Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

The biggest question: Which one of our coaches drove a Lexus? Sounds like Kiffin was making deliveries.
This just sounds like an issue of not having the correct resources available for student athletes. Student athletes should never get paid straight cash, just have snacks/food available for them when they need/want it. Not hard to fix.

Like SDV said

the weed made him have the munchies
It is what it is. Anyone who didn't think this was going on at UT or any other major D-1 school is living under a rock.
When I was a graduate student at Tennessee I was technically on scholarship and received an additional (small, 17k) stipend in exchange for my teaching and research obligations.

I see no reason why student athletes should not receive similar. They put in a lot more work and generate a lot more revenue that I did. They are as much employees as I was.

When people talk about why athletes shouldent be paid it typically revolves around arguments about how its going to lessen the game...for fans...

You selfish bunch of pricks. You cant see beyond your own desire for entertainment and realize that those are real live people with families and obligations on the field. You dont care about them beyond what they can provide in a win-loss column, which quite frankly disgusts me.

Look at our very own Arian Foster who fans lambasted and ripped up and down this forum. Now those same people get pissy that hes "not VFL" and doesent go out of his way to represent UT in the NFL. I dont blame him one bit, and I dont blame him for anything he said. Hes right.
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Well this is a disappointing development. Why is this coming up in the first place with him? Did someone ask it or was it just something he took it upon himself to speak out about.

I think it's in a documentary. But I don't know if he was asked if he received any benefits
When I was a graduate student at Tennessee I was technically on scholarship and received an additional (small, 17k) stipend in exchange for my teaching and research obligations.

I see no reason why student athletes should not receive similar. They put in a lot more work and generate a lot more revenue that I did. They are as much employees as I was.

When people talk about why athletes shouldent be paid it typically revolves around arguments about how its going to lessen the game...for fans...

You selfish bunch of pricks. You cant see beyond your own desire for entertainment and realize that those are real live people with families and obligations on the field. You dont care about them beyond what they can provide in a win-loss column, which quite frankly disgusts me.

Look at our very own Arian Foster who fans lambasted and ripped up and down this forum. Now those same people get pissy that hes "not VFL" and doesent go out of his way to represent UT in the NFL. I dont blame him one bit, and I dont blame him for anything he said. Hes right.

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SIAP, but what other players, if any, admitted to taking money in this article. Any other schools?
Freaking fumble-at-crucial-game-winning-moments machine.

There? feel better?
Still hate this clown.

They should have put the tacos on the football so he might actually hold onto it. *zing!*

But seriously, why would he do this? My favorite part is the whole "Well I don't know if saying this will hurt them or not, but uh..." act. Please. Go away.
Cafeterias are closed for the most part after games, but there are some late night options near campus. However, meal plans aren't acceptable payment at those, if I remember correctly.

I personally know of a few athletes who were flat broke while at UT. As much as Foster does say recklessly, this has some credibility.
When I was a graduate student at Tennessee I was technically on scholarship and received an additional (small, 17k) stipend in exchange for my teaching and research obligations.

I see no reason why student athletes should not receive similar. They put in a lot more work and generate a lot more revenue that I did. They are as much employees as I was.

When people talk about why athletes shouldent be paid it typically revolves around arguments about how its going to lessen the game...for fans...

You selfish bunch of pricks. You cant see beyond your own desire for entertainment and realize that those are real live people with families and obligations on the field. You dont care about them beyond what they can provide in a win-loss column, which quite frankly disgusts me.

Look at our very own Arian Foster who fans lambasted and ripped up and down this forum. Now those same people get pissy that hes "not VFL" and doesent go out of his way to represent UT in the NFL. I dont blame him one bit, and I dont blame him for anything he said. Hes right.
Ahahahahahahahahahaha, so you think that dude cares what this forum thinks? He owes everything he has to that ****ing Power T. To disgrace it as if it were nothing is a classless move. And to say he was poor and couldn't eat is a straight up lie. Open your eyes a little.
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