American war dead are "Losers and Suckers," per Trump

Their platform. Their candidates. Never liked Joe, absolutely despise Harris. There's more that goes along with that but that's more than enough.

Don't ask for specifics because I'm not going to play the "debate each and every part of it" game with you.
I honestly don't see how anyone is worse than Donald Trump. Look at the current scandal involving Louis DeJoy right now. The Postmaster General shouldn't even be a political appointment. In past administrations, it hasn't been. However, under Trump, every appointment is political. The person appointed is always a major Republican Party donor who is usually corrupt. "Drain the swamp!" ... my a$$.

Tom Price
Scott Pruitt
Ryan Zinke
Betsy DeVos
Wilbur Ross
Elaine Chao
and now, Louis DeJoy
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Their platform. Their candidates. Never liked Joe, absolutely despise Harris. There's more that goes along with that but that's more than enough.

Don't ask for specifics because I'm not going to play the "debate each and every part of it" game with you.
Still no specifics just feelings. Why do you feel it necessary to defend Trump by attacking the posters that point out specifics about Trump's BS? Seems you suffer from DDS and I'm not talking about needing a dentist.
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The accusation is so absurd I don't believe it. I wouldn't have believed it if anonymous sources claimed Obama said this either. Common sense to me says it's BS.
Did common sense tell you that Trump raw boned a porn star while his wife was nursing a new born baby at home and that years later Trump would pay her off to keep quiet while implicating his side kick in a felony?
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Good for you! The reality is that most of our conservatives/Republicans/Trump supporters on here have been very willing to believe stories that are damaging to Democrats with precious little verification and named sources. It is only when the stories involve Republicans that you require more evidence. It's hypocritical.
Yeah thats just modern day politics for both sides anymore.
What you have been eager to believe on here vs what you have been skeptical of really does indicate a political bias of your own. Correct me if I'm wrong... but you have expressed confidence in the "PizzaGate" theory? You do believe that Seth Rich was the source of the DNC hack, and he was the one who disseminated the e-mails on WikiLeaks... and he was murdered by the DNC in revenge? You also believe that the parents of murdered Sandy Hook Elementary students are paid actors, correct? And now you believe this old story about McCain?

...but you require more proof that Donald Trump was insulting to veterans? Wow.

I believe pizzagate is more likely to be partly true than all false just based on Podesta's emails in conjunction with Jimmy Comet's instagram, but admit that there is not enough evidence at this point to have anyone tried for it. I believe Seth Rich was murdered for leaking the DNC emails. That Julian Assange implied as much is what makes me believe this. I have heard of strange circumstances surrounding Sandy Hook, but have never jumped on board with any of the theories. The McCain stuff, to pull a page from your line of thinking, him flying like a jackass and having 3 crashes on his record makes me more likely to believe that he accidentally blew up an aircraft carrier. I'll concede that the story is probably fake though.

And do I require more proof of Trump to believe it happened? Not more proof, any proof. Any proof will do. And sorry, but unnamed sources making unprovable claims do not meet that criteria. Literally any person is capable of saying anything for any reason. Could Trump have said that stuff? Sure. I find it more likely, however, that this is a fake story conveniently timed to give Trump trouble on the campaign trail. We'll see though.
Did common sense tell you that Trump raw boned a porn star while his wife was nursing a new born baby at home and that years later Trump would pay her off to keep quiet while implicating his side kick in a felony?
Has any President or anyone running for President ever said anything like this about POW's?

"He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured." - Donald Trump

... just so he could disparage the legacy of one man, Trump actually took a shot at every American POW we have ever had. Trump is a vindictive and petty little man.
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If your definition of backwards is stopping all the progressive leftist BS, then yes we did.

Did you? There are more progressives in office than in 2016, extreme left insurrection is seeing unprecedented levels of activity across the entire country, and absolutely nothing in terms of social justice activism has slowed down/halted, let alone been rolled back.

What a blatantly incorrect assertion on your part. Lol.
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Fox has noticed the emperor's nudity. He must be so mad right now.

Does Trump just go ahead with Trump TV whether he wins or loses? I imagine he does.
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Oh I beg to differ . I’m a living example of being fed up with liberals and going all in against the Dem party .
Funny you said that. I was thinking that earlier today before I read this post. I remember you not liking Trump and being pretty down the middle in doling out fairly equal criticism. You’ve since hurled more criticism towards Dems and I completely understand why. They’re completely out of control. I didn’t pay attention to politics back when the younger Bush was in office (either one actually) but there’s no way the Dem disdain, lying, and overall obsession was anywhere near the level it is with Trump. What in the world will CNN write about when he’s gone? I think they will have 4 more years to figure it out but, whether in 4 months or 4 years, Trump will be gone and they’ll have a big gap to fill.
More lies certainly will be coming from Trump. It's been his whole mantra the entire time he has been in office
And the Dems and MSM have apparently followed his lead. I bet if we did a count on Lemon, Maddow, or Pelosi they’d be right there with Trump. Schiff would be triple Trump’s number. Lying is more natural than breathing to that dude.
Bs that I was a registered Democrat ? Or Bs than I’m against the Dem party now ?
BS in “Liberal Land” means I know your own thoughts, intentions, feelings, and motives better than you. They actually know literally everything Trump thinks.
And the Dems and MSM have apparently followed his lead. I bet if we did a count on Lemon, Maddow, or Pelosi they’d be right there with Trump. Schiff would be triple Trump’s number. Lying is more natural than breathing to that dude.
The media doesn't even report Trump's lies anymore. On Friday, Trump was caught in two of them, which have received very little play. Trump denied having ever called John McCain a loser (easily refuted) and Trump said the he had called Melania in DC, to tell her how disappointed he was that his trip to the cemetery had been canceled due to weather. Melania was in Paris at the time. There is no way you honestly think that any politician lies more than Trump does.
And the Dems and MSM have apparently followed his lead. I bet if we did a count on Lemon, Maddow, or Pelosi they’d be right there with Trump. Schiff would be triple Trump’s number. Lying is more natural than breathing to that dude.
You're certainly not a numbers guy. Your last statement certainly applies to Trump, who is POTUS
The media doesn't even report Trump's lies anymore. On Friday, Trump was caught in two of them, which have received very little play. Trump denied having ever called John McCain a loser (easily refuted) and Trump said the he had called Melania in DC, to tell her how disappointed he was that his trip to the cemetery had been canceled due to weather. Melania was in Paris at the time. There is no way you honestly think that any politician lies more than Trump does.
Did you click your counter for those two?
I was working and living around ( my family and neighbors ) with some of the most racist people , black and white , that I’ve ever seen in the 90s and early to mid 2000s and they were not / are not republicans , they’ve never been , their families have never been , and if they are alive today they are still democrat . I’ll just say that California and NYC would never be on their vacation check off list .
Dems have been selling this lie forever and for those that only get news on CNN or MSNBC it works. The fact is there are racists on both sides and I’d like to think it is a pretty small percentage on both.

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