Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

And that makes it right? The disconnect comes from being able to say "Fulmer is a professional, he can therefore be paid $4+ million a year" while saying "The athletes are amateur 'student-athletes', they should not be compensated."

There is absolutely nothing "amateur" about SEC football. The players learn this very quickly. So why treat them like "amateurs" while everyone around them profits?

Do you not understand what legitimate pay for play will do to CFB? You are obviously a fan. So why do you want to destroy it? All that will happen is the big money schools will get ALL the best players.
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And the fact that he had to lie about a cookout makes sense to you?

It's rhetorical. I don't care if you answer or not.

He didn't have to lie about it, it would've just been a slap on the wrist like the thousand of other minor recruiting violations each year if he hadn't been a dumbass and lied about it
There's also an issue that no one wants to talk about, and that is the sales job done on this lower-income high school athletes while they are being recruited. They are being lured with the idea that if they go to this school or that university, the right decision will lead them to the riches of the NFL and they will be set for life.

Sure, most of us understand the value of a college education and the fact the odds are so steeply stacked against being one of the lucky ones to make it to the NFL. But, imagine for a moment what these kids are being told or led to believe when they are 17 & 18 years old? While we think this is so cut and dried, we are looking at it from our perspectives without walking in their shoes for even a moment.

Billions of $ are generated by college football and basketball, billions are paid to conferences like the SEC to televise their games, entire television networks are being created to promote college sports, but we want to get on our high horses because kids like Arian Foster got a big bag of tacos?

Does this sound at all reasonable, much less equitable? I'm not sure where I stand on paying these kids as illegal crap will still continue, but I think all of us can agree the current system is exploitative and least from the perspective of the kids who are putting on the uniforms to entertain us.

When I think about this issue I have to take a step back and be clear about the reality from both sides of the argument. Sure, the NCAA makes millions off of student athletes. They sit in a pretty sweet spot knowing that kids HAVE to go to college for at least a couple years before they can go to the NFL.

The second thing to remember is that guys like AF and other big time college athletes want to make this a student athlete versus the system thing. But in reality there are only 5-10 student athletes per university that can truly claim that the university made money because of THEM specifically. The vast majority of collegiate athletes get a pretty damn sweet deal. If you play tennis or golf or baseball or volleyball, swimming etc you get a free education, free food, and all the while you play a sport you like knowing pretty well that it isnt going to lead to a professional sports career making millions of dollars and the university is making almost no money off of your sport (probably losing money).

So in reality we are talking about 5-10 guys per school versus the NCAA.

Now lets examine those guys, the caliber of athlete that actually makes people pay to come see them. Most if not all of this caliber athlete hold absolutely no loyalty to the university that they play for. they see it for what it is. I have to do this in order to make it to the NFL. They USE the university to get national exposure and then split as soon as they can. They never intended to actually get an education (that is paid for). They would never even go to school if they didnt have to.

These "student-athletes" exploit the system for their own gain. the universities exploit these kids for the 2-3 years that they remain in school before bolting to the NFL. Its a win-win for everyone. Without the university of Tennessee (or insert university name here) nobody in the world would know Arian Foster's name except for his momma.
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If Fulmer showed up with 50 tacos, how many would you think he bought to start with?

That is why this isn't an NCAA violation. Arian was just telling a story about him being hungry and bringing over 50 tacos. The person doing the reporting obviously withheld the fact that all 50 tacos were for Fulmer and he ate them in front of the players. That is why Arian and Fulmer had such a falling out. Duh

I agree at the present time there is no fair "pay for play" concept that I've read or heard, but to say these kids are using the institution of college football on an equal basis is disingenous at best. No way the Arian Fosters of the world are on the same level as Mike Slive, Mark Emert and their cohorts.

The system is screwed up and until the smart guys get in a room to figure it out, these sorts of stories are going to keep coming out and probably at an escalating rate...we should expect nothing less.

I'm not going to debate pay for play but how does a guy that took money when he shouldn't make a good poster child for this topic? What about the guy that didn't and has examples of where he really needed to? What about op ed pieces on student athletes struggling to cope with it all. Bottom line whether they deserve more money or not is certainly open for debate but his presumed argument that he was hungry with nothing in the fridge is a joke.
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What a dildo. Look In 91 while I was living in Hess, had no AC, was sweating my butt off next to a radiator, had fireworks going off in hallways when I tried to study, and at one point was living off frozen burritos from Sams....(cooked on that same radiator I might add) I would go visit my friend in Gibbs.....who was eating at the the absolute BEST cafeteria on campus, full of the best damn food, was making appointments with house keeping to have their dorm room carpet shampooed, and had the quietest dorm, perfect for actually studying and getting your degree.....they DID in fact have steak on game days as I recall at their cafeteria. Not to mention merely being on the football team meant you usually were taken care of when out with friends or eating pizza etc...

:cray: Boo mother ****ing hoo..... such a rough existence.

Now the very few players with families, I might can empathize with more. If they want to make new rules allowing for some sort of small payment or I like the idea of a low interest loan better myself, then by all means do it... I'm for it.... But I'll be damned if I feel sorry for a guy living at Gibbs eating at their super cafeteria getting the midnight munchies and so asks for money and risks the team. That he wants to talk smack now is pitiful. Hope he got him a good as hell jelly doughnut with that cash.

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He's not on some Gandhi style mission trip here. There is not some issue of human suffering taking place. He believed he deserved more, he took more now he's justifying it for us all.

