Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

He said, "I don't know if this will get Tennessee in trouble or not...." He knew it would and said it anyway.

Are we going to get the death penalty for 50 Tacos?

He never implies outside of Tacogate that the University of Tennessee gave him any money.

And even if they did then UT broke the rules and it serves them right to pay the price. Cheating is cheating, even if I disagree with the principle of the matter.

Are you sure that you aren't being a little bit bias?
So wouldn't all this make the NCAA a sweat shop??? I mean come on, yes they give educations, but that's like pennies on the dollar to what they make... And think of people like Inky Johnson, and the kid from Rutgers.. The kids that get nothing in return after they give there all...

The NCAA is just as bad if not worse than any sweat shop!!
yes, i would ban arian from campus as he may try to slip money to current players or recruits, like that former bama player. ban him for life and give him a hat and shirt that says banned for life with $$$ just behind the font.
I don't understand how it is selfish, you will have to inform me. If anything it is selfless because he knew full well that he would alienate a HUGE portion of the UT fanbase by doing this and thus reducing his own popularity and image.

He just stood up and admitted he was a cheater.

Because he knows he has immunity from the scenario. If he was selfless he'd hire a lobbyist on behalf of these poor disenfranchised athletes.
While I agree the NCAA and the Universities are making millions off these kids...Sorry there is no way to make a pay for play fair. Not to mention these kids know what they sign up for. They can play dumb all they want...They are using the universities just as much as the universities are using them. This is a two way street. Both sides have valid points. Although at the end of the day you still have the same issue.


I agree at the present time there is no fair "pay for play" concept that I've read or heard, but to say these kids are using the institution of college football on an equal basis is disingenous at best. No way the Arian Fosters of the world are on the same level as Mike Slive, Mark Emert and their cohorts.

The system is screwed up and until the smart guys get in a room to figure it out, these sorts of stories are going to keep coming out and probably at an escalating rate...we should expect nothing less.
Nothing will come of this. How many times has some former player come out and said they got paid while at X school. Unless there is a paper trail then there isn't anything to investigate.
These kids sign a LOI knowing its against the rules to take money. They aren't tricked in to anything.

And that makes it right? The disconnect comes from being able to say "Fulmer is a professional, he can therefore be paid $4+ million a year" while saying "The athletes are amateur 'student-athletes', they should not be compensated."

There is absolutely nothing "amateur" about SEC football. The players learn this very quickly. So why treat them like "amateurs" while everyone around them profits?
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You cannot give athletes a stipend. The current NCAA President tried to pass a $2,000 a month per diem and it was turned down by the majority of NCAA institutions. Why?? Because while Athletic Depts make "millions", they also spend "millions" on athletes.

Everyone thinks athletic departments roll in revenue, but the truth is very few turn a profit and football is used to subsidize the other sport programs. The vast majority of athletic departments borrow money from the academic side.

Also, go ahead and pay football players since some of their programs turn a profit --- then get ready to see women collegiate athletes in court over Title IX sex discrimination/benefits lawsuits along with possibly non-revenue producing male sports.

Lets say the women win (and also the non-revenue producing sports for men) --- how will universities cover the cost to pay these athletes?

Hike tuition on the normal student on the academic side so a women's tennis player (3rd string punter, lacrosse player, etc) that no one cares about can have a scholarship, pell grant money, housing, food, book costs covered, etc with $2,000 a month while the academic student majoring in the same thing is forced to pay even more.

Paying college athletes is Pandora's box and it's going to be a massive train wreck on collegiate sports.

Also, would paying student athletes really stop players from taking extra benefits? Look at the accusations recently --- luxury cars, $1,000 suits, 10K for autographs. Would 1K or 2K a month curtail that?

Everyone pushing pay for play harps on the student athletes making money for the universities (Peyton, Manziel, Tebow), but what about the student athletes costing the university money? Anyone dying to have current third teamer jerseys? Anyone care about them other than potential "depth" until they are recruited over and seemingly disappear?
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Ridiculous that so many fans feel that college athletes need pay. Yes, money is made. They don't have to have a cut of it. If that is your best rationale, several 5-yr olds need to be cut a weekly check from YMCA. Get your education and be thankful. Play football, or don't. And quit whining.

I understand your rationale but a small stipend of about $2-300 a month is reasonable. Many of these athletes come from dirt poor families and they aren't going to get any support from them. Plus with all the practice and school, athletes don't have the time to take up a university job. Maybe we would have a few less stolen laptops and attempted robberies if these guys would have had a little pocket money.

I know when I was a lowly E-2 in the Air Force, they didn't give us money for food because we had the chow hall which had the same boring, bland food choices every week. I scrapped up enough to go out and eat somewhere else, McD, Mex, etc just to keep my sanity.
Let me see if I understand this. We have a 21 year old kid who probably wants to spend his money going to bars and getting laid rather than paying the rent or buying food and he ends up short at the end of the month.

Sounds like college to me. I think I can remember back that far.

How is it either the university's or the NCAA's fault?

Arian needs to keep his mouth shut.
And that makes it right? The disconnect comes from being able to say "Fulmer is a professional, he can therefore be paid $4+ million a year" while saying "The athletes are amateur 'student-athletes', they should not be compensated."

There is absolutely nothing "amateur" about SEC football. The players learn this very quickly. So why treat them like "amateurs" while everyone around them profits?
You mind laying out a plan for player compensation relative to profit gained from their playing?
Huh? I didn't implicate him for anything and I'm not mad at him for fumbling. It was a decade ago, and I wasn't even there.

Then what else can this mean other than an implication that you think he is doing this to UT with no purpose outside malice?

"Fans booed him when he fumbled. Again and again. At the goal line. He's carrying a grudge. Seemed like he was getting over it, but apparently not."
Don't know about you guys but I blame Arian for putting this ice cold Coors Light in my hand at 3:30 in the afternoon. And I will not be fumbling it. I will be funneling it.
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The only thing I'm mad about is the timing. Right before Florida?!?!?!?! Really?!?!?!?
I may be wrong, but I thought they got a meal plan at Gibbs with dining dollars.

On the other hand, how big of a deal is it for a coach to buy the guy some tacos? I'm sure that's not gonna lore 5-star athletes here.

The big deal is it is against NCAA rules. It is just like some of the laws that are on the books today. They may not be liked by some people, but you can go to jail if you break them. Unfortunately, some people think they are above the rule and laws. They think only about themselves and not about the society in which they live.
The big deal is it is against NCAA rules. It is just like some of the laws that are on the books today. They may not be liked by some people, but you can go to jail if you break them. Unfortunately, some people think they are above the rule and laws. They think only about themselves and not about the society in which they live.

Just so you know, that would apply to the coach that brought them the Tacos too.

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