Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

First, you don't know my morals nor my character, so you are in no position to judge me. Second, you don't know how many times I've turned down tips and such at my jobs because it was against company policy and I don't want to get fired. Third, you don't know how many times I wasn't able to "be a college kid" because I had enough self respect and respect for the Pride. So, yeah, I would have enough self control. Forgive me for doing the right thing when you obviously wouldn't.

yeah right.
Well this is a disappointing development. Why is this coming up in the first place with him? Did someone ask it or was it just something he took it upon himself to speak out about.
It's not right but its certainly understandable for him to take money. I'm sure it's not just about food but actually having some means to have some sort of life outside of football. Some of you may not realize this but they do have a life outside of football. If enough players come out I mean really what's the NCAA gonna do other than contribute further to their own demise.
OK - let's look at it from a completely self-interested fan perspective:

Worst case scenario: More NCAA sanctions - lose some scholarships, make rebuilding job even more difficult. Setback = 1-2 years.

Best case scenario: Arian & Tennessee are seen as the forefront of actually getting players paid. Suddenly, Tennessee is indirectly the institution most closely tied with tipping the scales for the players. Insert Recruiting Explosion and endless good PR.

Spin it however you want, but the more likely scenario is number 1. It's different if we were on the level if Alabama and could afford to take the risk of possible sanctions, but we're not. We've been in rebuild mode for the past 5 years. I would love to see Tennessee come out on top in this case, but I strongly doubt the NCAA will take pity in this case.
Never cared too much for AF anyway, he played it "safe" during his college days. Scared he may get hurt and ruin his NFL career. He's a better NFL'er than college player.

So screw you Arian, you aren't a VFL.
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Arian's Mother was an active poster on TOS when he was at UT. She was level-headed, and I enjoyed reading some of her posts. But, the premium board isn't free.
Sticking up for players and ratting out your coach who gave in and helped you out are two different things. Not to mention basically blackmailing said coach by telling him if he doesn't bring food you're going to go out and do something stupid.

I never realized Arian was from such a poor family that they could not afford a little grocery money every week and Arian was going to be forced to "do something stupid". I learn something new every day.

I feel so sorry for them

I mean it must be bad to get to play football( a game and not a real job), get a free education while you do, and then from the experience you gained playing the game, a chance to be an instant millionaire once you leave after 3 or 4 years

Goodness, they have it sooo bad
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I'm going to go out on a limb and say he probably took more than just money for food. I'm not saying he doesn't have a point, but I can also see the food thing as an excuse.

I mean pointing out a coach is driving a Lexus seems to be more than just about food; again not saying he doesn't have a point but I'm not buying the sob story 100% either.
I mean jesus people, how could anyone miss the giant platinum watch hangin out the side of a pimped out Escalade?????? Arian trademarks.

But yeah, he had it real tough.
Dang. I wanted to vomit at the beginning of this thread. I'm dry heaving now.
Foster has ha an ax to grind against UT since he ay he left. One of the most unlikeable athletes in sports, period. Arrogance, victimhood, he's the whole package.
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I'm still confused about the tacos. Were they vegetable tacos? He's a vegan.

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I could care less about kids getting paid.
I seriously doubt what mr Arian knows what its like to be hungry. If that dude was that hard up he shouldnt have been hanging out at katch one after ball games. The money for a lap dance will get you plenty of tacos maybe even Krystals
Any respect I still had for this guy just went out the window. He threw UT under the bus when he didn't need to. He'll try to shrug it off as giving an honest opinion, but this was spiteful. He's a self-absorbed ego-maniac. He definitely wasn't starving while playing ball for UT.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say he probably took more than just money for food. I'm not saying he doesn't have a point, but I can also see the food thing as an excuse.

I mean pointing out a coach is driving a Lexus seems to be more than just about food; again not saying he doesn't have a point but I'm not buying the sob story 100% either.

They were kids. I'm sure they blew all their money on bs then went home hungry. It's what a lot of 18-20 year olds do. Priorities aren't a kids strong suit.
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IDK. I think Foster probably should've kept his mouth shut on this one but at the same time it's disgraceful how quickly the fans turn on some of our former players and wish for their failure.

And yet be so quick to puff our their collective chests when ESPN pundits say he was a Tennessee Volunteer.
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I guess he was too lazy to walk down to the cafeteria to eat after smoking blunts
This just sounds like an issue of not having the correct resources available for student athletes. Student athletes should never get paid straight cash, just have snacks/food available for them when they need/want it. Not hard to fix.
I'm in the mood for tacos, and coach drives a Lexus? Who's with me? The AD has a nice car, let's hit him up for dessert.
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