Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

Whether he should have said anything is obviously a 400-post discussion, but everything Foster said is absolutely right.
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While I agree the NCAA and the Universities are making millions off these kids. I also know that they are getting their shot of making millions themselves. There is no way to set up a pay for play in college athletics. You have too many variables. I mean should you pay your swimmer or golfer the same as you do your starting QB? Sorry there is no way to make a pay for play fair. Not to mention these kids know what they sign up for. They can play dumb all they want. Although they know that if they are playing for a major program they are going to get more looks from NFL agents than playing for some no name college. They are using the universities just as much as the universities are using them. This is a two way street. Both sides have valid points. Although at the end of the day you still have the same issue.
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Look, I don't think it is all that debatable that his story is stupid (it certainly is stupid if what others here have posted about his access to food happens to be true), but it seems a bit contrived to say that he is doing this for some selfish reason, because I certainly can't think of any. What does he have to gain? Some social media attention? An ESPN article or two? I doubt the leading rusher in the NFL over the last 3 years gives a flip about generating a few more headlines for himself.

Arian is just being Arian and trying to stir the pot about paying players and this was the best way he knew how IMO.

Trying to stir the pot? Isn't that being selfish? If you aren't selfish, then you don't make it a story. I think your answer contradicted itself.
it was showing the huge divide in where the money goes

Fulmer was a professional coach. Huge difference in that and being a college athlete. I didn't have a Lexus in college. I had to pay for school myself and I assure you my fridge was rarely full of food.
hes a damn idiot! everything was good when he was getting food! now he speaks up after hes a millionaire! lol.....if anybody paid him it was the the other teams as much as he fumbled!
I have no issues with my morals. Maybe you should recheck yours

I am not talking about how you live your life. I live a pretty good life, but I could always do better. You just never come out and say.."Yeah that was crappy thing to do"
This should affect UT about the same way it affected aTm.

The whole money issue has already affected UT more. Johnny Autograph sat out half a game. Mo Couch will sit out at least two games and more than likely won't play for UT again. Minimal fallout from Arian, but we don't need former players making us look bad.
Funny to me that Arian's dad was the General Manager of AmeriSuites in Brentwood at this time. His office was covered in pics of Arian at UT. It's not like his dad was broke or not a part of his life.

Well now, that couldn't be true because it would mess up his sob story...:whistling:
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so his goal seems to be removing the "snitch" label and allowing guys to obtain what he got thru legit means. Why is this so bad? The only reason anyone is calling him names is because he decided to go to UT. Seems petty IMO

by the above posts comparing him to a criminal and calling him stupid I assume you don't think much of him for taking money. Does that apply to all college athletes?

He's not on some Gandhi style mission trip here. There is not some issue of human suffering taking place. He believed he deserved more, he took more now he's justifying it for us all.

Spare me if I do not take empathy in his "plight"
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There's also an issue that no one wants to talk about, and that is the sales job done on this lower-income high school athletes while they are being recruited. They are being lured with the idea that if they go to this school or that university, the right decision will lead them to the riches of the NFL and they will be set for life.

Sure, most of us understand the value of a college education and the fact the odds are so steeply stacked against being one of the lucky ones to make it to the NFL. But, imagine for a moment what these kids are being told or led to believe when they are 17 & 18 years old? While we think this is so cut and dried, we are looking at it from our perspectives without walking in their shoes for even a moment.

Billions of $ are generated by college football and basketball, billions are paid to conferences like the SEC to televise their games, entire television networks are being created to promote college sports, but we want to get on our high horses because kids like Arian Foster got a big bag of tacos?

Does this sound at all reasonable, much less equitable? I'm not sure where I stand on paying these kids as illegal crap will still continue, but I think all of us can agree the current system is exploitative and least from the perspective of the kids who are putting on the uniforms to entertain us.
Please! Will the next former/current athlete to admit being paid, not be a Volunteer or even SEC. Let's throw some heat towards the ACC and BIG and PAC12.

ncaa...your reality check bounced again! The only way you can control this is if you give the athletes a small stipend each month. Start with Football and bball as they are the most suseptible.
Well now, that couldn't be true because it would mess up his sob story...:whistling:

I worked for FEDEX at that time. Delivered to him everyday. We would talk about Arian every time I went in the place. He transferred from Cali. to be closer to his son.
I understand what he's saying. Anybody would feel the same if they were performing/working for nothing & somebody else was getting paid a ton of money.

I understand what he was saying too. Fulmer was a professional doing a job. Foster was a student athlete. That's life. Again, I don't care that he took money. Doesn't bother me one bit. Just man up and own it for what it was.
Trying to stir the pot? Isn't that being selfish? If you aren't selfish, then you don't make it a story. I think your answer contradicted itself.

I don't understand how it is selfish, you will have to inform me. If anything it is selfless because he knew full well that he would alienate a HUGE portion of the UT fanbase by doing this and thus reducing his own popularity and image.

He just stood up and admitted he was a cheater.
the NCAA wants nothing to do with this. Can you imagine taking a school down because the players had to buy food to live? Not good PR

besides, if they come after UT for these small amounts they'll have to visit every D-I campus in the country

They helped get our basketball coach fired over having a recruit at a cookout.

I wouldn't discount the inability of the NCAA to exercise common sense.

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