Spare me if I do not take empathy in his "plight"

And Arian said upon the NCAA:

"Set my Tacos free"
This to may pass but with Mo and T. Bray stories being semi fresh and then this....I would suspect that the NCAA will start snooping around in Knoxville very soon. I think we are cursed. I don't know how else to explain the happenings that surround the program. 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. SMH.

It's the "Fulmer" curse. He cursed this place on his way out.
the NCAA wants nothing to do with this. Can you imagine taking a school down because the players had to buy food to live? Not good PR

besides, if they come after UT for these small amounts they'll have to visit every D-I campus in the country

If the NCAA comes UT should hire Johnny Football's Lawyers. Those guys got something that scares the hell out of the NCAA.
Are we going to get the death penalty for 50 Tacos?

He never implies outside of Tacogate that the University of Tennessee gave him any money.

And even if they did then UT broke the rules and it serves them right to pay the price. Cheating is cheating, even if I disagree with the principle of the matter.

Are you sure that you aren't being a little bit bias?

I'm not being biased. I've said multiple times I don't care that he took money. I don't believe his motives are genuine.
Maybe it's time to cut all these bas****s loose. Only give scholarships to guys who actually want to get an education. Quit spending millions on coaches and facilities, and all the other money grubbers in ADs. Then actually use the money generated to further education. Then let all these jackarses have to fend for themselves.

When I think about this issue I have to take a step back and be clear about the reality from both sides of the argument. Sure, the NCAA makes millions off of student athletes. They sit in a pretty sweet spot knowing that kids HAVE to go to college for at least a couple years before they can go to the NFL.

The second thing to remember is that guys like AF and other big time college athletes want to make this a student athlete versus the system thing. But in reality there are only 5-10 student athletes per university that can truly claim that the university made money because of THEM specifically. The vast majority of collegiate athletes get a pretty damn sweet deal. If you play tennis or golf or baseball or volleyball, swimming etc you get a free education, free food, and all the while you play a sport you like knowing pretty well that it isnt going to lead to a professional sports career making millions of dollars and the university is making almost no money off of your sport (probably losing money).

So in reality we are talking about 5-10 guys per school versus the NCAA.

Now lets examine those guys, the caliber of athlete that actually makes people pay to come see them. Most if not all of this caliber athlete hold absolutely no loyalty to the university that they play for. they see it for what it is. I have to do this in order to make it to the NFL. They USE the university to get national exposure and then split as soon as they can. They never intended to actually get an education (that is paid for). They would never even go to school if they didnt have to.

These "student-athletes" exploit the system for their own gain. the universities exploit these kids for the 2-3 years that they remain in school before bolting to the NFL. Its a win-win for everyone. Without the university of Tennessee (or insert university name here) nobody in the world would know Arian Foster's name except for his momma.

That is what I was trying to say, but you said it better. Cut the mercenaries loose. In the AD and on the field.
HBO did a special about Auburn players getting 100's to 1000's of dollars after each game in brown paper bags. Has the 2A done anything about that????
Honestly I would have to say that Arian Foster was my least favorite former player before this story came out. Aside from the fumbles he never gave 100 percent after his freshman year. He just laid down . I can't respect someone who gives no effort.
I guess he thinks that telling his story makes him look "intelligent" , but buy me some food or I will do something stupid? That's acting like a 5 year old kid.
Makes me wish Montario Hardesty had never blew his knee out. He was a better back and he played like he wanted to be here, and that's something you couldn't say about foster.
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Ridiculous that so many fans feel that college athletes need pay. Yes, money is made. They don't have to have a cut of it. If that is your best rationale, several 5-yr olds need to be cut a weekly check from YMCA. Get your education and be thankful. Play football, or don't. And quit whining.

You don't understand......they are being forced to play football against their will. At least that's how it sounds listening to Foster supporters.
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He didn't have to lie about it, it would've just been a slap on the wrist like the thousand of other minor recruiting violations each year if he hadn't been a dumbass and lied about it

You and a couple of others are totally missing my point.

The fact that a d-mned cookout or someone making a run for the border is against NCAA rules shows how asinine the organization is.

Pearl lied about it and compound the problem. I get that.

The fact that he had to lie about it in the first place was stupid.

And to go back to my first post here, I wouldn't discount anything the NCAA could pull on UT over these stories.
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I think it's just more bad luck. Foster has always been an outspoken guy who says whatever he's thinking. Bray and Couch (and the two Miss State players) looked like collateral damage Yahoo found while doing a story about DJ Fluker. Bad luck that they all went to UT. I think.

How much bad luck can one school have? We have got to be running out of bad luck soon, we have had nothing but since 2005 (with a one season expection).
Do you not understand what legitimate pay for play will do to CFB? You are obviously a fan. So why do you want to destroy it? All that will happen is the big money schools will get ALL the best players.

I understand what it would do. But my point is simple: Dont rag on the ****ing kid from the hood who takes money he rightfully should be paid (and more) and then call him "greedy" or some bull****. These kids are going out there putting their bodies on the line while ESPN and the NCAA makes millions off their names, but hey, they are "compensated" with a free education which they are in reality pushed away from because everyone knows that they are there to play football first and foremost. The coaches and administration dont give a rats ass about the "STUDENT" part of the equation. You think Saban, Butch Jones, etc. want their kids trying to be Engineers and Doctors LMAO? No, they want them majoring in the easiest, most useless degrees so that they can spend all day at their real JOBS: Football. These kids are conditioned from HS to be aware that they are football players.

The issue is the mirage of the "Student-Athlete" label which allows the NCAA and Networks to exploit these kids for profit. It is a farce.
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