Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

this is where baseball gets it right. If there was a plausible minor league system for football, the kids that wanted an education would still come to college, but the kids who have no real interest in getting an education would have an option. That would take care of this issue. But as it sits right now, kids who want to play professional football have to go to college and the NFL and NCAA wants to keep it this way. The NCAA and colleges take in the money without any real cost to them. Plus they know that if there were a minor league system they would not have all of the top athletes playing on their uniforms and fans would know and rating could and would drop. The NFL gets a minor league system without spending a penny. Everyone wins, but the player who is good enough to okay pro ball who has no interest in an education.
Student athletes aren't "employees." You're student athletes, just like any other student who plays any other sport for The University of Tennessee. When you start throwing around the word employee it implies that the person deserves a salary. You cant pay players of one sport without paying the players of another sport, and we all know we cant pay every single student athlete on campus. You play high school ball to hopefully get recruited to play college ball. You play college ball to hopefully get drafted to play in the NFL. You play in the NFL for a LIVING. Thats when you deserve to get paid. HOWEVER, these players do need some type of unlimited eating plan. I think a 24 hour dining hall would be a great idea.

You can talk your way around it all you want. College football players are capital in a business that generates hundreds of millions of dollars based on the their work. It is a ridiculous loop hole in capitalism created by the circumstances of public education. Millions of dollars are generated by customers who pay to watch players play. No players=no millions of dollars. So instead of giving the millions of dollars to the people that responsible for generating it we give ridiculous salaries to coaches and spread the rest around the athletic department and throughout the academic departments in the college. College institutions take advantage of the situation these young athletes are put into. Its sad.
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You can talk your way around it all you want. College football players are capital in a business that generates hundreds of millions of dollars based on the their work. It is a ridiculous loop hole in capitalism created by the circumstances of public education. Millions of dollars are generated by customers who pay to watch players play. No players=no millions of dollars. So instead of giving the millions of dollars to the people that responsible for generating it we give ridiculous salaries to coaches and spread the rest around the athletic department and throughout the academic departments in the college. College institutions take advantage of the situation these young athletes are put into. Its sad.

Try several billion dollars....
How long till the common fan gets sick of the mercenary, and gives up on all big time sports? We want to see players who play for the love of the game, the guys who would play if all they could get was Arena ball wages. They ***** and moan for a bigger piece of the pie. We should be the ones *****ing and moaning.

Cant tell if you meant this seriously or as sarcasm? Apple, Inc. has just released a similar statement. They are tired of there workers showing up every day for just a salary!! Some even leave them and go work for somebody who offers them a higher salary!! Blasphemy! Apple, Inc. is looking for workers who will show up to work every day just for the love of cell phone and tablet technology.
this is where baseball gets it right. If there was a plausible minor league system for football, the kids that wanted an education would still come to college, but the kids who have no real interest in getting an education would have an option. That would take care of this issue. But as it sits right now, kids who want to play professional football have to go to college and the NFL and NCAA wants to keep it this way. The NCAA and colleges take in the money without any real cost to them. Plus they know that if there were a minor league system they would not have all of the top athletes playing on their uniforms and fans would know and rating could and would drop. The NFL gets a minor league system without spending a penny. Everyone wins, but the player who is good enough to okay pro ball who has no interest in an education.

Once again...CFB fans are fans of teams, not personalities. The personalities are followed because of the relationship to the fanbase. CFB fans are going to follow their teams whether there is a minor league or not. That is the problem, The NFL knows it would be a massive, money losing expenditure. A football minor league would not be a fart in a whirlwind against CFB.
You can talk your way around it all you want. College football players are capital in a business that generates hundreds of millions of dollars based on the their work. It is a ridiculous loop hole in capitalism created by the circumstances of public education. Millions of dollars are generated by customers who pay to watch players play. No players=no millions of dollars. So instead of giving the millions of dollars to the people that responsible for generating it we give ridiculous salaries to coaches and spread the rest around the athletic department and throughout the academic departments in the college. College institutions take advantage of the situation these young athletes are put into. Its sad.

Ok, tell law firms to pay all their interns. Tell all school systems to pay all their student teachers. Tell all doctors/hospitals to pay the med students in the clinicals. All these people make money (or save money) for these places and don't get paid. Why? Because they have to do to get the job they want later in life.
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Cant tell if you meant this seriously or as sarcasm? Apple, Inc. has just released a similar statement. They are tired of there workers showing up every day for just a salary!! Some even leave them and go work for somebody who offers them a higher salary!! Blasphemy! Apple, Inc. is looking for workers who will show up to work every day just for the love of cell phone and tablet technology.

This is retarded. That is no justifiable comparison. This is the problem. Sports is unlike any other business. And particularly CFB.
Arian, you may think you just helped the cause to get funds for college atheletes. However, your arrogance and misguided feelings of entitlement just opened a serious can of worms.

You just threw the university, previous coaches, current players and fan base under the bus. I hope you feel better now a$$hol3.

I truly hope the university tells you to never darken the campus again.

Yes, I know your mom frequents this board sometimes. I dont care.

Should players get a small stipend? Probably, yes. How you handled this was selfish and will harm current players at the school instead of helping.

You handled this about as well as you handled the ball in the red zone, horribly. This will go down as the worst of many fumbles you contributed to the program.
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Ok, tell law firms to pay all their interns. Tell all school systems to pay all their student teachers. Tell all doctors/hospitals to pay the med students in the clinicals. All these people make money (or save money) for these places and don't get paid. Why? Because they have to do to get the job they want later in life.

I was on the meal plan. Good eating Mon-Fri. Sat and Sun I was on my own and had no money. Mostly starved on weekends and often went to bed early on Sun just so Monday morning would hurry up and get here so I could eat. So, I got no sympathy for Arian on this one.

Football players were given money when Gibbs was closed. It was like $25 on Sunday. Just sayn'
Mr Gatti's buffet every Sunday. We used to eat nap eat again and watch games every Sunday! And eat again...
I hope he blows his knee out, and his career is over.. goes broke and has to live in the streets... is this poor taste by me? Yeah probably, but he is gonna get this university in a whole lot of trouble. .
"Foster said Friday he considered the repercussions of his actions and how they might impact Tennessee, which is on NCAA probation through Aug. 23, 2015. He decided the rewards were greater than the risks."

From the article.

I'm done with Arian. This was a punk move. He's knows that there are ZERO possible repercussions for him, and he clearly doesn't give one damn about UT.

The coach that gave him the tacos should have told him that it had been a pleasure having him at the university and that he wished him well on his move out of the athletic dorm and on his future elsewhere.
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