After the LSU loss, did anyone...

I was at work(at a restaurant with the game on the TV) so I didn't/couldn't do anything.

I just kinda said "Wow. Typical UT." in my head and went back to work. If I had been at home though, I'd have no doubt broken something.
I taught my kids some new words. Not proud of that. Then I spent 30 minutes explaining to them why we lost and that LSU fans still smelled like corn-dogs regardless of who won.

Then I kicked over a bucket of light bulbs.
Thought about it but my 1 yr old son was in the room playing and so the parental side took over. I felt sorry for the wife having to go out to dinner with me.

Every time we play an early game my wife prays that UT wins, because she knows the rest of her day depends on it. LOL!
I taught my kids some new words. Not proud of that. Then I spent 30 minutes explaining to them why we lost and that LSU fans still smelled like corn-dogs regardless of who won.

Then I kicked over a bucket of light bulbs.

Man I need to get me a bucket of light bulbs....This sounds like something fun to do after we lose!:crazy:
Jumped up screaming as the ball was errantly snapped and time expired.was hopping around the room doing fist pumps and yelling-all to the confusion and amusement of my wife and dog.
Five seconds later I stood speechless like in a horror moviem then the expletives commenced and I almost threw one of my daughter's toys across the room. Despite the rage I had a brief moment of sanity and threw a bunch f ping pong balls harmlessly around the basement. Good thing I couldn't find my light bulb bucket that I usually keep down there.
Nothing at the time, I've seen it happen to us before. But when Les Miles came up and pompously announced, "just another day in the SEC" I let him have a few choice words.
Once the shock wore off, the rocking chair got smashed to bits... Other than that I was cool.
I was screaming and cheering pulling into Red Robin for dinner (date with the wifey). Then parked and starting walking when 2 LSU fans came out as we were going in yelling with their hands in the air. Needless to waitress did not recieve a tip. I was pissed.
What did the waitress have to do with it?
I jumped up when I had thought that we had won....sprained my ankle on the landing....watched LSU run another play and score...then passed out and went to the emergency room.
I'm sorry, that sounds painful but I laughed out loud when I read it.
Screamed as loud as I could, riled up the big German Shepard, ran outside an yelled " I am so glad Les Miles is their coach.... F((k LSU!" called a buddy and we both laughed at the tard. Came back in an they were lining up for the final play. I was speechless! My buddy sent me a text " f'n Wilcox!" then I knew.... I was so pissed! Nothing broken and the wife was at work. I turned on the USCucks game and enjoyed watching Washington beat them at home. That made me feel better! GBO!!!
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I did piss off my wife when I said I aint hurrying to get in that crowd leaving stadium, I just gotta sit here a minute. Then I composed myself, stood tall and strode out of the stadium. Togger fans tried to say things conciliatory but I did not trust myself to make a controlled civil reply so I just said nothin.

... But I'm gonna break somethin yet, if we don't beat GA.
took a run to blow off some steam... when i got back i kicked the football in the yard at the house in anger (the run didnt help much)... unfortunately for me the ball hit a window... err... went through it... things didnt work out well for me
Did some really hard drugs and woke up in a ditch on Monday. The usual for a Tennessee loss. Neither of my girlfriends were happy with me.
i didnt break anything, but my girlfriend took the fourth beer within ten minutes after the review as a que to go home.
me and my buddy where in the basement watching it and we went nutts high fiving and saying F yeah...then all of a sudden it went to sheer terror and alot of F bombes and " I KNEW IT I KNEW IT" and we paced outside chain smoking for about 5 min and didint say a word to eachother.
Tempted to smash the wall, but with my luck I would have hit a stud. I would have to fix regardless, plus have a busted hand. So I sulked, cussed, drank and kept it low key.
do anything to really get in trouble with Wife, Husband, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, parents, etc?

I broke the bedroom door (punched it open).
then in my rage I knocked over a bucket full of lightbulbs.

My wife was thriled!!!

At least you learned how to count to 11.
You know those stories of kids who see a violent or traumatic event, & go mute the rest of their life? That was pretty much me. I sat at the UT alumni bar in Chicago, buried my head in my hands when I saw the ball cross the plane, exhaled, & proceeded to stare off at the TV's & barely say a word to anyone for the next 30 min or so.

There was a blonde girl with a cute face that I could tell wanted to talk & wondered what my deal was next to me. But, she was chunky, so I couldn't break my disbelieving daze for her.

Slowly I began to speak again. By Sun, I had to go to work in the Trauma bay, so I had to be interactive, & I remain fully socially interactive.
do anything to really get in trouble with Wife, Husband, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, parents, etc?

I broke the bedroom door (punched it open).
then in my rage I knocked over a bucket full of lightbulbs.

My wife was thriled!!!

Go watch the game in the barn.:banghead2:

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