Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

Doesn't the NCAA may have a rule the preventing athletes from having a job? Their lame attempt to prevent athletes from cush jobs where alumni pay lots to do little.

Either way, doesn't a full ride include a meal ticket to the training table?

Players can work during the summer and off season. And they still get Cush jobs. I know first hand that players are treated well. Foster is being a duche.
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I understand what it would do. But my point is simple: Dont rag on the ****ing kid from the hood who takes money he rightfully should be paid (and more) and then call him "greedy" or some bull****. These kids are going out there putting their bodies on the line while ESPN and the NCAA makes millions off their names, but hey, they are "compensated" with a free education which they are in reality pushed away from because everyone knows that they are there to play football first and foremost. The coaches and administration dont give a rats ass about the "STUDENT" part of the equation. You think Saban, Butch Jones, etc. want their kids trying to be Engineers and Doctors LMAO? No, they want them majoring in the easiest, most useless degrees so that they can spend all day at their real JOBS: Football. These kids are conditioned from HS to be aware that they are football players.

The issue is the mirage of the "Student-Athlete" label which allows the NCAA and Networks to exploit these kids for profit. It is a farce.

This is College football. Not the NFL.
I understand what it would do. But my point is simple: Dont rag on the ****ing kid from the hood who takes money he rightfully should be paid (and more) and then call him "greedy" or some bull****. These kids are going out there putting their bodies on the line while ESPN and the NCAA makes millions off their names, but hey, they are "compensated" with a free education which they are in reality pushed away from because everyone knows that they are there to play football first and foremost. The coaches and administration dont give a rats ass about the "STUDENT" part of the equation. You think Saban, Butch Jones, etc. want their kids trying to be Engineers and Doctors LMAO? No, they want them majoring in the easiest, most useless degrees so that they can spend all day at their real JOBS: Football. These kids are conditioned from HS to be aware that they are football players.

The issue is the mirage of the "Student-Athlete" label which allows the NCAA and Networks to exploit these kids for profit. It is a farce.

These kids arent putting their bodies on the line. They are putting their bodies on DISPLAY for the NFL scouts to see.

If the NFL were like the NBA and kids could skip college an go to the pros this wouldnt even be discussed. These kids know damn well the benefit they get from playing 1-2 years of college ball gets them in the end. They have ZERO loyalty to their programs (case in point, Arian Foster). They do it for one reason only and they make out big time.

If you were good at something and somebody told you... "hey kid, come do that over hear for a couple years and you'll then be able to go on and make millions upon millions, would you complain about getting the opportunity, even if it cost you a little bit? What if YOU actually had to pay them to play football? "Hey, pay us $1000 to play football for a year an then NFL will pay you $1,000,000 when you're done. I'd still do it even if I had to pay $10,000 to play.
When I think about this issue I have to take a step back and be clear about the reality from both sides of the argument. Sure, the NCAA makes millions off of student athletes. They sit in a pretty sweet spot knowing that kids HAVE to go to college for at least a couple years before they can go to the NFL.

The second thing to remember is that guys like AF and other big time college athletes want to make this a student athlete versus the system thing. But in reality there are only 5-10 student athletes per university that can truly claim that the university made money because of THEM specifically. The vast majority of collegiate athletes get a pretty damn sweet deal. If you play tennis or golf or baseball or volleyball, swimming etc you get a free education, free food, and all the while you play a sport you like knowing pretty well that it isnt going to lead to a professional sports career making millions of dollars and the university is making almost no money off of your sport (probably losing money).

So in reality we are talking about 5-10 guys per school versus the NCAA.

Now lets examine those guys, the caliber of athlete that actually makes people pay to come see them. Most if not all of this caliber athlete hold absolutely no loyalty to the university that they play for. they see it for what it is. I have to do this in order to make it to the NFL. They USE the university to get national exposure and then split as soon as they can. They never intended to actually get an education (that is paid for). They would never even go to school if they didnt have to.

These "student-athletes" exploit the system for their own gain. the universities exploit these kids for the 2-3 years that they remain in school before bolting to the NFL. Its a win-win for everyone. Without the university of Tennessee (or insert university name here) nobody in the world would know Arian Foster's name except for his momma.

I like this post and is mostly well thought out. 2 questions though:

Is it ethical to have RICH (not just a little) businessmen profiting from those who can barely eat (I fully recognize better decisions could have been made by AF to avoid "starving")? I had the meal plan each year I was on campus and by the time November and December rolled around funds were getting lean. The athletes aren't allowed to have a job. We can't expect them to be robots and have no life outside of school, school provided food and their respective sport. That doesn't sound like a free education to me.

Does anyone buy tickets to college games based only on the top players? I do with the NFL (Broncos vs. Falcons last year), but not the BIG ORANGE. I enjoy watching the team play, the orange, the fans cheering. Every player has a beef (pun intended!) with the NCAA. They are all part of a whole product.
What I find shocking is that people are shocked that a player would take money, er, tacos on the side.
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I don't think Foster ever cared about UT. He couldn't care less if the program gets into trouble. Why would a former player say something that might negatively impact current or future players? Selfish on his part.
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Does anyone buy tickets to college games based only on the top players? I do with the NFL (Broncos vs. Falcons last year), but not the BIG ORANGE. I enjoy watching the team play, the orange, the fans cheering. Every player has a beef (pun intended!) with the NCAA. They are all part of a whole product.

