Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

so his goal seems to be removing the "snitch" label and allowing guys to obtain what he got thru legit means. Why is this so bad? The only reason anyone is calling him names is because he decided to go to UT. Seems petty IMO

by the above posts comparing him to a criminal and calling him stupid I assume you don't think much of him for taking money. Does that apply to all college athletes?

Asking for money and then slamming those that gave it to him is justifiable to you?
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so his goal seems to be removing the "snitch" label and allowing guys to obtain what he got thru legit means. Why is this so bad? The only reason anyone is calling him names is because he decided to go to UT. Seems petty IMO

by the above posts comparing him to a criminal and calling him stupid I assume you don't think much of him for taking money. Does that apply to all college athletes?

Then let him do it via better channels. His intentions were mostly self serving. He has something newsworthy to talk about and he likes to be heard.
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You defending him is just as silly as the ones bashing him. Arian did what he did and said what he said for Arian. No one else.

I'm not defending what he did. I simply understand the stance he's taking. AF simply wants the process to be out in the open. While I hate that he implicated UT I do agree with his overall point. It's happening now and the NCAA either needs to deal with it or put 3 investigators on every BCS school's campus

Asking for money and then slamming those that gave it to him is justifiable to you?

I hate that it was UT but I had no issue with his examples
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The RB that should be complaining about not getting paid is Travis Henry, because those condoms the ncaa wouldn't give him money for have cost him a lot of money on child support
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I'm not defending what he did. I simply understand the stance he's taking. AF simply wants the process to be out in the open. While I hate that he implicated UT I do agree with his overall point. It's happening now and the NCAA either needs to deal with it or put 3 investigators on every BCS school's campus

My question is this. Does anyone really care anymore if these players take money? I don't.
Funny to me that Arian's dad was the General Manager of AmeriSuites in Brentwood at this time. His office was covered in pics of Arian at UT. It's not like his dad was broke or not a part of his life.
I'm not defending what he did. I simply understand the stance he's taking. AF simply wants the process to be out in the open. While I hate that he implicated UT I do agree with his overall point. It's happening now and the NCAA either needs to deal with it or put 3 investigators on every BCS school's campus

I hate that it was UT but I had no issue with his examples

His example of Fulmer driving a Lexus and him not have food in his fridge was stupid.
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so his goal seems to be removing the "snitch" label and allowing guys to obtain what he got thru legit means. Why is this so bad? The only reason anyone is calling him names is because he decided to go to UT. Seems petty IMO

by the above posts comparing him to a criminal and calling him stupid I assume you don't think much of him for taking money. Does that apply to all college athletes?

Mister moral ambiguity. There is no wrong is there pj? Just a whole lot of gray.
He wouldn't have to worry about 107,000 fans having fun at his expense today.

The rules might need changing but until they're changed, anybody who doesn't like them or want to abide by them doesn't have to play. It's their choice ... and room and board is provided. No player ever has to go hungry, food is always available and athletes eat and live much better than most college students. Airing this out now does nothing good for UT, which was exactly the point.
Million dollar body, five cent head. I don't care how much you took just shut your mouth and go on with your life. We do not need any more assistance from the NCAA. Miami has tons of players on the take and nothing, Foster got 50 tacos and were on SMU watch.

He is actually a smart individual. At one time, after his rookie season, he had his own one hour a week radio show. He has written some insightful things. That said, I agree with a few who have written that he appears to be arrogant, selfish, manipulative, and may have an axe to grind with UT.
He wouldn't have to worry about 107,000 fans having fun at his expense today.

The rules might need changing but until they're changed, anybody who doesn't like them or want to abide by them doesn't have to play. It's their choice ... and room and board is provided. No player ever has to go hungry, food is always available and athletes eat and live much better than most college students. Airing this out now does nothing good for UT, which was exactly the point.

This should affect UT about the same way it affected aTm.
Pretty sure they have to turn them in to the Athletic Department at the end of the semester.

That may be true today but it wasn't back then. In the 80's, I can remember athletes selling their books back shortly after classes started. LOL
Arian Foster is a self centered and self appointed poster child for something that he doesn't even represent that well. Couch with a kid at home makes a lot more sense than Arian with fists full of tacos opining because his "boss" who works 100+ hours drives a lexus. I'll bet you Arian drives better than a Lexus now.

Look, I don't think it is all that debatable that his story is stupid (it certainly is stupid if what others here have posted about his access to food happens to be true), but it seems a bit contrived to say that he is doing this for some selfish reason, because I certainly can't think of any. What does he have to gain? Some social media attention? An ESPN article or two? I doubt the leading rusher in the NFL over the last 3 years gives a flip about generating a few more headlines for himself.

Arian is just being Arian and trying to stir the pot about paying players and this was the best way he knew how IMO.
the title of this article "takes money for food and rent" sounds bad...

but the only detail in the article is 50 tacos. I assume there are more details in the interview to be aired, since they interviewed him for 4 hours. At this point, nothing in this article is a big deal - some tacos.

yes, athletes have meal plans, but how many undergrads do you know who only eat in the dining halls? nbd
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so his goal seems to be removing the "snitch" label and allowing guys to obtain what he got thru legit means. Why is this so bad? The only reason anyone is calling him names is because he decided to go to UT. Seems petty IMO

by the above posts comparing him to a criminal and calling him stupid I assume you don't think much of him for taking money. Does that apply to all college athletes?

I think it's fair to question his intent. And I think it's fair to question his methods. I certainly think it's fair to question the legitimacy of playing victim card in his particular circumstances.
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This to may pass but with Mo and T. Bray stories being semi fresh and then this....I would suspect that the NCAA will start snooping around in Knoxville very soon. I think we are cursed. I don't know how else to explain the happenings that surround the program. 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. SMH.
That may be true today but it wasn't back then. In the 80's, I can remember athletes selling their books back shortly after classes started. LOL

Yeah I've heard of AD's collecting the books at the end of the year. Not sure when they started doing it.

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