Alabama, Florida, and Georgia

It is pretty easy when a good coach takes over a football team which already has top 3-4 talent in the Nation. I firmly believe that , as well as he has done at Georgia, he should have won more SEC championships and at least One National championship since he has been at Georgia, He seems to find a way to lose the big game at the wrong time. If he wins the Playoff series this year, then I believe he may be in the sam category as Dabo, but nor year ready to be on a par with Saban. Kirby has talent running our the ears and inherited great talent when he came to Georgia. If I was a Georgia, fan I would be disappointed in his performance especially if he does not win the Playoff series his year. The SEC Championship should tell us who is the best team in the Nation.
When Kirby took the job GA previous recruiting class was 6th in nation. (UT was 4th). The year before GA was 8th. (UT was 7th). So it's a fact he didnt inherit any more talent than UT. Since then in 5 yrs his teams have played for the SEC Championship 3 times and played for a National Championship once. His W-L record is a paltry 62-14. Here's hoping Coach Heupel does every bit as bad in the next 5 years.
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17 straight losses to Alabama

Lost 16 of last 17 against Florida (Kentucky has a better record against Florida during this period)

3-14 against Georgia

All since Fulmer left. This is why Tennessee is the laughing stock of College Football. To get to the next level, we should start beating these teams at some point. Florida should be vulnerable next year and we NEED to beat them to turn the corner. Beating Kentucky, Missouri, and South Carolina is nice but at some point we need to break through.
Crawl... walk.... run.

UT actually "crawled" this year. That may not sound like an accomplishment... but looking back at the last 13 years it is. Within the next two years, they need to walk. They need to beat UF if indeed they're weakened by a coaching change or controversy. They need to consistently win games like Pitt and OM. During and after that period you start finding and developing the players you need to beat Bama, UGA, and UF at the top of their games.

There may be a little more patience needed before getting to a point where UT beats the top tier teams. But I feel better about Heupel's prospects for doing it in spite of the problems he inherited than I have those that came before him.
When Kirby took the job GA previous recruiting class was 6th in nation. (UT was 4th). The year before GA was 8th. (UT was 7th). So it's a fact he didnt inherit any more talent than UT. Since then in 5 yrs his teams have played for the SEC Championship 3 times and played for a National Championship once. His W-L record is a paltry 62-14. Here's hoping Coach Heupel does every bit as bad in the next 5 years.
Look at Georgia's team and look at ours. Which roster would you select to play for you this year? I know which I would have picked. It is hard to image how good we would have been with Georgia's defensive players. However, I will say that our starters have played very well, especially early in the year before fatigue set in, but lack of depth and experience coupled with injuries have not helped us this year. The team has played with a very positive attitude and excitement and will have won at least 3 more games than most preseason predictions. I have not been more excited about our future during the last 15 years. Really look forward to the next 3 season as CJH builds his team into a SEC and National contender.
Last season TN lost to Bama, UF, and UGA by an average of 22 points. This year, by an average of 25 points. Seems like a fair question to ask how this is trending up.
All I have to use is an eye test. If you don’t see that this UT team is much improved versus the last several years under Cornbread, then you haven’t been watching closely or you don’t have a clue about football. Which is it?
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Look at Georgia's team and look at ours. Which roster would you select to play for you this year? I know which I would have picked. It is hard to image how good we would have been with Georgia's defensive players. However, I will say that our starters have played very well, especially early in the year before fatigue set in, but lack of depth and experience coupled with injuries have not helped us this year. The team has played with a very positive attitude and excitement and will have won at least 3 more games than most preseason predictions. I have not been more excited about our future during the last 15 years. Really look forward to the next 3 season as CJH builds his team into a SEC and National contender.
My point was simple and had nothing to do with this year's talent. I'm a Vol all the way but to tear someone down who has 62-14 W-L record and say it is only because of talent is borderline absurd. LSU, FL, TX etc. have loads of talent and are pushing .500. I hope GA loses every game but playing in 4 SEC championships and probably 2 Nat'l Championships in 6 yrs is impressive. He's taken GA from a top tier program to an elite one. Here's hoping Coach Heupel does the same thing. As for this season's predictions almost everyone had the Vols winning 6.5 games which they will meet. You say you only expected them to win 4 lol? We have more depth than we've seen, Aaron Willis is a highly rated LB and a couple of others. Maybe Coach Heupel is redshirting them?
All I have to use is an eye test. If you don’t see that this UT team is much improved versus the last several years under Cornbread, then you haven’t been watching closely or you don’t have a clue about football. Which is it?
All I can do is respond to the thread, which for the umpteenth time, is about trending upward against UGA, UF, and Bama. TN is going to have a much better record this year than most anyone expected. In my book, Heupel is coach of the year. Still, no one here has explained how TN is trending up against these three teams.
My point was simple and had nothing to do with this year's talent. I'm a Vol all the way but to tear someone down who has 62-14 W-L record and say it is only because of talent is borderline absurd. LSU, FL, TX etc. have loads of talent and are pushing .500. I hope GA loses every game but playing in 4 SEC championships and probably 2 Nat'l Championships in 6 yrs is impressive. He's taken GA from a top tier program to an elite one. Here's hoping Coach Heupel does the same thing. As for this season's predictions almost everyone had the Vols winning 6.5 games which they will meet. You say you only expected them to win 4 lol? We have more depth than we've seen, Aaron Willis is a highly rated LB and a couple of others. Maybe Coach Heupel is redshirting them?
I expected us to win 7 games this year. I'd we win out including a bowl game they will have exceeded my prediction. News people in Knoxville were in the 4-5 range. I have no problem in saying that Small did not win as many games as he should have won. I know that with the talent he has had, he has under achieved and I believe Heupel has over achieved if the wins 7 or more games. Seems pretty simple to me.
What 9 games are we "easily" going to win?