You made my point. You arent going to the games and buying tickets and food and souvenirs because of Arian Foster. You are buying them because of University of Tennessee football. It wouldnt matter what the name on the back of the jersey is, you would still go to the games. So the university isnt making money off the player, they are making money off the brand name. They are making money off the loyalty of fans to the program.
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I don't think Foster ever cared about UT. He couldn't care less if the program gets into trouble. Why would a former player say something that might negatively impact current or future players? Selfish on his part.

Most if not all big time D1 athletes are the same way. College sports is just a means to an end (the end being the NFL). If they could get to the NFL and bypass college, then your school can go to hell for all they care. Just remember that.
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You and a couple of others are totally missing my point.

The fact that a d-mned cookout or someone making a run for the border is against NCAA rules shows how asinine the organization is.

Pearl lied about it and compound the problem. I get that.

The fact that he had to lie about it in the first place was stupid.

And to go back to my first post here, I wouldn't discount anything the NCAA could pull on UT over these stories.

Well said, we say they get a "free" education, but they can't go to a cookout or have anyone pay it forward to them? Anytime I was hanging at my friends house they gave me food, brought take out home etc. But this organization says, no you can't be normal on that simple of a level. I am not saying they start making tons of money, but something needs to be done to allow student-athletes to live their life instead of being owned for 3-4 years.
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The hits just keep on coming. wow. This is sad and not what I wanted to hear on a friday afternoon before a florida game.

I will never trash Foster, rather the boosters who paid him. #VFL


I thought only good players got paid. LOL. Arain Foster sucked it up when he was at UT then he goes to the nfl and blows up. Go figure
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Well said, we say they get a "free" education, but they can't go to a cookout or have anyone pay it forward to them? Anytime I was hanging at my friends house they gave me food, brought take out home etc. But this organization says, no you can't be normal on that simple of a level. I am not saying they start making tons of money, but something needs to be done to allow student-athletes to live their life instead of being owned for 3-4 years.

Because they aren't normal. Normal college kids go to cookouts. Football players fly all over the country to play a game.
Well said, we say they get a "free" education, but they can't go to a cookout or have anyone pay it forward to them? Anytime I was hanging at my friends house they gave me food, brought take out home etc. But this organization says, no you can't be normal on that simple of a level. I am not saying they start making tons of money, but something needs to be done to allow student-athletes to live their life instead of being owned for 3-4 years.

The emotional connection to the game (not the athlete) is the real issue. The willingness of boosters to "buy" players is the thing that keeps athletes from living like other college students. But at the end of the day, college football is what it is. Its just different. I'm really good at my job, but I dont have boosters lined up willing to pay me millions of dollars for me to do my job for them. Probably because I cannot bring their school a personally coveted championship. You cant treat thee athletes like everyone else because the situation they are in isnt anywhere near what the rest of society is like.
It isn't fair that football players get a free education, books room and board, while "normal" students have to take out loans while those "fat cats" get all the benefits, for what? To get beat by 45 points on Saturday?

Maybe they should pay the university for that kind of production. . .

sarcasm off/
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Funny. The billions of dollars in revenues being thrown around makes it look pretty similar to me. But you are right, this is "College".

The billions of dollars are made off of us..CFB fans. We are fans of particular teams because of different reasons, but because of certain players is hardly ever one of the reasons. The money is made because we watch our teams play whether they suck or not. It is not a personality driven business. If anyone should be pissed it is us, the ones who can barely afford to go to games anymore. My 3 kids are killing themselves right now to get a college education. Screw these bastards that think the opportunity is nothing more than toilet paper.
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The hits just keep on coming. wow. This is sad and not what I wanted to hear on a friday afternoon before a florida game.

I will never trash Foster, rather the boosters who paid him. #VFL



You know, I would agree with your statement from a fan perspective...

but how many players are on the take now and just haven't been named? And most players are want some type of compensation, so I don't believe that this will serve as a distraction to the team.

At first glance, this looks to me like another file in the case against the NCAA and their policies. I am fairly certain his intent was to help players not throw the University under the bus.

I agree with the earlier poster who said it is time we have super conferences and remove ourselves from NCAA affiliation.
These kids arent putting their bodies on the line. They are putting their bodies on DISPLAY for the NFL scouts to see.

So they are putting their well being on "display" for free, in the off chance that an organization may in the future compensate them? What a great deal!

The NFL is another big winner in this equation. They get a free minor-league system without having to pay a dime.
I'm sorry, but what did Arian Foster ever do for the University of Tennessee. I dont see any championships from 2005 to 2009. I see a lot of embarrassment. Sorry Arian, nobody owes you sh!t.

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