Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

So when he says he doesn't have enough money for food, he really means he doesn't want to eat dorm food like the "regular" kids.

Yep - couldn't eat that free Gibbs Hall food -- or get his mom to send him a few dollars for late night tacos. Of course the university gave him the training and tools that helped him get to where he is today - making millions in the NFL - but dang it - he needed some free tacos.

I like Foster - and love Mrs. Foster - but most of his ideas and his thought process is Left Coast wacko.

He probably lost his money playing spades or poker. I don't even think his background was impoverished although I could be wrong on that front.

I think sometimes he just likes attention.
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He essentially ran back to the NCAA by telling his story to SI. The NCAA will undoubtedly want to question him. You're in the pros Arian, why even bring it up?
is he a scumbag that betrayed his school and fans because he took money or only because he admitted it? If you personally knew it happened yet Arian said nothing would you hold the same opinion of him?

The quote about tacos and his coach driving a lexus makes him look pretty much like a scumbag.
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Tania Ganguli ‏@taniaganguli 6m
Arian Foster on amateurism in college sports: "It’s just been a big charade for years. It’s about time for it to come to an end."
is he a scumbag that betrayed his school and fans because he took money or only because he admitted it? If you personally knew it happened yet Arian said nothing would you hold the same opinion of him?

I'm not naive and I assume players take money at every school.
What could they possibly do? Vacate all of our amazing wins when he was here? Prob take some scholarships, but hell, who cares anymore.

Since he said he got 100 yards or something that would probably be the 2007 season.

That is one of only 2 10 win seasons in the last decade.
So let me get this straight. You guys believe that he didn't have food in his fridge? Give me a break. If he didn't have food in his fridge then his money was being spent on something else. Unless UT does something totally different from other universities for student athletes. I know for a fact my wife who played at UGA and then at Armstrong Atlantic lived off campus and never had to worry about food. Her money was more than enough at both places for everything including partying.

Exactly, I can't believe there are some on here that are actually taking up for this guy.

If you actually believe him, I can't help you. If they live off campus, they get plenty of money for rent. Enough for rent and plenty left over PLUS if he did like everyone does, he shared the apartment which made it even cheaper. His RENT was free as was all the food he could eat.

He is using this as an excuse for him getting paid. Period. What does it benefit him to run the University into the ground? At the very least, this is another black eye.

How many ex (and current) players have to admit to getting paid here? Spin it anyway you want but if the NCAA cared, they could bring the hammer. But luckily for us, they are a joke and won't do squat but the PR hit isn't good.

Let's just say he spent his 'rent' money on something else.
and only earn up to $2k/yr

the likelihood of a college football player being able to practice, go to class and work is not high

It can be done, it just ain't easy and it is not a rule violation.

You can eat pretty well for $2,000 and that is for the "Academic Year", doesn't include Summer.

A full ride athletic scholarship, which Mr. Foster had, pays for tuition, books, room and board. So why was he hungry?

Was it for food or a Lexus?
Maybe it's time to cut all these bas****s loose. Only give scholarships to guys who actually want to get an education. Quit spending millions on coaches and facilities, and all the other money grubbers in ADs. Then actually use the money generated to further education. Then let all these jackarses have to fend for themselves.
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and still no one bashing Foster wants to answer the question

The unwritten rule for nefarious activities is "snitches get stitches." Even criminals know it's one thing to break a rule and a whole other to implicate people for personal gain after you've already profited.
Anybody on here would have done the same damn thing. You got no food and you go the closest thing you have to a parent and ask for food.....

The NCAA rules are ancient, a poor fit for today's student athlete, and frankly there are too many watermelon heads running the NCAA and maintaining rules that are ludicrous.
is he a scumbag that betrayed his school and fans because he took money or only because he admitted it? If you personally knew it happened yet Arian said nothing would you hold the same opinion of him?

It was stupid and selfish to take the money. It's a scumbag move to turn around and throw the school under the bus.
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It can be done, it just ain't easy and it is not a rule violation.

You can eat pretty well for $2,000 and that is for the "Academic Year", doesn't include Summer.

A full ride athletic scholarship, which Mr. Foster had, pays for tuition, books, room and board. So why was he hungry?

Was it for food or a Lexus?

doesnt pay for books.
Anybody on here would have done the same damn thing. You got no food and you go the closest thing you have to a parent and ask for food.....

The NCAA rules are ancient, a poor fit for today's student athlete, and frankly there are too many watermelon heads running the NCAA and maintaining rules that are ludicrous.

Yeah right. AF didn't have any food. Sure. Uh-huh.
I think the NCAA has to get involved. 50 tacos is way too much for even a group of 4 guys.

I can't think of anything that would make them that hungry, can you? I will plead ignorance on mary jane but I've been told it improves your appetite???

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