
$199 is probably the sweet spot. Hope they hit it.

Keynote is starting now. You can stream online lots of places.
she has not complained about the battery since getting it. Her main use is gps too
still wonder why they're so against expandable memory for this? Oh well, probably will buy anyway
I don't care about the lack of a rear camera. Leaving out MicroSD is mildly disappointing but its another way to drive people to the cloud I guess.

I'm listening at 199. Honestly depends if there's a decent accessories market with it as to whether I'll buy one or not.
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Question for those that might know: I just upgraded (pre ordered) the Galaxy S3 on Verizon to keep my unlimited data for the next 2 years.

But I'm on the family plan with my parents and brother. My parents both have smartphones but my brother does not. He wants to get a smartphone, but I was wondering if he did, (now that Verizon has the shared data plans), would that affect me and take me off of unlimited data?

I was looking around on info on this but couldn't find anything conclusive...
Question for those that might know: I just upgraded (pre ordered) the Galaxy S3 on Verizon to keep my unlimited data for the next 2 years.

But I'm on the family plan with my parents and brother. My parents both have smartphones but my brother does not. He wants to get a smartphone, but I was wondering if he did, (now that Verizon has the shared data plans), would that affect me and take me off of unlimited data?

I was looking around on info on this but couldn't find anything conclusive...

My situation is a a little different, but the same basic premise. The way I understand it is like this:
If anybody on the plan upgrades/signs new contract/purchases subsidized phone, it will throw the entire group into the new shared data plan - removing unlimited data plan for all parties.

I may be incorrect, but from the various articles and threads I have read, this is (unfortunately) how it is.

I do believe, however, that if you want to keep your unlimited data, you are able to move your line off the family plan onto your own contract/plan, keeping the features (minutes/texts/data) for just your phone.

I may be wrong about this as well, but that is how I understand it.

Whenever you want to try something, just call VZW and ask them. If the person isn't helpful, hang up and call back until you get someone who understands the situation, what you want to do, and why you want to do it. If you can get someone like that, they will typically be as helpful as they're allowed.
How would you like me to do my iPhone home screen?

I couldn't care less how you do your iPhone home screen - I just thought it was a humorous link that some of us Android fans (this is the Android thread if you haven't noticed) might get a kick out of.

If you don't understand why we might enjoy it, then feel free not to comment - we won't miss you, I promise :p
I couldn't care less how you do your iPhone home screen - I just thought it was a humorous link that some of us Android fans (this is the Android thread if you haven't noticed) might get a kick out of.

If you don't understand why we might enjoy it, then feel free not to comment - we won't miss you, I promise :p

If you think the iPhone homescreen isn't customizable then I'm laughing at you. Whatever makes you feel better.
really? Then go make a post in the gaming forum.

all jokes aside, please move to an iphone thread if you would like to discuss that.

Lol I forgot about that. Guess ur a mod. Awesome use of power from you or whoever. Grown man gaming is apparently serious biz. All jokes aside it was a jab at iPhone that isn't remotely true. Just letting y'all know.
Lol I forgot about that. Guess ur a mod. Awesome use of power from you or whoever. Grown man gaming is apparently serious biz. All jokes aside it was a jab at iPhone that isn't remotely true. Just letting y'all know.

So you constantly arguing and standing up for the iPhone isn't serious biz?
I have the first EVO 4g - best phone I've ever owned. I don't even want to upgrade!

VN Store
