Alabama, Florida, and Georgia

OP I don't think anyone is laughing now. You need to let go of the past. NONE of what happened here the last 12-15 years is CJH's or this team's fault. For what CJH had left and had to work with this year, he and this team have done an outstanding job. These guys don't quit and they have the heart of a LION. Just ease up with the gloom and doom crap. With more talent and depth the sky is the limit. We FINALLY have a coach that can coach up players. We are not back but we are without a doubt on the road to great things.
The bottom line is that UT needs to basically get lucky and sign a guy like arch Manning to gain some sort of credibility with other top rated recruits. Sorry, but signing diamonds in the rough and turning them into good players, which heupal has done with hooker, isn’t going to cut it.
Look at what heupal and staff have done with 60 scholarship players….they put out a respectful product, but we’re not seeing any returns on that. What are we? 12th in the SEC in recruiting? That’s not gonna cut it. You’re kidding yourself if you think 7-5 and a **** bowl game is good year regardless of the roster. We’re still losing to bama, Georgia, and Florida every year. We can’t continue to hang our hat on edging out the Kentucky’s of the world.

butch Jones royally ****ed us by turning away Trevor Lawrence (speculation but most likely true because Burch Jones is a world class baffoon).
We have a great commit that is a dual-threat QB. Arch Manning is a pocket passer and probably not coming here. Top-rated recruits really don't care where Arch goes to school. They are interested in where can I get playing time and get development to move to the next level. That and where will I get the most NIL benefit. The one outstanding job CJH has done is he has shown ALL of college football he can coach and teach players how to improve. You were right Butch did tell Trevor he needed to look elsewhere. Trevor was doing an interview last year and he said he loves where orange but this was not my first choice of orange. He grew up a Vol fan and our fool coach turned him down.
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I love how we've done nothing noteworthy yet we are definitely trending on the right path. Same thing was said about our last three coaches and we know how that worked out.
Obviously, no one has a crystal ball, but I feel differently in Y1 w/ JH than Pruitt, Butch and Dooley. Maybe it's style points, or that we're trending towards a 7-5 record w/ a bowl (with literally almost 1/4 of the team transferred out), vs losing records in Y1 of previous coaches. To me, it feels different...but everyone's got their own measure.
Then the thread should have been about "trending" up against the SEC, not UF, Bama, and UGA, where despite how any of you try to dress it up, no upward trending is occurring.
I apologize for the others here, they just don't get it and it's not really thier fault. It's the way they were raised.

They don't have to explain anything to you. It really doesn't matter if you understand how some of us feel ecstatic because for the first time since 2009 we feel we're finally moving forward and it's not fools gold, like that time in 2016 when we broke you're little black hearts. That was fools gold, although it was kinda funny. Did you come by and post after that heart breaker? Of course not, you didn't join until you guys started getting really good and beating us in the worst run in our history. Now you show up talking crap and ask stupid ass questions.

Although we got blown out by you, ala**** and the gatersuck, we didn't llose to SC like that time a couple of years you did and we didn't lose to Kentucky or Mizz or Georgia St......I mean are you really that stupid as to not see we're doing better?

I dont think you're as stupid as you think we are and you know exactly what you're doing. Maybe I'm wrong and your are as stupid as you think we are. Either way I don't really give a sheet.
There is no one on the rosters or football staffs at Bama, Florida, or UGA that fears Heupel or UT. Not a single one.

Maybe not, but no one really feared Alabama after Saban’s 6-6 first season. Respect/fear has to be earned.

But, I have to think that the conference coaches are impressed with what UT’s staff has done under the circumstances.
I apologize for the others here, they just don't get it and it's not really thier fault. It's the way they were raised.

They don't have to explain anything to you. It really doesn't matter if you understand how some of us feel ecstatic because for the first time since 2009 we feel we're finally moving forward and it's not fools gold, like that time in 2016 when we broke you're little black hearts. That was fools gold, although it was kinda funny. Did you come by and post after that heart breaker? Of course not, you didn't join until you guys started getting really good and beating us in the worst run in our history. Now you show up talking crap and ask stupid ass questions.

