Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

Cheek just gave himself a $40k raise, I vote we ask him for some food.

He just needed a new golf cart...

He's over the top for dramatic effect but the point he's attempting to make is fact the 'system' is absurd and yet it continues....
We'll "claim" him when he's leading the league in TDs, yards, etc, but not when he speaks about his time at UT. Nothing good can come from this.

Nope. On another note, Eric Berry got some good publicity with his Pick 6 last night. And we'll always have Peyton Manning. Amirite?
Doesn't an athlete choose to live in an apartment and pay rent ?...I thought scholarship athletes lived with the other players and ate with them ?...Am I wrong about that ?...
Cafeterias are closed for the most part after games, but there are some late night options near campus. However, meal plans aren't acceptable payment at those, if I remember correctly.

I personally know of a few athletes who were flat broke while at UT. As much as Foster does say recklessly, this has some credibility.

If he didn't have money for rent and food, why didn't he live in the dorms and not have to pay rent? Problem solved. I think the system is dumb, but so is his excuse.
Cafeterias are closed for the most part after games, but there are some late night options near campus. However, meal plans aren't acceptable payment at those, if I remember correctly.

I personally know of a few athletes who were flat broke while at UT. As much as Foster does say recklessly, this has some credibility.

Should be easy to fix. University work with area restaurants open late within walking distance of campus to accept student athlete meal plans. I'm sure some would agree to it. Problem solved.
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When I was a graduate student at Tennessee I was technically on scholarship and received an additional (small, 17k) stipend in exchange for my teaching and research obligations.

I see no reason why student athletes should not receive similar. They put in a lot more work and generate a lot more revenue that I did. They are as much employees as I was.

When people talk about why athletes shouldent be paid it typically revolves around arguments about how its going to lessen the game...for fans...

You selfish bunch of pricks. You cant see beyond your own desire for entertainment and realize that those are real live people with families and obligations on the field. You dont care about them beyond what they can provide in a win-loss column, which quite frankly disgusts me.

Look at our very own Arian Foster who fans lambasted and ripped up and down this forum. Now those same people get pissy that hes "not VFL" and doesent go out of his way to represent UT in the NFL. I dont blame him one bit, and I dont blame him for anything he said. Hes right.

We're selfish? A free ride to college and wanting more? Whose selfish now prick?
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What is it about student athletes that they don't realize before college that you DO NOT GET PAID TO PLAY SPORTS IN COLLEGE?!! It's common knowledge, and until they change it, it will continue to be that way.
Tacos?! I like tacos. And you gave them to Arian? I thought you said he was a creep.

Tacos, not burritos man. We talkin bout tacos. Tacos. Not enchiladas. Not burritos. Tacos man.
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When I was a graduate student at Tennessee I was technically on scholarship and received an additional (small, 17k) stipend in exchange for my teaching and research obligations.

I see no reason why student athletes should not receive similar. They put in a lot more work and generate a lot more revenue that I did. They are as much employees as I was.

When people talk about why athletes shouldent be paid it typically revolves around arguments about how its going to lessen the game...for fans...

You selfish bunch of pricks. You cant see beyond your own desire for entertainment and realize that those are real live people with families and obligations on the field. You dont care about them beyond what they can provide in a win-loss column, which quite frankly disgusts me.

Look at our very own Arian Foster who fans lambasted and ripped up and down this forum. Now those same people get pissy that hes "not VFL" and doesent go out of his way to represent UT in the NFL. I dont blame him one bit, and I dont blame him for anything he said. Hes right.

You were a graduate student. How many undergrads get a stipend? It's just a question- maybe I don't know. Did you get clothes for teaching? Did you get free access to the lounges, the weight rooms, the nutrition bars? There are undergraduate students who do professor research and work that don't necessarily get compensated.

I admit that they work their asses off, and the universities make alot of money. But, to suggest that this is not an opportunity of a lifetime and an avenue to make millions is simply ridiculous. They are probably getting thousands of dollars worth of benefits and services for playing football. Then, if they are good enough, the exposure at a high level football school gets you a shot at another chance at hundreds of thousands of dollars. What am I missing?
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Cafeterias are closed for the most part after games, but there are some late night options near campus. However, meal plans aren't acceptable payment at those, if I remember correctly.

I personally know of a few athletes who were flat broke while at UT. As much as Foster does say recklessly, this has some credibility.
In this case at least, I don't think anyone is debating the validity of the issue, but rather the way in which Arian has chosen to tackle it.
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Should be easy to fix. University work with area restaurants open late within walking distance of campus to accept student athlete meal plans. I'm sure some would agree to it. Problem solved.

Umm, that already exists. All players have meal vouchers for restaurants. Guys ever been to burger night at copper cellar?
Cafeteria closes on the weekend.

My point is that if he wasn't using money for rent he could buy his own food. He chose to live somewhere that he had to pay for. Unless I'm wrong and athletes don't get free room and board in the dorms, then he put himself in that position.
Should be easy to fix. University work with area restaurants open late within walking distance of campus to accept student athlete meal plans. I'm sure some would agree to it. Problem solved.

I heard that some places on the strip accepted the meal plans from UT. Not sure if it's true or not, it would have had to have been from several years ago though.
Take away their scholarships, clothes, housing, nutritional benefits, tutors, players lounge with X-Box, smoothies, etc... Then see if they want to live like normal college students.

And to blackmail the coaches is atrocious. "Come give me XXXXXXX or I will do something stupid."


Fine. And I'll kick your hind parts off the team, and make sure the rest catches up. Eat with the rest of the team.

Normal college students don't play on an X-box and drink smoothies?

I'm not defending anything about Foster himself here. I just think it's dumb that people expect college kids to stay in the dorm, eat nothing but dorm food, get by with very little spending money because they can't have a job, etc., and then act SHOCKED!! when they go outside the system. I'm sure the Vols' dorms and lounges are very nice, but it has to feel like living in a bubble. Normal students live off campus, have jobs, eat what they want, buy what they can save up for.

The system is broken.
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You were a graduate student. How many undergrads get a stipend? It's just a question- maybe I don't know. Did you get clothes for teaching? Did you get free access to the lounges, the weight rooms, the nutrition bars? There are undergraduate students who do professor research and work that don't necessarily get compensated.

I admit that they work their asses off, and the universities make alot of money. But, to suggest that this is not an opportunity of a lifetime and an avenue to make millions is simply ridiculous. They are probably getting thousands of dollars worth of benefits and services for playing football. Then, if they are good enough, the exposure at a high level football school gets you a shot at another chance at hundreds of thousands of dollars. What am I missing?

But they not getting a piece of the pie

Everyone deserves to eat the pie

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