@Pitt, @lsu, Florida, Kentucky, @South Carolina are all probably toss-ups at best.

A good coach can go to LSU and immediately turn them around. They'll mudstomp us in all likelihood and we'll add in our annual skull@#(*#ing by Florida. That's 8-4 assuming we win @Pitt, Kentucky and @USC. And that's also making the assumption that Mizzou doesn't figure things out.

I honestly see 7-5 at best as I assume we lose Hooker and Tillman.
Pitt's QB is gone, and they can't stop anybody. LSU is a mess. The Lizards? ROTFLMAO. USC is not a tossup. I see UT losing to Bama, UGA, and one of Pitt or UK.
Last season TN lost to Bama, UF, and UGA by an average of 22 points. This year, by an average of 25 points. Seems like a fair question to ask how this is trending up.
Mostly competitiveness. Your comparison doesn't account for the fact that Pruitt intentionally ran clock on O. He used the throwback Fulmer philosophy of football that says you avoid losing on O then win with D.

I think a lot of us like what we see from Heupel because we believe he's getting more out of the roster than the sum of its parts. That's not something we've seen for a very long time. It may not be enough in the end. Maybe he still fails. Maybe he can't get talent. However if he does get better and more talent then he's given good reason to expect better results on the field.
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Pitt's QB is gone, and they can't stop anybody. LSU is a mess. The Lizards? ROTFLMAO. USC is not a tossup. I see UT losing to Bama, UGA, and one of Pitt or UK.
I'm not disagreeing that UT can and maybe should win those games.... but a lot of it depends on what Heupel is able to do in recruiting and the portal. He could come back next fall with Hooker and Tillman plus some young talented receivers or he could be breaking in a new QB with very little experience returning at WR. Lots of ways this could go.
All I can do is respond to the thread, which for the umpteenth time, is about trending upward against UGA, UF, and Bama. TN is going to have a much better record this year than most anyone expected. In my book, Heupel is coach of the year. Still, no one here has explained how TN is trending up against these three teams.

An upward trend / prosperity begins after you first stop the bleeding. That’s exactly what Heupel & Co. did this year.

