Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

I understand what Arian is trying to do here, but he doesn't exactly have the greatest story to use as an example.

Arian Foster isn't trying to make you feel sorry for him, he is just doing his best to tell you how the NCAA is one big scam......and it is.

More players, coaches and figureheads need to stand up and put pressure on the NCAA to make changes.

Hopefully the first big step will be allowing players to monetize their own personal fame in opportunities like autograph signings, advertising and the like.
SI is just trying to dig up everything they can about scandals in college sports. They aren't doing it because they feel bad for the athletes; it's for the story.

I think there is a real media agenda in this, everything you read now is about how "the NCAA needs to change" this is the theme that everyone reporting now from ESPN to FOXSPORT. What I don't like, or fully understand, is why is Tennessee being used as the poster child for their cause. Why not do a story on Oregon, USC, Miami, UNC, A&M, Alabama, Miss St, Ohio St and however whoever else I'm leaving out? I am not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of the imagination just curious how we got the short end of the stick. It is like a kick when we are already on the ground.
Anybody on here would have done the same damn thing. You got no food and you go the closest thing you have to a parent and ask for food.....

The NCAA rules are ancient, a poor fit for today's student athlete, and frankly there are too many watermelon heads running the NCAA and maintaining rules that are ludicrous.

I've got some ocean front property that I would like to sell in beautiful New Mexico, interested?
I wonder if AF paid any taxes on the money he took? I wish the IRS would take some interest in these stories. It would probably go a long way towards shutting these a-holes up.
I've always defended Arian but I hope he is never allowed to come back. It's like he wants to shove one up UT's hiney for some reason. Like the Godfather would say, he is dead to me.
what about all the other volunteers that played and busted their butts for our school do you hear and or see all of them fussing now because they didn't get paid? no, most of them played for the game and university not because of the money...
The unwritten rule for nefarious activities is "snitches get stitches." Even criminals know it's one thing to break a rule and a whole other to implicate people for personal gain after you've already profited.

It was stupid and selfish to take the money. It's a scumbag move to turn around and throw the school under the bus.

so his goal seems to be removing the "snitch" label and allowing guys to obtain what he got thru legit means. Why is this so bad? The only reason anyone is calling him names is because he decided to go to UT. Seems petty IMO

by the above posts comparing him to a criminal and calling him stupid I assume you don't think much of him for taking money. Does that apply to all college athletes?
Feed them football players for goodness sake, is this why we can't win, because our players are hunnnnnngry?
so his goal seems to be removing the "snitch" label and allowing guys to obtain what he got thru legit means. Why is this so bad? The only reason anyone is calling him names is because he decided to go to UT. Seems petty IMO

by the above posts comparing him to a criminal and calling him stupid I assume you don't think much of him for taking money. Does that apply to all college athletes?

You defending him is just as silly as the ones bashing him. Arian did what he did and said what he said for Arian. No one else.
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I think there is a real media agenda in this, everything you read now is about how "the NCAA needs to change" this is the theme that everyone reporting now from ESPN to FOXSPORT. What I don't like, or fully understand, is why is Tennessee being used as the poster child for their cause. Why not do a story on Oregon, USC, Miami, UNC, A&M, Alabama, Miss St, Ohio St and however whoever else I'm leaving out? I am not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of the imagination just curious how we got the short end of the stick. It is like a kick when we are already on the ground.

I think it's just more bad luck. Foster has always been an outspoken guy who says whatever he's thinking. Bray and Couch (and the two Miss State players) looked like collateral damage Yahoo found while doing a story about DJ Fluker. Bad luck that they all went to UT. I think.
I understand what Arian is trying to do here, but he doesn't exactly have the greatest story to use as an example.

Arian Foster isn't trying to make you feel sorry for him, he is just doing his best to tell you how the NCAA is one big scam......and it is.

More players, coaches and figureheads need to stand up and put pressure on the NCAA to make changes.

Hopefully the first big step will be allowing players to monetize their own personal fame in opportunities like autograph signings, advertising and the like.

Arian Foster is a self centered and self appointed poster child for something that he doesn't even represent that well. Couch with a kid at home makes a lot more sense than Arian with fists full of tacos opining because his "boss" who works 100+ hours drives a lexus. I'll bet you Arian drives better than a Lexus now.
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what about all the other volunteers that played and busted their butts for our school do you hear and or see all of them fussing now because they didn't get paid? no, most of them played for the game and university not because of the money...

you have a very Pollyanna-like view of college athletes
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Million dollar body, five cent head. I don't care how much you took just shut your mouth and go on with your life. We do not need any more assistance from the NCAA. Miami has tons of players on the take and nothing, Foster got 50 tacos and were on SMU watch.

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