Seriously dude. Do I need to break it down into phonics for you?!?!?! Listen carefully...
Call me crazy I've been called worse but u disagree. I lived in ky for a year and one of my good friends father is a uk booster. Words from his mouth were if cal doesn't win in the next few years and continues getting knocked out early with the money were paying him the seat will start getting hot.,you don't have to believe me if you don't want but most uk fans will tell you it's all about championships there, the recruiting classes are nice but will get old if they don't win one. I know it's a little different but tubby was ran out because he couldn't win another one. They all claimed the only reason he won the one was it was pitinos players, and he couldn't do it himself. I promise you and you can choose to believe me or not, with what they pay cal if he doesn't win within the next 3-5 years IMO from what I've been told he will be let go. Now as you said he may split first but it isn't impossible for him to be fired.
This is your exact, direct quote where you say if they continue to be knocked out EARLY. This is the excerpt from my response...
You mention getting knocked out early, but they made it to the Elite Eight and Final Four in his only two seasons. If that is getting knocked out early, then people need to lower their expectations.
So, let's review. You said that Cal would be gone if he continued to get knocked out early according to your "booster" friend. I stated that IF GETTING TO THE ELITE EIGHT AND FINAL FOUR IN YOUR FIRST TWO SEASONS IS GETTING KNOCKED OUT EARLY, THEN FANS NEED TO LOWER THEIR EXPECTATIONS.
I'm not denying that I said it, but you are trying to use it out of context to accuse me of saying that Kentucky fans should lower their expectations from even making it to the Elite Eight and Final Four. What I said was that if they consider losing in the Elite Eight or Final Four as getting "knocked out early", and in turn are ready to fire Cal for getting "knocked out early" in the Elite Eight and Final Four, then they need to lower their expectations.
Two very different statements.
i was being sarcastic if they only won around 28 games like you suggested they would probably be knocked out in the first round. uk will probably be about a 34 win team most seasons if they are making deep runs like your saying. calm down.
ok i get what you are saying now and in all honesty i am glad you broke it down because i was becoming thoroughly confused and wondered what i was misssing. i shouldnt have used the word CONTINUE to be knocked out early that gaqve off the perception that i perceived ff and elite 8 as early exits an that is not true. much like when you misworded and said cal had been very close to a championship on 2 different occasions and that sounded off to me, i just worded that wrong and that is my apologies. let me be clear, for kentucky, an early exit to me and this is assuming that cal continues to recruit like he is, is anything LESS than an elite 8. so sweet 16 IMO is a failure and obviously so would anything less than that or missing the tournament completely. i am sorry i can see now how this mass confusion started i really dont know why i used the word "continues", i guess i was just trying to say if his teams exit early in the future. this is my fault, my apologies.
No problem. I was just running out of ways to convince you that I didn't say that in the context that you thought.
so in all seriousness i really think cal should take a page out of other coaches books and calm down on the 5 stars. i know that sounds idiotic but if im him (idk what id do) and it doesnt work this year you have to rethink it. he can get whoever he wants so be smart on how you put it together but take for instance; teague, lamb, gilchrist, jones, davis, miller, vargas all leave for the nba (i know vargas and miller are seniors) what the hell are you left with? jon hood, and wiltjer? obviously cal will be able to bring in guys but my point being you have hood and wiltjer and bring in 6 of the top 15 in the country to replace the one's that left? that is a seriously young team and most likely youll lose the majority again. i guess my point is with this revolving door you are hoping these guys pick up what your teaching, adjust to the college level, create a good chemistry, dont get into trouble, grow mental toughness for road game and im sure more that im forgetting all in the same year. thats asking alot of 18 year old kids. JMO
I agree, and again, I'm not saying the system will work. It's come close the past two years though. Cal is using talent to mask his average coaching ability. By bringing in lesser talent, it puts a higher premium on his coaching ability, which like I said, is average. He is hoping to catch lightning in a bottle with a group of phenomenal stars each year that gives them a chance.
2014 top 10
duke 2 out of 10
kansas 1 out of 10
north carolina 2 out of 10
uconn 3 out of 10
KENTUCKY 5 out of 10
do you notice a trend here???
I'm not saying you're doing it, but there is absolutely no way I can blame Cal for going out and getting the best players in the country. If you can get em, do it. I would take UK's roster over any team in the country if we were forced to trade. That said, I love our Vols, and wouldn't ever trade...well, maybe a few players.
i wouldnt. i am set in stone on my opinion this system isnt going to win a championship, personally i really like UNC with kendall marshall. if i took this roster from uk, everyone leaves this year, you have hood and wiltjer back next year and bring in what 6 or 7 freshman again? i just dont see that being the winning way, just too much to teach that many 18 year old kids in one year before they all leave again. JMO he may prove me completely wrong and this may become the only way to win.
I understand the hate on Cal as a person, and jealousy and all that, but seriously... Do you think that all these players would keep playing for an inferior coach? I used to hate on his coaching ability, but I'll be honest with myself and you guys. The fact that he can get 4-6 freshman (regardless of skill level and athletic ability) to come together, play as a team, and be one of the top teams in the country year in and year out has to force anyone into admitting that his coaching ability is not that bad... lol
Honestly's not like he teaches them much. They just out athlete people.
I understand the hate on Cal as a person, and jealousy and all that, but seriously... Do you think that all these players would keep playing for an inferior coach? I used to hate on his coaching ability, but I'll be honest with myself and you guys. The fact that he can get 4-6 freshman (regardless of skill level and athletic ability) to come together, play as a team, and be one of the top teams in the country year in and year out has to force anyone into admitting that his coaching ability is not that bad... lol
i wouldnt. i am set in stone on my opinion this system isnt going to win a championship, personally i really like UNC with kendall marshall. if i took this roster from uk, everyone leaves this year, you have hood and wiltjer back next year and bring in what 6 or 7 freshman again? i just dont see that being the winning way, just too much to teach that many 18 year old kids in one year before they all leave again. JMO he may prove me completely wrong and this may become the only way to win.