Heupel inherited a depleted makeshift roster without an elite QB starter yet schemed us into contention vs Bama for almost 3 Q’s and got Kirby’s full attention at GA by outperforming every other SEC team who’s played them. Even when Hooker clearly had an off game.

Hooker was still green when we crapped the bed vs FL. If we had played FL just 2 weeks later I think many if not most believe we would have beaten them including every Gators fan I know.

Again Heupel & Co. accomplished all of this basically with smoke and mirrors. By all rights with our talent-depleted roster we should have never been a force in any of those games.

This team believes in this staff and in their process. This staff and team plays to win not kick field goals just to score meaningless points. This team doesn’t quit.

Add a few more key pieces to the puzzle from the portal and the Vols are a team NOBODY in the SEC wants to play next year.

If we can somehow snag a top-rated QB transfer lured by the prospect of putting up sick video game points in Heupel’s O then we could seriously outperform year 2 expectations.

If you can’t or won’t see this I can’t help you.
Moron. You obviously haven’t watched this program much over the past several years. But, I suspect that lack of knowledge doesn’t hold you back, so carry on.

BTW, let’s circle back and discuss how Georgia “trends” when it really matters. I suspect we’ll see Kirby resort to the expected “Georgia-ing” level of choking that we’ve come to expect.

cough cough

Georgia fans bark like Bulldogs, but their team bites like toothless Chihuahuas.
17 straight losses to Alabama

Lost 16 of last 17 against Florida (Kentucky has a better record against Florida during this period)

3-14 against Georgia

All since Fulmer left. This is why Tennessee is the laughing stock of College Football. To get to the next level, we should start beating these teams at some point. Florida should be vulnerable next year and we NEED to beat them to turn the corner. Beating Kentucky, Missouri, and South Carolina is nice but at some point we need to break through.
Oh boy. You're gonna catch slack over this. I totally agree, and I have been strongly crucified for stating the exact same thing. I no way in any season should Kentucky be the deciding factor on a good UT football season.
The thread is about Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. The Vols lost to all 3 by an average of 25 points. Where do you see "trending on the right path"?
This. 1000 times. Where is the improvement? They're gonna say they played harder with more passion Yada Yada Yada. But the fact is 25 points is 25 points. I've asked this question a thousand times.
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This. 1000 times. Where is the improvement? They're gonna say they played harder with more passion Yada Yada Yada. But the fact is 25 points is 25 points. I've asked this question a thousand times.
Ask orangecrush this is his favorite topic.
The thread is about Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. The Vols lost to all 3 by an average of 25 points. Where do you see "trending on the right path"?
Lol, which direction you trending ? You just got embarrassed in front of the whole coubtry and have fans calling for Kirby's head.... While I agree we have some ground to make up your smug ass just got a reality check clown...... That is all GO VOLS
Bama is how many points better than Ga?
But they both beat us by roughly the same margin so they should be equal.

football points algebra is confusing.
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And as long as we’re discussing things that don’t matter. We didn’t kick FGs vs Ga because we weren’t trying to lose by a smaller margin. We left 9-12 points behind going on 4th in the red zone so there’s your irrelevant upward trend
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Obviously no one else is paying any attention to you. Sorry your team got beat by 17 points.
You should turn in you're vol card. No one wants moral victories. On top of that no true orange bleeding UT fan would never pull for Bama.
When Kirby took the job GA previous recruiting class was 6th in nation. (UT was 4th). The year before GA was 8th. (UT was 7th). So it's a fact he didnt inherit any more talent than UT. Since then in 5 yrs his teams have played for the SEC Championship 3 times and played for a National Championship once. His W-L record is a paltry 62-14. Here's hoping Coach Heupel does every bit as bad in the next 5 years.
You can’t act like those 2 teams had anywhere near the same talent when Kirby took over. If memory serves correct that was butch 4th season and half of his great class was departed. The downward spiral was well into motion by then. We had already went through Dooley years and kiffin bolting and mark richt was just coming off yet another 10 win season with consistent top 10 classes. Not saying that Kirby have a trash, just your argument that we had equal talent when Kirby took over Georgia does not hold water.

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