one time.

Sorry, we wont have any sunbelt teams scheduled anytime soon so that is unlikely.
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What a moron the OP is lol I hope to god hes just kidding and being facetious! Good, then get the hell outta here you soft, weak Doolaid drinker. You are just one of the thousands of people in this fanbase that has contributed to accepting mediocrity! We gave that clown every chance in the world to prove himself, but he didnt. He is the worst Div 1 coach Ive ever known. BUH-BYE FOOL!!

I am so done with the T. You people are the worst. Yet another classy individual done in by punks. What a bunch of veruca salts. You will never be winners, only whiners. Dooley is going to come back into this statium and ruin your season for seasons to come with a better fan base behind him. I will be with them. Good bye VOLUNTEERS. It was the best of times, @ one time.

Your still here? Bye! The real Tennessee fans will still be here. So go cheer for Alabama or whatever other bandwagon you want to jump on and we'll tip our cap to ya when Gruden is here running over every team in the SEC.
i am so done with the t. You people are the worst. Yet another classy individual done in by punks. What a bunch of veruca salts. You will never be winners, only whiners. Dooley is going to come back into this statium and ruin your season for seasons to come with a better fan base behind him. I will be with them. Good bye volunteers. It was the best of times, @ one time.

That's nice honey.jpg
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I am so done with the T. You people are the worst. Yet another classy individual done in by punks. What a bunch of veruca salts. You will never be winners, only whiners. Dooley is going to come back into this statium and ruin your season for seasons to come with a better fan base behind him. I will be with them. Good bye VOLUNTEERS. It was the best of times, @ one time.


I wonder how many "not a true fan" comments you made toward the so called "Negavols".

Go f yourself and enjoy following a loser.

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I am so done with the T. You people are the worst. Yet another classy individual done in by punks. What a bunch of veruca salts. You will never be winners, only whiners. Dooley is going to come back into this statium and ruin your season for seasons to come with a better fan base behind him. I will be with them. Good bye VOLUNTEERS. It was the best of times, @ one time.

I am so done with the T. You people are the worst. Yet another classy individual done in by punks. What a bunch of veruca salts. You will never be winners, only whiners. Dooley is going to come back into this statium and ruin your season for seasons to come with a better fan base behind him. I will be with them. Good bye VOLUNTEERS. It was the best of times, @ one time.

Fine gtfo nobody wants a quitter
I'm still not sure if this is real or not, lol. No real fan just gives up on their team.


yeah, they're called bandwagon fans.

zero knowledge of school history/tradition
claims to be a "long time fan"
but yet jump ships when a loser of a coach leaves

must be either a troll or a bandwagoner left over from the 90s

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