Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

That's not the point. The point is why is he doing this? He owes everything he has to UT. I never liked
Arian. His ego always outweighed his actual ability and he whines like a little girl about everything.

This should be no surprise. Dude has the brain of an ant, and character to match.

Poor analogy, if you are saying Arian has bad character.

Ants are extremely hard workers, work very well in groups, and don't seem to complain much. I've actually never personally seen an ant sleep, nor have I ever seen an ant go to the media to complain about the queen who rules the ant hill. Most importantly, I know I have never seen an ant drop anything it was carrying. Ever.

EDIT: this really comes across far more negative towards AF than I intended. I have no beef with Foster, I was making a joke about his legacy (real or perceived) of being a fumbler and a now a whiner.
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Arian Foster is a bitter beech.
How about the guys in leather helmets that played for the love of the game in front of smaller crowds clearing the way for him to get his tacos.
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Arian just doesn't come across to me as someone who was struggling to make ends meet. To me, this is more of a "Coach drives a Lexus while I do all the work, I'm gonna get mine" type of deal.

Just my opinion of course, but that's the tone I get while reading the article.
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So he doesn't care about the 100,000 people that filled Neyland every home game he was here. And the ones that traveled to see his sorry ass?

Or that he represents this university that is the sole reason he is anything right now?

Or that we could get screwed because of this? That he sounds like a little beyotch?

Yeah. Good point bro.

No offense, but this university is not the only reason he is anything. Did he even get drafted? His hard work and dedication got him where he is. Tennessee was a stepping stone, but if you think Tennessee is the sole reason he is anything you are delusional. Remember the "fumbling foster" mantra and all the hate? Hell, I said some stupid things myself. He went out there, gave his all while he was here. He caught living HELL on this sight and many others. At this point, he is shedding light on a system he believes is unfair. Good for him. So yeah, this is a good point "bro".
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Normal college students don't play on an X-box and drink smoothies?

I'm not defending anything about Foster himself here. I just think it's dumb that people expect college kids to stay in the dorm, eat nothing but dorm food, get by with very little spending money because they can't have a job, etc., and then act SHOCKED!! when they go outside the system. I'm sure the Vols' dorms and lounges are very nice, but it has to feel like living in a bubble. Normal students live off campus, have jobs, eat what they want, buy what they can save up for.

The system is broken.

The system is more than broke. Put the system in any other business setting and its criminal. And college football is first and foremost a business. Its a sad example of completely taking advantage of a situation where their business is viewed as 'education and sport' and 'employees' are fighting tooth and nail to work for you.
I'm not arguing whether the system is broken or not. But the fact of the matter is:

AF knew the system he was signing on for. If it sucks that bad, no one broke his fingers to get a signature.

but I believe Arian is arguing about the broken system. It appears he's pushing for a change
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I wish they would just keep their mouths shut. Its not like all these confessions are gonna change anything. Doing more damage than anything. Think before you speak
Arian just doesn't come across to me as someone who was struggling to make ends meet. To me, this is more of a "Coach drives a Lexus while I do all the work, I'm gonna get mine" type of deal.

Just my opinion of course, but that's the tone I get while reading the article.

I can see that, too. I think with a lot of these paying athletes stories, there's a lot of gray area.
Arian just doesn't come across to me as someone who was struggling to make ends meet. To me, this is more of a "Coach drives a Lexus while I do all the work, I'm gonna get mine" type of deal.

Just my opinion of course, but that's the tone I get while reading the article.

Exactly. The system is obviously broken, but this is a pretty dumb way to try and make his point.
Arian just doesn't come across to me as someone who was struggling to make ends meet. To me, this is more of a "Coach drives a Lexus while I do all the work, I'm gonna get mine" type of deal.

Just my opinion of course, but that's the tone I get while reading the article.

Stepping away from the system is broken aspect, and looking at this specific incident and interview....yes, absolutely agree.
This isn't surprising in the least... 1.) that he took money on the side, and 2.) that of all the former players, Foster is the one to fire this torpedo.
Arian just doesn't come across to me as someone who was struggling to make ends meet. To me, this is more of a "Coach drives a Lexus while I do all the work, I'm gonna get mine" type of deal.

Just my opinion of course, but that's the tone I get while reading the article.

Considering the weight problems he had while being here his story is laughable.
Arian just doesn't come across to me as someone who was struggling to make ends meet. To me, this is more of a "Coach drives a Lexus while I do all the work, I'm gonna get mine" type of deal.

Just my opinion of course, but that's the tone I get while reading the article.

You're definitely not the only one that thought that.
Exactly. The system is obviously broken, but this is a pretty dumb way to try and make his point.

Maybe his intent was good, but you have to wonder when he prefaces his statement with, "I don't know whether this will throw us into an NCAA investigation...".
I'm sure it's been said in 11 pages of thread so far, but don't student-athletes get a free meal plan at the college?
What if we just deny it? He was already butt-hurt about his time at UT. This could be completely false. Is there some kind of taco paper trail? A trail of mild sauce leading to proof?
D1 football players put on huge muscle mass going from high school to college. That takes thousand of calories a day. I dont buy this "I dont have anything to eat" argument. I personally think he's making that up so that he can insert himself into this recent debate over paying players.
I'm sure it's been said in 11 pages of thread so far, but don't student-athletes get a free meal plan at the college?

But since they are forced by gunpoint to play football and get a free education, they don't have enough time to work on the side to be able to afford Jimmy Johns on the weekend.

What an f'ing tragedy.
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Normal college kids don't have the university providing the x-box and smoothies for the, by and large, and that was my point.

I'm not arguing whether the system is broken or not. But the fact of the matter is:

AF knew the system he was signing on for. If it sucks that bad, no one broke his fingers to get a signature.

He made his own decisions, including moving off-campus, so he's lost the right to ***** and moan about what those decisions led to.

Arian Foster wanted to be a professional football player. There is no path to the NFL that does not involve going to one college or another and having the broken NCAA system forced upon you. That is not a meaningful choice. It's easy to see why players treat the system with the contempt it deserves.


Maybe his intent was good, but you have to wonder when he prefaces his statement with, "I don't know whether this will throw us into an NCAA investigation..."

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