Although we got blown out by you, ala**** and the gatersuck, we didn't llose to SC like that time a couple of years you did and we didn't lose to Kentucky or Mizz or Georgia St......I mean are you really that stupid as to not see we're doing better?

I dont think you're as stupid as you think we are and you know exactly what you're doing. Maybe I'm wrong and your are as stupid as you think we are. Either way I don't really give a sheet.
No apologies needed. I'm getting about what I expected. Congratulations on the 2016 win and becoming bowl eligible this Saturday.
We're playoff bound. Enjoy your loss in the Bacon-ets Pork Rind Bowl.
Sure you are.
Kirby gonna Kirby.
And I do like how you went to Walmart and bought a Ga shirt then call yourself “we” like you have anything to do with Georgia and there success……that you’re still waiting on.
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They sure talk a lot of **** for a fan base that hasn’t won **** yet.
Them and most of the gatersuck are the same, probably why they hate other so much. They're liars and think we don't see through thier lies.. and they think because their favorite football team is better than ours, for now, they know more about football than we do. Lulz.
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Them and most of the gatersuck are the same, probably why they hate other so much. They're liars and think we don't see through thier lies.. and they think because their favorite football team is better than ours, for now, they know more about football than we do. Lulz.

It’s a pretty pathetic life if you have to attach yourself to a winning football program so you’ll have something to be happy about in life.
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I didn't say I would stop calling a douchebag a douchebag. Slodawg is definitely coming across as a douchebag.
I know. Lol, just wanted to draw you're attention to him. I felt like it was important for you to be educated too. And I didn't want you to miss out on a good discussion about football. You know, because that's the only reason he's here.
AD Mike Hamilton is your answer.

That started it. He got rid of fuller and went out and got kiffin…who was an exciting and talented young coach that got together and all star staff. That is the good. The negative… He really effed up the structure of his contract. There should have been a $20 million buyout should give them voluntarily choose to leave after the first year or two. Kissing booth thing in the middle of the night obviously set us way back because that was so much turnover on the staff in such a short amount of time. But you can’t blame everything on Hamilton. Butch Jones and Jeremy Pruitt both had enough talent on the roster to win the SEC East with but just plain and simple…were really bad coaches
Moron. You obviously haven’t watched this program much over the past several years. But, I suspect that lack of knowledge doesn’t hold you back, so carry on.

BTW, let’s circle back and discuss how Georgia “trends” when it really matters. I suspect we’ll see Kirby resort to the expected “Georgia-ing” level of choking that we’ve come to expect.
He has the fourth highest winning percentage of all active coaches in fact he has ahead of Saban and Dabo. This narrative that he loses games he shouldn’t is not founded on facts. He has only lost to two teams who finished outside of the top 10 in his six years as head coach. He lost a Florida last year and he lost to South Carolina in 2019 otherwise he has only lost to very good teams which included the undefeated LSU Tigers and the undefeated Alabama Crimson Tide. When he loses he loses to a good team. If Heupel Is able to take you to the national championship game next year (like he did Georgia in year 2) then I think Vol fans would be estatic. If you competed for an SEC championship almost every year like Kirby does you would be loving life. Look I think Heupel He’s a good coach Tennessee won the games they should have one this year and nothing more but that’s a good start. They were competitive in two of the games they lost which is also a very good start. The problem is as Tennessee is trending up so are many other teams and the SEC is getting more and more competitive which is good for everybody. There are many good coaches in the SEC but right now what sets Alabama and Georgia apart is the crazy recruiting they do and until someone puts an end that they will be the cream of the crop for the foreseeable future. Yes they’re both going to lose a game hereans there it’s just not going to be routine and everyone’s gonna have to play their best game to do it.
If you generated this thread to get people angry: Congrats. I hate that crap about laughingstocks. There’s 10-12 programs in the country who wouldn’t trade their history for ours. The rest are looking up. If you doubt me, walk Neyland. A stadium like that in a town the size of Knoxville. COME ON, MAN!
We had way too many years of sophomoric decision making, both in football and admin in general but we now have adults running the school. We now have Danny White. We now have CJH. Will they topple Saban? Who knows. Has anyone else??? Clemson just cycled out. Will they be back? OSU is a magnificent program. Can they maintain?
We have the potential to be phenomenally great. They’re not 20 programs that can say that.
BS from BS. That’s the type of moronic crap that we got from damn during the game. What was it? Twice that they took the time to show us how Georgia players were hurt during the previous play. Oddly, CBS didn’t show the other 8 plays when players dropped to slow down the game. Front running carpet bagger.
Don’t tell me we’re laughingstocks. If that’s what you think, put away your orange and wear the color of the month.
I’m damn proud to be a Vol and proud of how this football has fought this year. We need to support them and the coaching staff and not whine about these guys not being able to fix the past in one season.
Our program has never been a laughingstock. Our fan base is another story
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^^^^ this a milliion times. Hamilton wanted money and had no idea how to run a winning athletic dept.
He's probably the reason we had to settle for Dooley.

He HIRED Dooley so your statement is a almost an oxymoron.

He's not probably the reason, he is entirely the reason!

Good Godawmighty.
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He has the fourth highest winning percentage of all active coaches in fact he has ahead of Saban and Dabo. This narrative that he loses games he shouldn’t is not founded on facts. He has only lost to two teams who finished outside of the top 10 in his six years as head coach. He lost a Florida last year and he lost to South Carolina in 2019 otherwise he has only lost to very good teams which included the undefeated LSU Tigers and the undefeated Alabama Crimson Tide. When he loses he loses to a good team. If Heupel Is able to take you to the national championship game next year (like he did Georgia in year 2) then I think Vol fans would be estatic. If you competed for an SEC championship almost every year like Kirby does you would be loving life. Look I think Heupel He’s a good coach Tennessee won the games they should have one this year and nothing more but that’s a good start. They were competitive in two of the games they lost which is also a very good start. The problem is as Tennessee is trending up so are many other teams and the SEC is getting more and more competitive which is good for everybody. There are many good coaches in the SEC but right now what sets Alabama and Georgia apart is the crazy recruiting they do and until someone puts an end that they will be the cream of the crop for the foreseeable future. Yes they’re both going to lose a game hereans there it’s just not going to be routine and everyone’s gonna have to play their best game to do it.

Good God man. Editing is your friend.

So Kirby is a coaching genius, eh?

Maybe can explain to me his fake punt in the SECCG a few years ago in the fourth quarter. A mere mortal like myself cannot comprehend such genius. Maybe you can help me out here?
At this point I have no clue why we get dominated by UF every year. I mean it doesn’t matter who the coach is, UF just owns us in football. There have been years when we were clearly the better team and they still win.

As far as UGA and Bama? I don’t see either of those streaks ending anytime soon. Saban will eventually retire and maybe we can get a win then. UGA? Smart is a young coach. So its entirely likely that we see a Saban like losing streak to them. We need elite players to match up with them. Even if we were to get them, they are going to get even better players.

We have just fallen so far behind for so many years it may very well be almost impossible to get back to the point of beating Bama and UGA with any consistency.

This will change next year regarding Florida. It has to, or we will be stuck being merely above average to average in the East.

We have beaten every other East team this year except for uga and uf (a feat no coach since Fulmer has accomplished until Heupel, BTW, unless you count Kiffin, but he didn't have to play Missouri that year).

Of the two remaining, uf is obvioulsy a much easier "get" next year than uga.

Uf is the next step.

Additionally, we need to exorcise those mental ghosts once and for all.
Good God man. Editing is your friend.

So Kirby is a coaching genius, eh?

Maybe can explain to me his fake punt in the SECCG a few years ago in the fourth quarter. A mere mortal like myself cannot comprehend such genius. Maybe you can help me out here?

Us other mere morals look at the whole body of work not just one play in one game. Can you name a coach that hasn’t made a bad call? Is Nick Saban a terrible coach because of the field goal attempt against Auburn? I think not but I think us rational people are willing to overlook some mistakes and look at a full body of work. And the editing is due to the fact that I’m traveling and trying to dictate while driving

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